Recently I was reading a list of the world’s best airports (yes, that’s what I do in my spare time), and I noticed that no US airport was anywhere near the top 10. In fact, the top US airport according to the definitive list of the World’s Top 100 Airports is the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky…
Come See Me At The Makeup Show Chicago!
This weekend you may notice a surplus of extra fabulous, beautifully made up men and women in the downtown Chicago area. The Makeup Show Chicago is HERE and its my favorite time of year! Sunday and Monday at the Bridgeport Art Center, there will be informative seminars by some of the makeup industry’s top artists,…
Say Something Nice To Yourself. Today And Every Day
“OMG I’m such an idiot.” “Oh no! I’m the worst!” “I’m no good when it comes to **insert task here**” “I’m sorry!” “I SUCK at **insert thing here**” Does this kind of thing sound familiar to you? Do you say things like this? Do you have friends who say things like this? How often do…
My London Strength Of Nature Brit Beauty Afro Hair Show Experience!
I’ve been blessed by readers and commenters from across the pond since I started this here blog back in 2006. I’ve always had the good fortune to know that Afrobella is read in the USA and the Caribbean, and also there are Afrobella readers in the UK, Europe and beyond. But knowing isn’t seeing and…
Gorgeous New Jewelry For You To Get Into
My husband has learned over the many years of our marriage – I’m not one for generic jewelry. I’m not one who wants him to go to Jared and I don’t believe every kiss begins with Kay. I don’t generally go gaga for the pieces you see on display at the department stores. What…
Natural Hair Confession – I Don’t Really Have A Hair Regimen
When I first went natural, it was all I thought about. I spent so much time in my first three or four years of natural hair, figuring it out. Creating a natural hair regimen can seem daunting at first. The products your hair responded to when it was relaxed, won’t have the same effects…
Experiencing A Different Side of Vegas. Inside The MLife Experience
I’ll admit it, I had a pre-existing prejudice against Las Vegas. It was cemented by the reputation the city had built for itself, branding itself as a perpetual bachelor party that catered to those interested in gambling and indulging in extreme, excessive inebriation. A place for people with something to escape and something to…
Ten Realizations About Being In Your Thirties
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of my friends freaking out about turning 30, or being 30. This year I turned 34, so I think I have a little perspective to share. Not a lot, just a little. Just enough to tell all of you to stop freaking out about turning 30, or being…
5 Reasons To Look Forward To Summer
FINALLY. Finally it seems like the heavy grey veil has been lifted off Chicago. The trees are green again. Flowers are blooming. Every neighborhood café is bustling. This is the time of year that reminds me of why we moved here. Spring has sprung and you can already feel summer coming up around the…
Afrobella Film Review – The Great Gatsby
Because I grew up in Trinidad, I didn’t grow up reading American literature. It was pretty much all British and Caribbean lit until I moved to America and started doing college literature classes. Naturally The Great Gatsby was an early essential, and from the first time I read it I had strong feelings about it. I…