Back in 2010, a little curly ‘froed Muppet on Sesame Street stole my heart and made the rounds of every hair blog on the internet. Who can forget that adorable natural haired Muppet who sang I Love My Hair? Back in 2010, many of us publicly expressed concern that our little Muppet sistren would be…
natural hair
Natural Hair Events, Everywhere!!
I found this photo of a hair show from the 1920’s, featuring the products of Madam CJ Walker, and it struck me. Hair shows and events are a part of our collective history, dating back further than I had assumed. Hair shows have traditionally been about sharing and displaying pride in our unique beauty. And…
Quick, Easy Head Scarf Tutorial!
At my event in Toronto, I had the pleasure of meeting many lovely naturalistas and many of the bellas who attended were entrepreneurs, bloggers and generally interested in fashion and beauty. One of the ladies who I met was the lovely Thomasina Greaves, creator of teeshirt line Love Me As I Am. In addition to…
Party With Kim Coles at Fro Fashion Week TONIGHT!!
Shoutout to my Atlanta bellas! You don’t know how lucky you are. It seems like there’s always a fabulous natural event happening in the A! This week is Fro Fashion Week — September 17-25, and this weekend, the one and only Kim Coles will be hosting an incredible penthouse party to close out the event…
A Question for You
Bellas, I don’t know if there’s a day that goes by, that I don’t get a press release or info, or request for advertising or sponsorship, or even unsolicited product mailed to me…intended for readers with relaxed or straight hair. I get info about wigs and weaves and flat irons and products to make hair…
Natural Hair, On Campus
Full disclosure: I wasn’t in a sorority in college. At the time I was so brand new, so fresh off the boat from the islands, that I honestly didn’t get the concept. In my college experience, sororities seemed snobby and elitist and segregrated. I didn’t see why I would pay money or learn secret handshakes…
Inspiration for Natural Hair Brides
If you look around online, you’ll find inspirational photos of natural haired brides on the best natural hair sites. Curly Nikki and Black Girl With Long Hair both offer regular photo features of natural bridal hairstyles, for ideal example. But every so often you’ll hear about a bride who isn’t down with natural hair at…
My Thoughts on Hair Touching
Maybe you read Los Angelista’s first post from 2009, titled No You Can’t Touch My Hair. Maybe you read the CNN article which highlighted the issue, bringing much thunderous outrage to Los Angelista, What Tami Said, and Womanist Musings. I loved the original posts on Los Angelista, What Tami Said, and Womanist Musings – but…
Afrobella Bride — A Natural Hair Stylist’s Guide on What To Expect for Your Wedding Day ‘Do
I’ve heard quite a few wedding day hair horror stories, bellas. Quite a few tales about the hot stylist who came to the wedding party with her own ideas instead of listening to the bride. Or the hair guru who was less than professional or accomodating considering the stress the bride was going through. Or…
Natural Hair Summer Lovin’
We’ve got 100 degree temperatures happening in Chicago, and my hair is letting me know how it feels about that. It’s not happy. Every day it’s fighting against extreme heat and sweat inducing humidity. Keeping my hair detangled, conditioned and somehow maintaining some kind of curl pattern has been challenging with this weather. As the…