I already started gushing about Beautiful Textures in my Who’s Got Next post about up and coming natural hair brands. Allow me to gush a little bit more. Spoiler alert – there’s a giveaway for 10 lucky bellas at the end of this post!
In Atlanta during Fro Fashion Week, Felicia Leatherwood was on hand in the Beautiful Textures lounge to give hair advice and do product demos. When Luvvie, Kim Coles and I stopped by to say hi and we noticed the OMG Booth in the corner, things got a little silly!
Fun! Those are my GIRLS!
Felicia was the one who recommended I try the Tangle Taming Shampoo. “I like the way Beautiful Textures brings out your natural curl pattern!” she told me. And I agree completely. Let me tell you all about my favorite products from the Beautiful Textures line!
Normally when I write a product review, I like to get the half-used bottles of product from the shower stall so I can read the ingredients and smell the product again as I blog about them. Unfortunately, I can’t do that with Beautiful Textures. Because I ran through the Beautiful Textures Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner and the Tangle Taming Shampoo so quickly, I don’t even have the bottles anymore!
When I first laid eyes on the bottles I thought mass market. Splashy packaging. And I expected to see all kinds of crazy impossible to pronounce items in the ingredient list. But surprise! Don’t judge a product on it’s bright label. The ingredients in the Beautiful Textures product line are pretty good – the first ingredients of their Tangle Taming Leave In Conditioner (which I also love) are water, olive oil, argan oil, soybean oil, coconut oil, shea butter, mango butter, rosemary, aloe vera extract. And that’s in order of ingredients right on the bottle, which should indicate the predominance of those ingredients in the formula.
The Tangle Taming Shampoo has become one of my go-to favorites, it delivers so effectively. This shampoo left my hair feeling clean but moisturized, and made detangling easier afterwards. The Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner is decadent, rich, and partnered with the Tangle Taming Shampoo, made for effortless detangling. The leave in makes my curls fluffy and leaves my hair smelling kind of like a tropical coconut mango smoothie. Delicious.
And now the folks at Beautiful Textures are generously allowing me to give away their products to ten lucky Afrobella readers. What do you have to do to win?
Check out the entire Beautiful Textures product line over at BeautifulTextures.com. Then leave a comment here telling me which of their products you’re really looking forward to trying, and why! Comments will be closed next Monday, and ten lucky winners will be chosen.
Oh! And you can like Beautiful Textures on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter @LovinMyTextures.
Edited: comments are now closed, thanks for entering!!
Good luck, bellas!
This contest is open to entries from the USA. Post sponsored by Beautiful Textures, but opinions are entirely my own.

I would love to try the moisture butter! My hair is very porous and I am always looking for a new great way to help it maintain moisture.
I would love to try their Curl Control – why? Because sometimes my curls are just OUT of control lol. Thanks for introducing us to this product. I’m always on the “hunt”
i would love to try the tangel taming shampoo on my daughter hair, its thick long and coil. it takes me about two hours to detangle it.
I want to try their Tangle Taming Shampoo; clarifying and moisturizing shampoos are great and all, but they lead to inevitable tangles! I’d like experience clean, tangle-free hair!
Chile, I don’t even have to click on that link to know which product I would LOVE to try… Curl Control Defining Pudding!! I’ve been hearing so many, TOO MANY great things about that product. Plus I’m looking for thee holy grail curl pudding so.. *crosses fingers* hope I win! 😀
I would love to try the moisture butter because i have yet to find a product to quench my hair thirst.
Here’s to hoping I either win the Mega Millions or the Beautiful Textures give away! I have tried both the Curl Control and the Moisture Butter. I really like the Moisture Butter; it could easily become a favorite. Based on your review I really want to try the Tangle Taming Shampoo and the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. Thanks, Bella!
I would love to try the whipped curl cream. I have a butter based product that is my favorite right now, but I’m always game for some competition. The reviews I have seen for this product are great and it seems to provide great definition, moisture and hold.
I am really looking forward to trying Beautiful Textures Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. My hair is half straightened/permed and natural, it is dry and damaged and my new growth is suffering. I would like to try it because i think it might be just what my hair needs to be healthy again until i can do a big chop.
I would like to try the rapid repair deep conditioner and curl control defining pudding. I’m in the market for a good moisturizing deep conditioner and defining curls is an important aspect in my current routine.
Do you ever do giveaways for non-U.S. residents? *sad face* That whipped curl creme looks lovely….
The water in Oklahoma is so hard. None of my usual ‘tricks’ are working and my hair has been so hard to manage and de-tangle, more than usual.
I would love to try both the Tangle Taming Shampoo and Leave-in Conditioner. I hope whatever magic they put in those bottles would produce lovely results. My tender-headedness has gotten out of control.
I would like to try the leave-in conditioner, I need something to keep the moisture in my hair.
I would like to try the rapid repair DC
I would love to try Beautiful Textures Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner! My hair can get pretty dry and this sounds like something I can do easily at home, instead of paying tons of money for steam treatments and deep conditioning.
I have only tried two DCs since going natural so i am still exploring that area of my hair care regiment
I would love to try the following products from Beautiful Textures:
1. Curl Control Defining Pudding-I’ve tried many products that claim to define curls, but the ingredient lists was horrible. In addition, over time, my hair stopped responding favorably to the product.
2. Shine & Silken Growth Oil-a lot of times my hair looks dull. There aren’t many products, if any, on the market for natural hair that add shine and silkiness. My hair misses the shine & silkiness!
I would like to try the Tangle Taming Moisturizing Shampoo because all of the reviews say that it’s super moisturizing. What natural wouldn’t be dying to try a super moisturizing shampoo? I’d also like to try the Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme because it seems to be most reviewers’ favorite item in the line. Finally, I’m interested in trying the Tangle Taming Leave-in Conditioner because I’m a sucker for a leave-in.
Thanks for having this giveaway.
Hi! I would like to try the tangle taming leave in conditioner and Whipped Curl Creme Butter. I finally after months of contemplating going natural I finally underwent my “big chop” about a month ago! I have been researching and asking my friends (probably too much lol) about how I can get healthy beautiful hair. I have been looking for some highly recommended products. Thx 🙂
I would love to try the Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Crème. My hair just loves butters and it would probably work great on my 3 year old sons hair because he has a lot of it!
I would love to try the tangle taming shampoo, my hair is a coily tangled mess right now!
To tell you the truth, I’m looking forward to trying the entire line.
Judging from the ingredients, I believe my hair would definitely play nice with the products, and everything I love the fact they have a product for EVERYTHING..deep conditioner, defining pudding, etc., and I can’t wait to give them a try : )
I have 3 little girls and we all have long curly hair so I’m looking forward to try the tangle taming shampoo and the moisture butter whipped curl creme it seems like something that might help my girls and my hair to have more moisture and help stop the shrinking curls syndrome!
I’m a new natural looking for products that work with my hair. I want to try the shampoo.
I would love to try the Tangle Taming Leave In Conditioner and the Moisture Butter Curl Creme. I have what seems like 12 different textures in my hair and they hardly place nicely with each other! Maybe this could be what whips them into shape!
I’d like to try the curl control to help define my curls a little more and the moisture butter to help me replenish my hair and retain moisture! 🙂
I’m looking forward to using them all,have had locs for the past three years and it seems that every product that I have used my hair has become immune to them, looking for new products for the dryness,and dullness also itchy scalp, praying that I am one of the winners. Thank you.
I am hearing such good things about this product line. I would like to try the Rapid Recovery Deep Conditioner because there is always room for a great deep conditioner. I would also like to try the Beautiful Textures leave-in conditioner. The ingredients are what I am looking for in a good leave-in that is affordable.
I would to try the shampoo,moisture butter and curl to straight. I have staying away from shampoo since I started transitioning but I starting to miss the feeling of a good shampoo. I must admit I have tried the moisture butter and I love it but cant seem to get more. I would to get more it works well with oil they sell. I want to tried the curl to straight. Because I want to see how much bait I really have since I chop 1 1/2-2″ every other month. Its been awhile since I’ve use heat. Thanks
I would love to try the leave in conditioner and the butter creme. Both seem like great products to aid me in my transition, which is in month 6. I’m always looking for new products to help me get back to my natural state.
I would like to try the Tangle Taming Leave-In, Shine & Silken and the Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme. I have extremely coarse hair that gets knotted up very easily and my hair is often so dry and dull looking;I need to try some knew things.
I would like to try the deep conditioner. I have yet to find a deep conditioner that I love. I hope this will be the one.
I’ve been eyeballing this product for the past two weeks and would love to try the Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme to impart much needed moisture and the Curl Control Defining Pudding to enhance the beautiful GOD given curl patter that us kinky/curly/coily sistas have….
I would love to try the Curl Control Defining Pudding for styling and stretching my two-strand twists. I’m back in the gym and looking for something new to try with my natural hairdos. I’ve seen the Beautiful Textures line at Sally’s, keeping my eye on it :o)
OMG i WANT that leave-in! I’ve been an aloe nazi cutting them down and whipping up concoctions wherever i go as it is so amazing to my hair, it would really be nice to have a leave-in that comes with it plus all them butters and oil! sounds too good to be true!!!
I want the Curl Control Defining Pudding for styling my two strand twist and the was and go look…read and saw some great reviews (:
I am two months newly natural, and I have very dry hair. Everything that I am trying is not working, I would love to try the Tangle Taming Leave-In, Shine & Silken and the Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme because I need to give my hair the moisture that it is lacking and I want healthy, soft, manageable hair.
I want to try the
Tangle Taming Leave In Conditioner:
I use KCNT but, I’m always looking for something more moisturizing.
Whipped Curl Creme:
I’ve wanted something that has great ingredients, defines curls and, can be used on my edges. It seems as if this product can do all three.
Curl Control Defining Pudding:
I have yet to find a product that defines my curls that I see when my hair is wet.
I would like to try the Leave in conditioner, the moisture butter whipped curl cream and curl control defining pudding.
Always looking for something that my hair “loves”.
All of the products look amazing, but I would really be looking forward to trying the “Tangle Taming Leave-In Conditioner”! I love my natural hair, but hate when it gets dry and unmanageable. My hair looks great when it is hydrated and moisturized and this product seems like it can do just that, while allowing me to gently detangle for more manageability.
I would love to try the deep conditioner, my hair needs moisture and I need a line of products I can buy locally.
I just bought the Tangle Taming Leave-In Conditioner yesterday and fell in love with it! I would LOVE to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner or the Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme next! I love being Natural and having 4 kids with Natural Hair – some products can be quite expensive and for a Natural Family….it’s costly! I love how Beautiful Texture’s products are affordable!
I would love to try the Beautiful Textures Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner and the Tangle Taming Leave-In Conditioner; I have a love affair with conditioners of any kind 😉
I would like to try the curl control defining pudding. My curls look great wet but frizz very easily once dry. I’m hoping that this product will capture the shine and definition of my wet hair. I also would like to try their rapid repair deep conditioner. I’m still looking for a staple dc.
I would love curl control defining pudding. I need to find a product that can tame my frizz and give my hair moisture and define my curls.
I would like to try the Moisture Butter because I need more moisture in my hair and my daughter’s hair. We both tend to have dry hair. I would also like to try the the defining pudding for my two-strand twists and the tangle taming shampoo.
I would like to try the Rapid Recovery deep conditioner. I currently don’t have a favorite dc. I’m glad that you reviewed their products because I didn’t realize they could work for me.
I would love to try them all and am glad that this line is available at my local Sally beauty Supply. I am most looking forward to the Tangle Taming Leave-In Conditioner for my hair and my daughter’s hair.
I’m a sucker for packaging so its funny that you mentioned the busy, orange design. I don’t know that this is a product that I would have grabbed on my own. After hearing your review, though, I’d love to try the rapid repair deep conditioner- I am still on a mission for the perfect conditioner.
I wiould love to try the moisture butter. I am always looking for something to soften my hair,
Good morning, I would like to try the entire product line because I’ve heard so many positive reviews. However, I would like to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. Since I am just starting out with my ‘Natural Journey’, I would want my hair to be healthy from the beginning. I no doubt feel that this product will do wonders for my dry hair……
I’d love to try the Tangle Taming Shampoo and Leave-In Conditioner. Every washing experience leaves me pulling and tugging to get the tangles out of my hair. My hair has been super tangly my entire life and I’ve yet to find a product that can really tame my tangles.
I would love to try the Butter Whipped Curl Creme and the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. I’ve recently BC’d after 7 months of transition so I’m still learning which products keep my hair moisturized as well as how to show my curls to their full potential. I am so excited about the ingredient lists–I can pronounce (and spell) the items!
To be honest I would love to try all the products. From what I have been reading they all sound fabulous. I like the fact that it offers you versatility. I normally wear my hair my hair straight but as the months get warmer I tend to just wash and go. I like to let my hair air dry and let the natural curl take over and I like the idea of a product that I can use that will allow me to do that. I am very interested in two products in particular, the Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme and the Curl Control Defining Pudding. I think these two will help keep the frizz down and help my hair look and feel soft and manageable.
Hello, I would like to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. I need a product that helps to keep my hair moisturized. Thanks!
I would love to try the Tangle Taming Shampoo, Tangle Taming Leave-in, the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner and the Defining pudding. I am still in search of the right products for my hair. My hair is very tightly coiled and gets tangled so easy. I am forever finding knots in my hair and would like to minimize them as much as possible. My hair also gets dry very easily
Hey, I would love to try the deep conditioner and the leave-in conditioner. I am a newly natural and I did my BC 2 months ago. I would like to try these two types of products because I discovered that they would be beneficial to my hair regimen. I am trying to find good products that will work for my hair and educate myself about being a natural. Thank you!!
I really want to try the deep conditioner because I’ve been looking for something new to try and to stick with. I the past i used Queen Helene Cholesterol and when my hair broke off really bad it was excellent at getting it back to “normal” but for deep condition in general i’m not fond of it. It doesn’t leave my hair feeling like I want it to feel and leaves my curls looking not so great in my opinion.
I would love to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. Embarrassingly enough to say, I’m almost 2 years natural and have YET to deep condish…I know, bad LaLa!! *smacking hand*
I’m newly, naturally coifed… and I’m a blonde. After the initial shock and awe of “OMG, I love this hair” and the constant touching, pulling and twirling (that was all me), I realized I was putting lots of demands on my two inch wannabe fro. The bleache and dye removed and redeposited a really cute color, but left me hanging hi and dry so to speak. I’m super excited to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. I have lots of little plastic caps and my hooded dryer from the days of chemicals and curlers… I’m ready to get started! I hope Beautiful Textures is as good a product as you have reviewed. If so, my cabinet will be stocked full with bright and beautiful colorful products for the Afrobella in me!
I’d love to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner and the Moisture Butter both of which I’m hoping will help moisturize my situation.
I would love to try the Beautiful Textures Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner
My main problem is maintaining moisture, and that’s because I am a college student studying engineering so i only have the time to style my hair once a week and mid week i always feel my hair starting to loose it’s happiness and pep in it’s step that it gets when it is feeling hydrated haha. Well ultimately I would really love to try the tangle taming shampoo because i always feel like my hair is so dry after washing, the tangle taming leave in conditioner because i have yet to find one that works well for me, the rapid repair deep conditioner because the one I use right now has to be ordered online and is hella pricy [YIKES I AM IN COLLEGE!], and finally i would love to try the moisture butter because how can i not want to try something that has moisture in the name when that is my exact problem :)!?
Thanks Afrobella for the giveaway opportunity. I went to the Beautiful Textures website and was impressed by all of their products. I would really like to try the Curl Control Defining Pudding, I live in humid South Louisiana and I need some help taming my frizz. I would also like to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner, I recently straightened my my hair and need some help restoring my curls. Thanks again.
Brandy S.
I’m looking forward to trying the Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme. I’m what you would call a noob to the curly world, so i’m still trying to find the right moisturizing products for my precious curls. It’s been 11 weeks since I got my last relaxer and my curls need some tlc.
I’m a college student trying to go natural and I would LOVE to get the moisture butter whipped curl cream!!! I have a curly afro that needs lots of moisture so I believe this would help me out!!!I would also LOVE to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. I’m recently using another hair care brand for my hair and its not working like I want it to so I would love to try this. Matter fact I want all the hair products they seem sooo awesome!
I really would like to try the Rapid Repair deep conditioner, no matter what I do, by the middle of the week my hair is dry. I have tried LOTS of stuff on the market with no luck. Thanks for this giveaway
I look forward to trying the Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Crème because of the many uses it allows for your hair and a great moisturizer
I’d love to try the rapid repair deep conditioner. The ingredients (including shea and mango butter, as well as argan oil, to name a few) look like they will leave your hair feeling really soft. I’ve been looking for a good deep conditioner and I hope to include this in my arsenal.
I would like to try Tangle Taming Leave-In Conditioner. I’m loving the ingredients,there are none I can’t spell or pronounce. I also have yet to find a leave-in that really works on my hair.
I figured it out! Would love to try the Rapid Repair and the Moisture Butter. Looking forms something with multiple uses and lots of natural mioture agents!!
In reviewing the various products I feel the Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Crème solve my problem to tame my dry brittle hair.
I’d love to try the leave-in conditioner; I’ve heard nothing but great things about this line. Thanks to Afrobella and Beautiful Textures for this giveaway!
My friend JUST tagged me in a post on Facebook about this product line! I would love to try the Tangle Taming Shampoo and the deep condition. That’s my least favorite part about caring for my hair, but the most important. I’ve been needing to try a new product for my hair and since you gave it such a wonderful review and my friend did as well, I’ll give it a try.
I want to try the Curl Control, because I’ve only ever tried 1 other brand and want to get a comparison!
Definitely the Shine & Silken Growth oil. It seems like a great multi-purpose product and I need something I can use for several things. I would love to grow my hair and keep my body soft at the same time. Thanks!
I am looking for a great deep conditioner. Reading the ingredients Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner sounds exactly like something I was looking for. My hair loves Aloe vera, coconut oil and olive oil. It sounds like this line is my hairs dream come true!
I would love to try the Beautiful Texture Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. I am still on the hunt for a good conditioner that will leave my hair soft and manageable. I love using aloe vera juice and shea butter in my hair because they seem to work really well. Considering these are ingredients in the products I think I may have finally find something that I can purchase confidently.
I would love to try the Tangle Taming Shampoo and the Butter Whipped Curl Creme and the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. Pick me! 🙂
My mom and I have curls tighter than the diameter of a hair pin and she doesn’t believe that this product would work on her hair and isn’t even considering trying it, but I would really like the growth oil.
I would love to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner as I am new colored-lifter first and then a bright red on top. My hair needs as much TLC as it can get. HELP!!! 🙂
I am always excited to try a product to help seal my ends and cut the frizz, so the Defining Pudding is my choice!
I love a good leave in, so I’d like to try the Tangle Taming Leave-In Conditioner. The Growth Oil sounds good, too.
I would love to try the Shine & Silken Growth oil. I’am growing out my hair and have been wearing a wig for a year. I hair get’s dry very quickly and I need to keep it moisturized and a growth aide.
I have seen ads for these products in many of the hair magazines and have been waiting to hear reviews on them… glad to hear they are good. I would love to try the entire line but I am really looking forward to trying 2 products. The moisture butter whipped curl cream is the first product that caught my eye. I am still in the transitioning stage and need something that will hydrate and tame. I am also looking forward to trying the shine and silken growth oil because at this point my hair is brittle and breaks easily. My scalp is also very dry and I need all the help I can get.
The Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner and Shine & Silken Growth Oil would be a great product for my thick coarse hair. I have a patch of hair at my crown that is hard to keep moisturized and this may be the remedy! I am definitely looking for products that will give my hair more shine/sheen.
Detangling has always been my challenge, so of course I would like to try the Tangle Taming Shampoo and/or the Leave-In. No matter how gentle I am, hair still ends up all over this sink and floor! LOL, hopefully these products will actually do what they say.
I am excited to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner and the Tangle Taming Leave In Conditioner because I just received henna for my hair and I’m told that henna leaves your hair brutally dry and stiff. I have extremely coarse hair so I was about to search the natural hair sites for the “best” deep conditioner and leave in to help me after I wash the henna out. If this stuff is as good as you say then I need some pronto!
I really want to say everything, but I’d most like to try the “Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Crème” and the “Beautiful Textures Curl Control Defining Pudding” because they help elongate coils (something my hair needs help with).
Thanks for the chance!
I think the Tangle Taming Leave In sounds divine. I’m a sucker for a good leave in conditioner!
To be honest I would love to try the WHOLE brand lol! I’ve heard nothing but great reviews on this brand. Since I have to choose one, it would be the Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Creme. Just reading the benefits to the products are a plus! I mainly wear my hair in twists since im a full time college student and I work as well.I’m having trouble finding good products that can effectively moisturize my hair. I would like something to keep my hair moisturized throughout the week while I’m juggling diff. activities
I think this would be a great product for my 4c hair type!
I look forward to trying the Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Crème because I’m looking for something that would help keep my hair moisture. I have tried many products but it still remains dry most of the time and not brittle.. I love the ingredients thats inside this line. Another product id the Shine and Silken Growth Oil, im still growing my hair. only been natural about a year. Kinda feeling this will help my hair grow a little more.
I’ve been using Beautiful Textures curl pudding and moisture butter since receiving a few samples earlier this month. They work so well with my 4b-c hair type! Both the pudding and butter are extra light in texture and fragrance. I use them mostly for fingercoiling, so air drying my hair after styling is a breeze, and they don’t leave residue like other stylers I’ve tried. Just soft and shiny, well-defined coils. The prices for this line are good to my bottom line (all under $7 and I can get them discounted at Sally’s??? Wonderful!). Now, after reading your review of the shampoo and conditioner, I’d love to try them…esp. the deep conditioner!
I’ve been natural for about 4 years now. However, I’ve always worn my hair straightened or in a weave.. Just recently, I lost my job…so, I set a goal for myself! To focus more on being healthy, and having healthy hair !wo days after I lost my job, I snatched my weave out… and vowed to take better care of my hair.( which is past shoulder length.) I look forward to trying the beautiful textures line because i believe that the products fcan help me do just that! It would be awesome to have products that sound as great as these to help me get on the right track for caring for this hair that i’ve had under wraps! I’m ready to let my beautiful texture shine!
I am a student-athlete who always has problems with my Afro shrinking due to humidity and sweat. The Curl Control Defining Pudding sounds great for elongating my coils and for fabulous twist-outs. I also have problems with retaining moisture after I shampoo, and the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner sounds like just what I need!
I would like to try Beautful Textures Curl pudding/deep conditioner. I feel either one of these products will help me with transitioning.My hair type is 3c/4a, so my coils require a lot of moisture and in need of deep condition.
I would love to win the Beautiful Textures Tangle Taming Leave-In Conditioner. Mainly because it smells wonderful it’s light and non-greasy in the scalp. I have a difficult time scouring for the “right” conditioners for my hair. And I read nothing but thrilling news about the BT line. So I hope I get lucky!
my room8 purchased the CURL CONTROL, i kidnapped a little bit (with her permission) add it on my damp puff and went about my day. forgot to check my hair for dryness. btw i am protein sensitive, i purchased the MOISTURE BUTTER Whipped Curl Creme, so far so good, i use it mostly on my edges. i would like to drench my TWA in the RAPID REPAIR, However i am afraid it might have some form of Protein in it. does it?
I would really like to try their Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Crème. The ingredients looks absolutely divine (Aloe Vera, Coconut, Olive, Soy, Argan Oil, Shea and Mango Butter) and I’ve been trying to find a good heavy cream moisturizer for when I’m trying to pull off a style with definition.
I would love to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner :). Since I didn’t grow up natural I have been having trouble trying to find a deep conditioner (and other products) that works for my newly natural hair. I plan on teaching english in Japan and I am trying to find products that work for my hair and make it easy to manage since there aren’t many black salons in Japan XD. I love that the product has Aloe Vera, Coconut, Olive oil and Shea butter since those are ingredients that I have heard are good for natural hair.
I would be interested in trying the entire line as well. Since the weather is starting to warm up (yeah!!) I am going to finally try my hand at wash-n-go hair after years of being to afraid of my shrinkage factor. That means that the Tangle Taming Shampoo and Condish will go long way towards helping me work with what nature gave me.
I would love to try the tangle taming shampoo and conditioner, I’ve been using the moisture butter,and it does exactly what it says…I have also used the growth oil and it locks it the moisture…..LOVE these products.
I would love to try the leave in conditioner! I have a cabinet full of mediocre products from various lines, yet nothing that stands out and actually works well. It would be awesome to find a good staple leave in that does what it’s supposed to, without the residue, potent fragrance that’s also college student budget friendly!
I would most like to try the Curl Control Defining Pudding as the current all natural product I’m using for curl control is a bit heavy & I have to wash my hair more often than I’d like when using. I’d also like to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner b/c again the current all natural conditioner I’m using doesn’t really have the slip I need to comb out my hair. Actually, I’m looking forward to trying all these products as it’s hard to fine a good all natural, sulfate, & mineral oil free product that can make managing my thick hair easier.
Beautiful Textures Curl Control Defining Pudding is what I would love to try because I love my curls but I want more control and shine
I have to try the tangle taming shampoo! my hair always gets really tangled and I have yet to find anything that really helps with all the tears, yanking etc. Got high hopes for this line!
I would LOVE to try the Beautiful Textures Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner !. i am in the process of transitioning from using relaxers in my hair and going the more natural route, but nothing has been really helping. I am about 5 months now, so i am still pretty new at what to use, but everything seems to just make my hair dry and/or frizzy. I hope I win because i am very hopeful at what this product could do.
I’d love to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner, I’m always in the market for a new deep conditioner since my hair is so dry! I’d also love the leave in conditioner, I have tried so many and it seems like unless I put have of the jar in my hair, it doesn’t get the job done. Thanks for the giveaway Bella and Beautiful Textures 🙂
I want to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner. I’m about to chop the last of the processed ends off and I definitely want to nourish my hair as much as possible.
I purchased the shampoo/conditioner, rapid repair and moisture butter and they are friggin FANTASTIC! This product delivers!!
I would love to try the tangle taming shampoo and conditioner on my daughter because her hair gets the worst tangles ever. I want to try the curl pudding on myself. Here’s hoping I win!
I would love to try the rapid repair deep conditioner, as well as the curl control defining pudding. I have been having a hard time retaining moisture and finding products that preserve my styles for more than two days before my hair begins to frizz horribly and loses most of its definition.
I look forward to trying the Beautiful Textures Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner to help bring back some softness to my hair.
I would like to try the curl defining pudding!!!
I would like to try the Curl Control Defining Pudding. I already use the Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter Whipped Curl Crème and I love how shiny and soft it makes my curls. I would like to see what the Defining Pudding can do 🙂
I have already tried the beautiful textures tangle taming leave in conditioner on my daughter. I try to take a picture of the products I don’t use on my daughter anymore, so I don’t buy them again. But with Beautiful textures, no need!. It looks great in her hair. It smells great. No white residue, “yall know what I’m talking about!”,. And when I went to wash her hair, which I did not want to do, I got a beautiful surprise, “Managebility!”. I’ve told so many people about the product, that when I went in to buy another bottle, there was only two on the shelf. “I bought one!” Next Im going to incorporate the detangling shampoo. we’re in love! Thank you guys for doing the homework and not just pushing anything to the shelfs for a quick dollar. I know u care :.).
If you say it’s good then I’ll believe it! I would love to try the leave-in conditioner, the growth oil and the curl creme. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to try the Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner, and the leave in conditioner, I have dry hair, and who’s hair doesn’t look better when it is well moisturized? Summer time and the living isn’t easy if your hair is dry and broken.
I also think I might like the growth oil, for mositure and if the name is correct to help me keep the hair I have as it grows!
I just purchased the the Tangle Taming Leave in Conditione at sally’s (2 days ago), I have to say… I LOVE IT! the smell is great, the ingredients are perfection and I would love to try tangle taming shampoo also I look forward to trying any other product because I feel like this is a brand I can trust already! My hair loves you!