The closest thing I can compare this feeling to, is the end of the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy re-awakens in her bed in the black and white world of Kansas. She opens her eyes and sees the people she remembers from Oz, and says “…it wasn’t a dream. It was a place. And…
Absolutely Afrobella
Valentine’s Day Love Advice From This (Old) Married Lady
OK so I’m not OLD. I’m 33 (almost 34 as my husband is quick to point out). 33 isn’t old, but we’ve been happily married for 11 years this year. That’s a long time, especially in this day and age. We got married a few short weeks after graduating from college – I remember studying for finals while…
What My New Media Expo Experience Taught Me
One of the things I’m learning about blogging as a career – there is no set road ahead of you. Many of us are figuring things out as we go along and finding opportunities in unexpected places. Take for example, my recent trip to Las Vegas. I was brought to Vegas to speak at the…
I’m Speaking at Blogworld’s New Media Expo! Vegas, Here I Come
Hey there! It’s the first week of this bright, shiny, brand new year and already I’m writing to you from an airplane. I’m on the way to Las Vegas, where I’ll be speaking at Blogworld’s New Media Expo! My session is on Tuesday morning and it’s titled How To Actually Grow A BIG Brand And…
Trinidad, I’m Coming Home!
They say life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. If you’d asked me months ago, “Patrice, will you be in Trinidad in December?” I would have said no. I had no plans to go back home in the immediate future, but plans were in the works for me. And now…
Behold, the Afrobella Avon E-Boutique!
Hello, Avon shoppers! Have you seen me on the site yet? Here I am! One of the coolest things about being an Avon ambassador is the international reach of the brand. Avon is everywhere! I’ve gotten such sweet messages from all kinds of people from around the world, many of them Avon salespeople,…
Hello, Sun Times!
A few weeks ago I participated in a special photo shoot and couldn’t breathe a word to any of my friends about it. And now the secret’s out! Did you get to see Splash, the brand new Chicago Sun-Times magazine last Sunday? Cause I’m totally in it, right in the middle of the shot! Photo…
Lollapalooza 2012–The Music, The Fashion, The Food, The FUN
I spent this past weekend with hundreds of thousands of music fans and festival lovers, tromping through the mud at Chicago’s own Grant Park. And it’s basically taken me two full days to recover. That was me on Saturday. My tee is by Detroit’s own, indie teeshirt label WordPlay. Check them out – they’re awesome!…
Igigi in New Orleans
New Orleans is like no other city in the world. Steamy, sultry, decadent and delicious, you can feel the history of the city everywhere. It’s in the architecture, the streetcars, the famous food items everyone’s clamoring for. It’s a magical city. Right after Essence Festival weekend, we found some time to escape, explore, and do…
My Personal Highlights of the Essence Music Festival Weekend
I promise you that this is my last Essence Music Festival recap for 2012. It was SUCH a big experience, I had to break it into three blog posts! Like I told you, I had Nothing But FUN! There were SO many epic moments at EMF, photographer Chuck Olu-Alabi took more than 1500 photos. I…