Bellas, I’ve been thinking a lot about health and fitness, my particular issues, and what I need to do to take better care of myself. And I’ve also been thinking a lot about our community of black girls and women around the world. What are we teaching the generation to come? How are we uplifting…
natural hair
Naturally Professional – Tonya Mosley, TV News Reporter
When we first came up with the idea of the Naturally Professional series, the goal was to find a few natural haired women who were willing to share their experiences on and The intent was to prove that despite what has been said – and unfortunately what is still sometimes believed – women…
The Atlanta Whirlwind – Curly Girls Rock!
Bellas, I have been to the mecca of natural hair and it is beautiful! This past weekend, Atlanta was the place to be for anyone with natural hair. Let me take you through the whirlwind, through my eyes! And be forewarned, this will be a VERY photo-heavy post! When I got to ATL on Friday,…
All Royal Wedding’d Out
I can’t wait till Saturday. Here’s why. By Saturday, there’ll be no need for the relentless hype over the Royal Wedding. It’ll be over, we’ll have the photos answering all of our questions, we can ooh and aah over the dress and all the resplendent details, and collectively move on. Because right now, Patrice has…
Up and Coming Natural Hair and Bodycare Companies to Look Out For!
Someone asked me recently if I could name my favorite natural hair companies. I started typing out a list of the usual suspects, the mainstream choices…but then stopped myself. I do still use the most mainstream natural hair products, but I do still very much enjoy supporting the up and comers. The new entrepreneurs who…
Little Girls, BIG Hair
It’s been a while since I’ve shared a photo of Little Afrobella, AKA my niece Dominique. And I’ve shared even fewer of her sister, my even littler niece Isabella. So here’s their official Afrobella reintroduction! Are they not ADORABLE? As you can imagine, it takes quite a bit of patience and love to get their…
Ask Afrobella – Dealing With Flakes
When it comes to Ask Afrobella hair questions, I may try to offer my two cents based on personal experience. But for this very specific Ask Afrobella question, I needed the sage advice of an expert. If you’ve ever dealt with flaky scalp issues, this may help you! Hi, Love your work. Your site is…
Chicago Spa Review: The Peninsula Spa
Spa visits are a luxury to be certain, but I firmly believe that they should be considered more of a necessity. Especially if you’re a busy woman who’s always stressed out and has no time for herself. If I’m describing you and your life right now, I’m telling you – a monthly spa date will…
Afrobella’s Long Overdue Anita Grant Review!
She was one of the very first people to e mail me and say hey, I love your blog and I want to see if I could advertise with you. In 2007, I named her Afrobella of the Week. Her at home DIY skincare tips changed my life. Anita Grant has been a significant part…
Satin Bonnet Struggles
I was just about to take off my makeup and prepare for bed when I saw my Twitter friend Areefuh Stanklin say this: I cackled. Areefuh is always hilarious (as many on Twitter would agree). Her next tweet continued to detail her #satinbonnetstruggles – imagine tying a satin scarf around your satin bonnet to try…