Just so you know! I think this baby blue one is the CUTEST YET. And the gray is pretty awesome too! AHEM, Sesame Street, I’m ready for you to come out with a doll already! And a children’s book (available on Kindle and V-Tech, too!) and more segments involving this adorable doll. If there’s any…
natural hair
Sofn’Free Giveaway Winners!
It seems we’re all dealing with the same kinds of hair issues at this time of year. Dryness, breakage, and just generally weather-caused brittle, weak, damaged tresses. Yes, I feel you and then some. Hard times, who knows better than I? So allow me to offer solutions to your hair moisture issues. Here are the…
Winter Natural Hair Care – My Routine
You may have read this over at Curly Nikki last week during our article swap! If you didn’t, and you’d like to read about my winter hair care routine – here you go! (this has been slightly edited from the previous post!) (like my jacket? It’s by Sejour! expect an epic post soon!) My hair…
12 Days of Giveaways – Day 9. Sofn’free GroHealthy Giveaway!
2010 has been quite a year. Through the ups and downs, you’ve stuck by me and I am thankful for every one of you! To celebrate 4 years of Afrobella, my site being back up and running, happiness and health – I’m giving you 12 Days of Giveaways! On the 9th day of giveaways, Afrobella…
Curly Nikki’s Winter Hair Routine
It’s not official in the calendar yet, but ask anyone who lives up north and they’ll tell you – IT IS WINTER. Here in Chicago it’s cold, blustery, snowy and windy and did I already say cold?? I forgot. Cause it’s so COLD in the C! I’m still new to the winter thing, so I…
Afrobella on Essence.com!
You know when you’ve got big awesome exciting news and you wanna share it, but it isn’t the right time, so you keep it inside yourself and it kinda feels like you’re holding your breath? That’s how I’ve been feeling for oh, a couple of months now. And finally I can exhale and tell you…
Hot Holiday Hairstyles for Natural Hair!
In case you didn’t know, my friend Felicia Leatherwood is a genius with natural hair! Anyone who’s been to one of her Loving Your Hair With Natural Care Workshops can testify! If you are seeking tips for natural hair, you need to be a member of her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter –…
Five Gifts for Proud to be Natural Bellas
We’ve got 24 days till Christmas, so if you’re giving gifts this year the time to shop is NOW! I’ll be sharing my gift ideas until days before the 25th, of items I’ve tried and tested, or just think are worth your time and attention! She’s down to earth and sweet, beautiful and genuine. And…
Even MORE Reasons to LOVE Sesame Street!
I am seriously looking forward to having kids – just so I can share the magic of the Muppets with them. I think Jim Henson was a genius. I grew up loving The Muppet Show and Sesame Street to the point of obsession, so seeing that the Children’s Television Workshop is still continuing the great,…
Huetiful Steamer Natural Hair Review!
You’ve probably seen it on other natural hair blogs, or heard about it on forums. I was lucky enough to host a giveway on Afrobella Radio, and the kind folks at Huetiful sent me a hair steamer of my own to try out! I was pretty skeptical at first. But, here’s my before pic to…