Let it be known far and wide that James Vincent is one of my favorite people in the beauty industry. I’m not the only one who would proclaim that anywhere. He’s one of the most accomplished MUA’s I know, but if you know James, if you’ve met James, then you know that he is warmth and love and beauty knowledge personified. He’s done so much with his career and through it all he remains humble, present and giving of spirit. James and I go back to 2008, and my first ever experience with The Makeup Show in Miami – click here to read our very first interview!
I love being around James and all of the amazing participating makeup artists. I’m sad I will be missing The Makeup Show Chicago this year, it’s always a good time and a wonderful learning and networking experience. This year’s schedule looks particularly awesome – that diversity in makeup panel will be KILLER! Makeup artists of the Midwest, you won’t want to miss this – click here to get your tickets for The Makeup Show Chicago on November 7th and 8th!
James Vincent was kind enough to share some wisdom right here with me, so I can impart it for you makeup lovers and aspiring artists. There are some nuggets in here that directly relate to professional makeup artistry, and others that relate directly to just LIFE. James is love and learned experience. I hope you enjoy his insightful answers.
Afrobella: James, you’ve been a professional makeup artist and have taught and spoken to legions of aspiring and upcoming MUA’s through the years. What are the top 5 things that aspiring makeup artists need to know to make it to the professional league?
James Vincent: Education is key – As an artist you need to know that you will always have more to learn. Technique, technology and trend are always changing and progressing so you need to be adaptable and open to new ideas and innovations.
The fundamentals are important – You need to master the basics of makeup like color, contour and texture to take your makeup beyond the basics.
You need to find your own voice – Mimicking another artists style or focusing on one trend cannot make you a great artist. You need to develop your own eye and discover your own aesthetic and makeup style.
Community is essential – you can not be so afraid of competition that you close yourself off. There is enough success for everyone and becoming a part of your makeup community will only make you stringer and more successful.
We are not celebrities – As artists we work with clients in the most intimate way. We deal with their insecurities and vulnerabilities and are getting them made up for important moments. You can not fulfill your clients needs if you are focused on your own renown.
Afrobella: Makeup is a personality, as Sam Fine always says. It’s about self expression and individuality. That being said, are there any essential makeup tips or bits of advice given with love to share with beauty lovers who want to step their game up?
James Vincent: Be kind to everyone. There is a weight of responsibility that comes from the intimate relationship between makeup artist and client. You have to come in open and aware and treat each person in your chair as if they are the most important person you have ever worked with. I think this allows you to see a makeup application as much more than just putting on lipstick and creates a real bond that makes your makeup better.
Afrobella: How many years have you been doing The Makeup Show, what do you want attendees to get from The Makeup Show, and what’s next for The Makeup Show?
James Vincent: 2016 is 11 years of The Makeup Show. Our goal is to give artists access to the biggest names in the business. Artists and industry insiders who can become mentors and help our attendees create their own path. My focus is to provide education and inspiration and real opportunity. This year we are also bringing The Career Fair to Chicago. This allows our Midwest artists to get their foot in the door with many of our brands like MAC, MAKE UP FOR EVER and Temptu, where sometimes just landing the interview is a challenge. We want to create opportunities for our attending artists to make their own mark in the makeup world. My word for 2016 is “Influence.” Influence as both a noun and a verb and how we need to be able to influence with integrity.
Do you see why I LOVE him? He’s going to be dropping gems like this throughout The Makeup Show Chicago.
Click here to buy those tickets! Thank you for sharing your kindness and wisdom, James!