My 90-day challenge with OMRON is coming to an end, and I’ve discovered a new level of adulting. Regularly measuring my blood pressure is a new way of showing up for myself, and I’m learning a lot about myself along the way.
blood pressure
Sticking With It — Creating a Sustainable Healthy Heart Lifestyle
Figuring out the physical and mental lessons of this OMRON 90-day heart health challenge. Measuring my blood pressure on a consistent basis is an exercise in intentional self-care that I had never regularly attempted before.
Intentionally Improving my Blood Pressure — Join Me on This 90 Day Journey
OMRON has challenged me to make a 90-day decision to start a journey towards monitoring and improving my blood pressure. I’m ready. I’m doing it for me, and I’m doing it on the advice from my mom who doesn’t want me to go through what she’s experienced.