Five years in the game is no joke. As a thank you to my readers who have supported me through thick and thin and helped to make Afrobella what it is today, I’ve got a slew of amazing giveaways lined up for this week!
I’m gonna go ahead and start with the biggest one.
Bellas, for a year I’ve been participating in a PC loaner program hosted by Microsoft Windows. For a year I’ve been using the beautiful chocolate brown Karim Rashid Asus eee PC as my work computer and travel buddy. Together we’ve been all over the place, from Los Angeles to New York, and even to Canada when I went on the MAC trip.
The eee PC is sleek, eye catching without being obnoxious. It fits SO perfectly on an airline tray table. It slides easily into my purse, eliminating the need for a bulky laptop bag when traveling. And (insert all of the techie details here that led CNET to give it this very detailed review).
My only issues with the Karim Rashid Asus eee PC turned out to be the same issues I have with any netbook or laptop….battery life. Over time the battery life has diminished, and in general I find that it’s best to keep it plugged in or stay near to a power outlet when doing really important work on it. Just letting you know!
Battery life aside, this netbook has been a stellar road buddy for me over this past year, I love the ease and user friendliness of Windows, and not to toot my own horn, but I’ve written some great stuff on it.
And now, the beautiful chocolate brown Karim Rashid Asus eee PC that has been my blogging bestie for a year, can be yours.
One lucky Afrobella reader will get the exact Karim Rashid Asus eee PC with Windows that has been making my life better for the past year – I will mail it to you myself.
Ideally, I’d love to pass this machine on to someone who’s been reading and commenting and supporting my blog for a while. A good person who does good things, someone who loves reading, who could use a computer to achieve dreams and goals of her own. It would mean a lot to me to know this PC has been passed along to someone who will love using it, as I have.
All I ask is that you comment on this blog post, tell me how long you’ve been reading Afrobella and why YOU deserve this beautiful little netbook.
A lucky winner will be chosen over the weekend and I’ll announce the winner on Monday.
And PLEASE when entering, don’t use some obscure e mail address you never use and then don’t check your e mail for another month. Nothing drives me crazier. I will write to the winner, and if you don’t respond within a week, I will have to choose another winner. So PLEASE respond ASAP if you win. This contest is open to US and Canadian readers.
Thanks again to Windows PC for including me in this amazing program, and for allowing me to host this wonderful bloggaversary giveaway!
Good luck to you, bellas!!

Nice giveaway. Hope it goes to a good home.
Congrats Bella. I’ve been a reader of your site for about 3 and a half maybe 4 years. I was sold once I heard you were a natural and fellow Trini who discussed brown girl beauty and then some. I think I deserve to win because I’ve been considering blogging and I’d like to have a reliable tool to do it on.
I have been reading afrobella for the past 4 years! I post very little because of my wonky computer issues of late, but I would love to have a computer that has traveled as I want to. If I don’t win, congrats on how far the site has come!
Congrats on 5 years! I stumbled upon your blog about a year ago. I had recently transitioned to natural hair and did a random google search for something and I found you. Since then I have been a loyal follower. I think I deserve to win because this past year has been a struggle for me financially and I am working with an ancient, S-L-O-W desktop that is very temperamental. It would be nice to have something modern. LOL. Again congrats on your success and best of luck to all who enter the giveaway.
Heeeyyyy Bella,
I’m a newbie follower. That laptop so matches my beautiful complexion…just gotta have it. I’m a woman on the go and a woman who has repossessed her life. I forget how beautiful I am, but something seems to have slapped me upside the head. I am bringing sexy back and the woman I used to be and the new diva I have become have married into a beautiful state of I am.
Hmm , never done this before but no harm in trying 🙂 !
I’ve been a reader since 2009 since my on of my gf ‘s and I decided to do a BC . We scoured youtube, blogs , fb , and twitter on anything about natural haircare, styles, products etc. When I got to your website – what really stood out for me was the non judgement of those who werent natural. The community on here is dope , and although I never comment I read all the blogs and their comments and go to the links as well. I love your jams page and many days feel like your a “friend in my head ” because I am always digging what you are putting down.
I advocate for folks with disabilities , particularly families who have young children with disabilities. Honestly technology is the thing that has given my son access to a whole new world of communication , learning programs etc. Another laptop in my home .. would allow me to give him my older one ( its like and old beat up jalopy that works just fine , but people look at you in public like you crazy for using it ) so he can access the internet etc .. and allow me to use that very stylish one –for meetings ( note taking , writing papers , research etc.)
This give away is cool! Love and Light . Lana
Bella, Congratulations! I have been reading your blog since the beginning. When you posted your first blog header the other day, I chuckled to myself that I remember that. I am a blogger too and that netbook would be a great help me as I start living my dreams. I am moving from NJ to FL the end of this month to explore exactly what I want to do to with the rest of my life, but I do know that fashion has to be a part of it. I am a natural headed bella as well gone from locs to a twa back to locs back to a twa again. This blog has meant so much too me, you are a wonderful example of living your dreams!
When I started blogging and tweeting a year ago, you were one of the main people I was told to watch and follow. I was in awe of your entire presence. Your brought light into wherever you were and I thought you would be an amazing person to know. Over the last year, I have had the honor of meeting you personally and seeing you out at functions. You made me want to do better. I can only hope that in 4 years I will have touched as many souls as you did mine.
I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now. IN researching for my natural hair journey, I stumbled upon you & instantly became hooked. I share this computer with 2 other people. I would love to have something I can take with me, but I haven’t been able to work steadily for a couple years. So buying something is not an option.
Whether I win or not, I will continue to stalk… err, I mean follow you on Twitter and facebook. Blessings & love Bella!
I’ve been reading your blog for about 2 years. I’m a 31 year old mom returning to college to finish my bachelors after a 8 year hiatus for having my son. I am in need of a laptop to do school work. I hope you pick me 🙂
Hello Afrobella,I’ve been reading and communicating for 8 months,I really enjoy your topics and I am receiving a lot of knowledge about myself and my natural hair journey.I would like to own the notebook because I don’t currently own a computer,I have to do everything via cellphone.Thank you for your time. P.s. If I don’t win can you give me the information so that I can get a loaner??? Thank again.
Hi Afrobella,
I’ve been visiting and reading your website for about 4 years now. I was reading a thread on nappturality and someone had mentioned your website. What I enjoy about your website is that your cover a wide variety of topics that are not just limited to makeup. I would be grateful for the netbook as my computer is 7 years old and is slower than molasses!
I’ve been reading Arobelle since I started my journey in March & I haven’t posted much b/c I share a family computer & you know how that is, sigh. But I always watch your YouTube videos when ever you make one!! I think I deserve to win the laptop b/c I start college next week & it would help me out SO MUCH!!! I already barely made it into the college b/c of money issues & I also blog a lot about natural hair + help ppl out on their journey’s etc. So it would really be great if I had it, thank you~
Congratulations to five years of being a voice for women of color. I’ve been a reader since fall 2008, my new co-worker at the time introduced me to your blog. I’ve loved reading your product reviews, and thoughts about life, love and music. Your biggest gift to me was “All of my purple life”. I’ve been a purplenista since I bought an amethyst rock from on a class trip in 3rd grade. Cheers to five more years!
I have been reading your blog for about 2 years and I love it!
Hi Afrobella,
I’ve been reading since I went natural about 18 months ago. I follow you on twitter and read often, but I don’t comment. I need the laptop because I am in law school and the hard drive on my laptop crashed at the end of last semester. With school starting in a few weeks, the laptop will really help.
What a wonderful gift! I came across your wonderful blog during the time I started transitioning to natural in October 2009. I have been a faithful reader every since! Love this blog! The netbook is something I need since I just started a blog that caters to the AA community in my city by posting events, voluneeter projects, local minority businesses, etc. Even though the topic of my blog is different from this one, you are an inspiration to me and I strive to gave the type of support and readers you have accomplished! Thank you for your living out your dreams and letting us know through dedication and hard work, our dreams will come true too!
Hola Bella!
Kudos on your success! 5 years is an accomplishment! I love that you are celebrating your milestone by paying it forward. I am a firm believer that an open hand enables one to give and to receive. I started reading your blog about 9 months ago while I was transitioning from relaxed to natural hair.If I were to receive “the beautiful chocolate brown Karim Rashid Asus eee PC” I would use it to work on the children’s book I’m writing or acutally add some new entries to the blog I started
Wishing you many more years of success!
I have been reading Afrobella since I discovered you in another blogger’s blog roll about a year or so ago. I’ve only commented once or twice (bad, I know).
I am starting college on October 3rd and would love to win this PC. My 4 year old has pushed my current HP off the table more times than I can count.
Congrats on your blog anniversary, bella!
hi! i’ve been reading since maybe 2008 (or before), it was before you moved to Chicago definitely. I was studying abroad in London and had tons of free time so I spent it learning about make-up and hair (amongst other things) and came back an expert lol.
But when I learned you were moving to Chicago (my current city and hometown), I thought cool one day I’ll have the opportunity to meet you but I haven’t. I’ve actually seen you twice but they were fleeting moments. Also just watched your grind and thrive interview and I’m motivated as a creative who is searching for something to pay the bills and trying to find time to fulfill my dreams. But yea, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Congrats!
It was an awesome blessing Windows PC have given you and now you have the ability to pay it forward. I have been reading Afrobella since February when I found you on twitter. Your natural hair style caught my eye. When I read your blogging journey I was hooked and I could relate because you looked like me. I recently decided to step out on faith and follow my passion in marketing. I read everything that I could get my hands on and even enrolled in school. A girlfriend on mine was just given a opportunity to head the catering division of her families restaurant. She has known of my passion of marketing and even used my ideas when she worked for a large casino in Las Vegas. She offered to bring me on board to market the catering division. I’m elated with the idea and ready to begin despite that I haven’t received a degree in marketing. I’m currently a work from home mother of three boys and quiet time is rare but with this new position I need quite time to focus. Your notebook giveaway would be ideal for me to go to the library to accomplish my goals. Working from a smart phone is hard work while doing research and a pc will greatly appreciated for both work and school . Thanks for the opportunity to win your pc.
I was referred to your website when I discovered a MAC lipgloss I was looking for was out of stock. I have truly found this website quite informative. I dont wear a lot of make up but the articles for skin care have been awesome! I love the laptop you are featuring as a give-away. As a on-line adult trying to obtain my degree by taking on-line courses, this new laptop would become very helpful. Best of luck to whoever wins!
Lisa Ames
I’ve been reading your blog for about 8 months, i stumbled upon it when i started transitioning my hair and, it’s been a huge help to me. I read your blog through Bloglovin so i stay on top of your new posts. I would love to win this giveaway because im currently a computer science student here in Illinois and without a computer it becomes some what difficult to get things down without your own computer. Congrats on the milestone, wish you many more!
Greetings Afrobella,
Congratulations to you for 5 years of excellence with this wonderful blog. I wish you many more blessings. I have been a supporter of your blog for about 2 years now. I enjoy the content and reading about the new opportunities that come your way and places you get to travel to. You are truly an inspiration.
I think it is important to have a spirit to serve and I do so by being active in several ministries at my church, feeding the homeless, handing out food to those who rely on government assistance, and volunteering at a local senior citizen residence. It brings me joy to see how I can make a difference in someones life and share God’s love with them. I know I’m blessed and want to pay it forward.
I have dreams/goals of starting a retail business creating and selling jewelry/accessories, art, and home decor. Part of my business plan is to start an online store selling these items and having the Asus eee laptop would definitely assist me with organizing my business plan as well as starting/managing the online store. Especially, since I am a woman on the go, the laptop would be convenient and allow me to invest the needed time into my dreams daily. Thank you for considering my entry and for being such a kind spirit.
Peace & Blessings.
Hi Afrobella,
I have been reading your blog for about three years. I found you while doing research to figure out what to do with my hair when I big chopped for the second time in 2008. I have been coming back for more of your posts on beauty, hair products and fashion. I am a big fan and you have inspired me to try my hand at blogging! My laptop died and I have been blogging through my work computer and IPod at home. EEK! I would love to be able to use the Asus eee Laptop help to take my blog to the next level. Congratulations on your tremendous success, here’s to another twenty years in the game, I will definitely be along for the ride 😉
CONGRATS!!!! Five years is such a great achievement. I found your site last year when I did a simple GOOGLE search on natural hair, but your site is much more than about natual hair and that is one of the things that kept me checking the site daily to see what health and beauty tips I could use. I am finishing my last semester in grad school (nonprofit management) and this computer could be a great help in achieving my goals in starting a nonprofit organization. Thanks for the opportunity and much sucess and may you be blessed with many more years
I have been reading your site for 4 years, I started my business because of women like you, you gave me a broader view of the presence of black women online and I realized there was an audience for what I wanted to do, I continued to use this site as a inspiration to help take back control of my life after being laid off from my job, I knew I could be my own boss and I went for it, thank you for that. My laptop is almost dead, and a new one isnt in the budget thats all I can say about that…but I REALLY wanted to thank you for all your hard work.
I’ve been reading the blog for about a few months now, but I enjoy the hair topics that you have and your diversity of the blog. Although you are natural, you do have different themes that you use to attract a different target audience. I’m actually in need of a laptop and was looking at a MAC or a PC, so I could definitely use one. All the best to all who enter!
I’ve been a regular reader since last summer and really admire the work that you do. I’m a SAHM, an aspiring writer of children’s books and currently use a slooooow old computer that is frustrating my creative vibe. Help me out- win me-lol.
I’ve been reading your blog for about 1.5-2 years. at first I ran across it randomly, lost it, then found it again. I’ve been an avid reader since. I would love to win this laptop, as I’ve recently started my own blog after uh, stalking, yours and a few others. lol. It’ll be great to begin my blogging journey with, and also uber-convenient for when I’m traveling here there and yonder. I hope I win! Happy Anniversary!
Hello Afrobella,
First let me say that I’m a newbie-come-see to Afrobella (not your best pick for this competition, still I’d like youself and others to see why I digging and loving it) I love it to the extent that, insted of falling in when joining, I’ve gone back and read old post to get loads of information. My best tidbit so far? Shampoo is for the scalp and conditioner is for the hair. I always thought it was the opposite! I mean new tecniques and remedies are wonderful but what gets my goat is debunking misconceptions. Like duh, that makes perfect sense!
I’ll continue to stay on top of ur post and share the knowledge with other naturalists. Hell I even try to encourage others to go natural and, though I have no converts as yet, my hair is always attracting positive attention even when I think it looks crapy nappy, still I LOVE it. Guess I’ll love it even more so with all of your advice. Keep up the good work, my hair loves ur dedication to natural hair awearness! Pre congrats to the winner!
I have been reading your blog for a couple months now, I found you via YouTube and you’re all over FB within the natural hair community.
Not trying to tug any heartstrings, but our home was broken into a month ago and the BRAND NEW laptop that Grandma purchased for my children (ages 5 and 7) was stolen.
School is starting soon and it would be wonderful to have a reliable laptop for the kids to use for their learning games and research.
Thank you for the opportunity!
I think I deserve this ebook because I want to be just like Afrobella when I grow up. Lol. I have been connected to you on facebook, twitter, and blog combined for about 2 years. Wearing your lipglass as we speak. Happy 5 year anniversary.
I would love to give this to my mom who has always been there for me and is in need of a decent laptop/netbook.
Congrats on 5 years! I’ve been a reader for a little over a year now, I believe. I love the variety of your site. I am a student from a single parent household in my last semester of undergrad. I plan to continue on after graduation to pursue my Masters in Business Administration. Having this computer would help me so much in the pursuit of that degree. I am so inspired by you and your site and I wish you many more blessings Afrobella!
I’ve been reading Afrobella for 2 years. Although I don’t wear natural hair,I really enjoy your blog. Your features(from Manicure Mondays to concert reviews) appeal to every woman. I would love to win the PC, because I am thinking about going back to school next fall.
here goes. i’ve only been reading your blog for about 3 weeks now; noticed it out of all the other bloggers that were doing the awesome work with MAC! yours stood out completely not because you’re brown and i’m brown. not because you’re natural and i’m natural. honestly it was me being totally intrigued by this pretty brown girl killin’ that purple lipstick! girl i even downloaded the pic of the purple lips and put it on my desktop at work. anyway that brings me to today. prior to 27 days ago i’d been blogging when i felt like it. but in the last 27 days i’ve been blogging the crap out of blogger. i’m so excited by what comes out in my writing. i’ve been a poet since 2000, but in the last month or so my sense of awareness of being a poet has escalated. i’m so aware of my being a poet, a mother of three, a wife, a sister, a friend, a writer, a woman, a person that has a body. my awareness of being connected to my body is continuously growing.
this laptop giveaway is what i need to keep up what i’ve started. i can’t blog at work (i shouldn’t at least), blogging from my blackberry is insane, and my randown laptop at home. let me tell you a bit about sheeba (her new name as of right now) is in the pantry, the screen is being held up against the window because the binding is cracked, if there is nothing behind it to support it – it falls and there goes my work (the laptop will just automatically shut down..) sooooooooo frustrating!
anyway i’m sure there are women and probably men who’ve been down with you since 2006 and probably deserve your laptop more than i do – but to be honest I NEED IT! my family is not a in a position to make such a purchase we are living just above water. but sometimes are legs and arms get tired from the current.
ok well i hope you pick me.
I have been reading your blog for about a year and a half now, and I am always inspired by your posts. I am almost 2 years post relaxer with about an inch of relaxed hair left and your blog has helped me through. Thank you for all of your help and I wish you the best!
Bitty Boss
I’ve been reading and following your blog for 3 years now! I found out about because myself and a few friends were all interested in blogs covering topics about caring for “natural hair”. As I continued to read your blog, I loved that it spoke about many different things!!
I’d really like to win this laptop because yes, it IS gorgeous but I’ve been thinking seriously about starting a freelance PR business. I’ve been inspired by what you do and I’m good at what I know how to do! My laptop died a few months ago…RIP 🙁 and I can’t afford a new one. I’ve been borrowing from others and going to the library and net cafés. My productivity is reduced. A giveaway like this is timely! Congrats on your 5 years and many more!!! BTW…ur blog post about ABG is what got me into ABG!!!!
Even though I’ve only been reading a short time….There is a unmistakable correlation between blogging and connecting with your readers. I read your blog because I feel a connection and it’s very informative.
Computers will be around for a very long time, therefore I would love to have that beautiful netbook to carry so I can read Afrobella anytime I want to and not just when I’m at work..LOL
Be yourself, be natural, be beautiful…Afrobella!!!!!!!!
I’ve been follow Afrobella for about 8mo now, since I wear a baby-doll bald fade I’m really more into the fashion and makeup articles you post. Was loving the most recent MAC lipstick post.
Congrats on your 5yrs of showing naturalista’s fabulous tips.
I feel I would be a great canidate for this laptop because currently I don’t have one and would like to be more mobile with my jewelry business (I feel right now I sit at technilogical disadvanatage). Typing right now from my PC. Wishing everyone good luck but I’m hoping I will be the winner.
Hello! I am so excited to see such a great giveaway. Even if I don’t win I am certain it will be put to good use. I have been following your blog for about 9 months now. I discovered it through a facebook group I am in (Girls and Giggles). I am a new stay-at-home mom of three and your blog has done quite a few things for me.
Number one, it has provided my beauty/makeup fix so I don’t blow the family budget. I used to work so the new restrictions took some getting used to.
Number two, it has helped me to reach out to the community. I relocated to the suburbs of Maryland from Atlanta, GA. A BIG difference in what is available for natural/kinky/curly hair. Still getting used to that.
And Number three…I am a new realtor in Maryland as of June 15th. And being a realtor and being at home in front of my desktop with three children at my feet has presented a challenge. I wish I had a notebook/netbook, but it is not in my budget for this year. (Maybe if I sell a house!!!) Anyways, I would use this netbook to get away and do some work and essentially grow in my business. I got into real estate to help people pursue their dreams without all the stress. This netbook would allow me to help people.
Check out my website…follow me on twitter…and let me know if you or anyone you may know needs my services!
Happy blogging!!!
Congrats on your 5 years! I have followed your blog for about a years now, right after I did the BC. I’d love to win so that I start a blog of my own and follow in your footsteps! Trying to keep up with your blogs on my blackberry has been a challenge!!!! 🙂
I’m a brand new reader of about 2 months now. You’re very inspirational, and I love the hair tips for my 2 daughters. As for what I’d do with your computer, the girls (almost 5 and 6 years old) would have a dedicated laptop for them to learn about computers, and as a general learning tool.
If they have a computer, it would allow me to continue to expand my photography (and blog more…since I hardly ever get to blog), as well as my advocacy on behalf of the women and children of Congo.
Congratulations on your blogaversary! Many successes in the future. 🙂
Nice, very nice! Happy anniversary and I wish you many more. I love reading your blog – have been for about 1 1/2 years now. Purchased All of My Purple Life as soon as it hit MAC online – LOL!! Thank for the opportunity not just in hopes of winning but for giving me so much great information over the years. Stay blessed!
Congrats on 5 years. I’ve been following your site for at least 4 years. I also follow you on twitter, facebook and as of Saturday am an owner of your all of my purple life lipglass. I’m a natural girl w/ locs since 2000 so I get a lot of product information from your site. I check it out every day.
Hi Afrobella! I was introduced to you barely 4 months ago. I heard “Afrobella” through various youtube natural hairlista’s and finally decided to find out for myself. Since then I have become a fan on facebook. I truly enjoy your posts. So much information, so much inspiration. Watching you achieve and prosper, is gratifying! I do not have a computer at home. Once I leave work, i have only limited access to facebook. I have grown this deep desire to document and share the natural lifestyle of myself and my two daughters. Being the sole provider of my household, I struggle to get by with the basic necessities. Winning this notebook would give me the opportunity to do just that, and SO MUCH MORE! Thank you, Afrobella for giving this opportunity to us-your fans. HUGS!!!
AfRoBeLla!!! I have only been reading your blog for a few months. I must say I am smitten. I enjoy so many of your posts: the tone, the pics, and the topics. Your spirit shines through! I just wanted to take a moment writer-to-writer to tell you how much I appreciate your gift to us. The giveaway is so thoughtful, so indicative of what your blog stands for. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself with the world through your words. God Bless!
*Do not put me in the computer drawing*
I have been reading your blog for 3 yrs. now, and I have shared your blog too, with many of my friends! Let’s put it this way, at our home we pretty much don’t have a computer. The old one we have is old and broken; we only use the computers at my job, relatives, or at the library.
Thank you for the chance! =)
Congrats! I have been reading Afrobella for about 3 years now. I started right when I got pregnant when I was looking for advice on natural hair. I stumbled across your blog on someone else’s blogroll and the rest is history. Of course, I don’t comment often(sad sad I know), but just know that your reviews and knowledge has helped at least one sister in bloggyland. I transitioned to locs last November, and I still follow your blog reviews for products that matter to me! My current laptop is dying a slow painful death, and since finances are always tight, this giveaway is a wonderful thought!!! Thanks for all you do!
Hey Afrobella!! I have been reading your blog for about a year and a half (since I went natural). I have been impressed with the content of your blog as well as how it looks visually. Love the makeup advice as well as the hair talk. It hasn’t been a dull moment. I also appreciate your heartfelt personal posts, like the one where you wore your bathing suit from Lands End for their campaign.
I would love to win this PC because you were one of the people who inspired me to start blogging about my personal hair journey (which I’ve had for 1 year…yayyy!) and I have also considered going into business for myself doing what I have a passion for: creating a bath and body line. That would really get me going!!
Thank you sooooo much for the opportunity, win or lose and many more years of Afrobella!
Gee whiz…I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading your blog. I’m guessing around three years or longer.
Congratulations on 5 years! Over the years, you’ve introduced me to some of my favorite beauty products, brands and devices (can anyone say Clarisonic Mia?!).
Thank you for your voice through Afrobella! As an African-American, plus-size, natural hair wearing sister…I LOVE it!
A bit over a year and counting! Congratulations on all your success!
Afro-myBella, I’ve been reading you for 2 years now. I was living in Chicago when you relocated there & actually saw you on the street downtown. I was so excited to “spot” you I think I kinda frightend you so I didn’t say anything. LOL, sooo awkward…anywhoozers, you are a inspiration to me. I’m growing into the kinda of professional independence that I see in you. This laptop would do sooooooooooo much for making that happend for me.
I have been somewhat of a stalker of your blog for many years 🙂 It is so inspiring to see women of color supporting others is all things- hair, soul, body, and business. All that you do and share has been so positive and up lifting and you have inspired me to do the same thing in my life.
On my quest to help others by way of the healthcare field, I have been inspired to use the resources and connections that I have to reach out and help others just as you do. Thanks for all the hard work and support. Wishing you great success in the future!
To be honest…very recently, but like it so far and continue to do read those… Keep up the good work.. It’s inspiring…
Hey there Afrobella! Many congrats on 5 years! That’s awesome! I must admit, I began following your blog this year after seeing one of your post pop up in a natural hair group that I am apart of on FB. I love your beauty and hair tips and the recent post you did about spicing up your beverages-tried it at home!
As far the contest, I would absolutely love to win this laptop! What an upgrade it would be and ever so helpful in all the writing I do for my now 2 blogs! Yep, the one listed above is the book club blog I write for and my other is a fitness blog (my other passion) that I write for as well! ( I am still getting a feel and fit for this blogging/writing world and trying to find my place in it also. I’m only about 2 years in the game. Again congrats and thanks for the great post!
First of all congrats on achieving 5 years of blogging! Someone whose been in the game this long deserves all the success you’re receiving and more! Five years is a long time in blogging and you do it well.
I have not been a follower of your long as I have just recently learned about your blog via the very successful MAC Blogger’s Obsession collection (I have & love your lipgloss)! I am a fellow beauty blogger and I know blogging is a labor of love not often rewarded or considered legitimate as far as a career. And while the majority of us do it as a hobby/pastime venture, most of us really have made blogging a part of our everyday lives.
Like I said, I am a beauty blogger ( and I recently experienced a break in at my home and one of the items stolen was my practically brand new laptop. It was less than six months old and it served multiple purposes including school and blogging. Unfortunately the culprits were never caught neither was my laptop recovered. So I could really use the wonderful laptop you’re giving away as I am having to save up again for another one. I’m keeping up my blog in spite of and it’s bloggers like yourself that give me the encouragement I need to go on. Congratulations again!
Hi Afrobella,
I’ve been reading your blog for at least a year, & I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Congrats on the anniversary!!!!
I’m currently a MS student beginning to work on my thesis, as I hope to graduate this Dec. I plan to continue my studies at the Ph.D. level. A new laptop would surely come in handy at this hectic time since my current computer is aging and my concern with its approaching demise causes me to take precaution and backup my important files SEVERAL times a day (the thought of possibly losing my thesis is driving me a little insane to say the least).
Thanks for all you do to educate your fellow naturals:)
Congratlations on your 5th blogaversary! I have been reading Afrobella for about 4 years now. I really enjoy the makeup reviews and your travel/picture posts. I would love to win the laptop because I have never owned one. It looks very sophisticated and sleek. I could use it to continue to broaden my horizons and learn more about the world.
I’ve been reading Afrobella for a couple of years and I’m so glad I’ve found it. I’ve been reading and enjoying even when I was creamy cracked up, and now that I’m natural, I have a new appreciation for it.
I’ll LOVE the netbook because it’ll be perfect for my writing when I’m traveling and/or on the go. That way, won’t have to use my teeny iphone nor lug around my real laptop when I could use a smaller one.
Cool giveaway and congrats again on your five years!
I have been reading Afrobella since 2008. I need the netbook in my life because it will allow me to blog, look for work, and work on consulting projects from home and from anywhere else 🙂
I have been reading your blog for a little over a year and I have found it to be so inspiring and full of great information.
I could use the netbook because I really want to start a small business and having this around with me would be easier to carry. In addition, I’ve recently applied to graduate school to major in Education and it would be great to have this to capture new lessons and a new time in my life.
Thanks for the giveaway and keep up the fabulous work!
I’ve been reading for a about two years now. I think I heard about you from Shake you Beauty. Theses days you’ve become my #1 go to for black beauty tips!
My laptop is the one Ive had since grad school. And I dont even attempt to use it with out plugging it in. I’d LOVE to have a new one and sit in Starbucks showing it!!! 🙂
I’ve been visiting your site for just over one year and, in that time, have learned do much about caring for natural hair and for myself. If I were the winner of the eee PC, I’d use it to fulfill my dream of starting an online career counseling business. I think being able to empower women in their job search and showing them that natural hair can be professional and stylish would be a dream come true. Afrobella, I would be honored to be the recipient of the first giveaway!!
my first time actually
Well I’ve personally never heard of this site, but definitely seems like a blog I would read ( I’m on the Internet at least 10 hrs a day for my job, usually go to random sites during slow time)
It would be awesome to win, please write me back 🙂
It’s been at least 3-4 years now since I made your blog acquaintance when I was looking to go natural. What I’ve appreciated more is how you’ve helped me step out of my box. From makeup to skincare to nails but mostly just accepting my beauty as is! Thanks to you, I found a great place in Brooklyn for my natural daughter to get her done. I’ve had the opportunity to have my hair played with at Aveda. I tried a new product thanks to your Olay give-a-way.
I don’t like to use the word “deserve” so I’ll tell you why I’d like to win. After being Mommy first and putting my girls first by making sure they had a pc at home and then laptops when they went off to college, I’m finally getting the chance to be more me and have and do things that I want. My own netbook would be a fantastic way to have something for me (not Mommy, but me). And of course, I could keep up with Afrobella while I’m on the go.
I’ve been a reader for about a year and love your writing. I guess I don’t really *deserve* this notebook, but I start college next year and this laptop would be really helpful.
I would love to win this! Not for me, but for my daughter, who will be a freshman in college in a couple of weeks. She went natural during sophmore of high school, entirely of her own volition, and took copious hints and sample products from sights on your blog. I tried to discourage her from transitioning during the painful high school years, but she was headstrong, and oblivious to others’ opinions.
She will be a theater major with emphasis on costume. I have delayed buying her a much needed laptop, because of cost.
We are both ardent fans and glean so much from your site. Thank you for reading my comment, and Blessings for another five years!
Hey Bella, I’ve been reading your blog since about 2007 when I found you on clutchmagonline. It’s the first blog I actually visited everyday and found that I was connected to you as a woman of similar interests and concerns about beauty & culture. You quickly became my “cyber sister”!
I need a new laptop & would be so grateful for the win, because I am on the rise in my career and if/when I get this promotion I’m praying for, I’ll be traveling A LOT, therefore relying on & pulling out my laptop A LOT. The thought of me pulling out this old Gateway laptop with the stickers all over it, (I used my laptop to express my individuality 5 years ago when I bought it) that doesn’t have a camera or microphone (so I have to borrow my boyfriends laptop when I have to skype my director) makes me cringe.
I am also building my personal brand as well as representing an awesome beauty brand and my sliver of technology should be as sleek, cutting edge and modern as I am. Right now, it is not and this is sad. My current budget doesn’t allow an upgrade, so this old clunky thing that burns my left thigh when it’s on my lap (this has to be causing some type of damage to my cells that I wont realize until I’m my mother’s age), will have to suffice for now. That is unless I am the winner of my favorite blogs 5 year anniversary giveaway! Congratulations Bella!
BTW, you’re going to love the photo of me and Ledisi in my All of my Purple Life lipglass! Amazing!
Well, this is my first time on this site, so…today is how long I’ve been reading.
As to why I deserve it, I wouldn’t be winning for me, but for my wife. She’s just starting a cooking blog, and having a nice laptop would go a long way in helping her write it.
I’ve been reading your blog for 2 1/2 years… since I started my transition. My 2 year natural anniversary is 8/18.
I could use the netbook because I am going back to school after 10 years to finish my bachelors. I enrolled for my classes last week. It would be helpful to have a way to access my online classes some way besides my work pc.
i forgot to mention that I am creating a series of writing workshops for young teen girls that they can take online or in person. It is a must that I have a reliable piece of technology in order to do so and to have the exact one that you’ve been creating on would be kismet!
Happy 5 years Bella! I’ve been reading this blog since 2007. I am so proud of your accomplishments! You honestly were one of the reasons I decided to go natural. I was in law school, I was frustrated with everything and I just wanted to try something new. Your stories and tips (and the reviews about makeup, God, do I love makeup!) really gave me the confidence to do it. I’m 3 years natural now and loving it. I have found a ton of other blogs, but I still come back to this one. PS–I loved your old banner because I <3 Janet Jackson. I was so pumped when you relocated to Chicago! I keep missing the natural hair meetups, but I'm going to get to one and I just hope to shake your hand.
I deserve this notebook because I am really working on finding my purpose. I didn't finish law school, and I've just kind of been floating around trying to figure out what to do ever since. I am working, and volunteering, and trying to get more involved in my community, and hoping this will all lead me somewhere, because I feel lost. I want to start blogging (or tumblr) to document this journey into my purpose so I can motivate other twentysomethings too. I am also going to go back to law school (hopefully next year) and this would be a much better gadget to carry around to do my work.
Whatever happens, congrats again! You really inspire me! May the favor of five carry you for many years to come.
All the best.
Continued Blessings on your success. I was introduced to your blog while in conversation at the Hair Salon one afternoon in December last year. I read it ever so often during my lunch hour and spare time.
If I win this computer I will use it to teach my beautician/hairstylist at the Salon how to use the computer and Social media techniques. She has shown a lot of interest in this and writing a blog for the Salon and usually has no time to become computer literate. I need a good working laptop for this.(Plus other things of course. 🙂
Afrobella I have been reading your blog for 4 years. I was searching for information on locing my hair and your there was a link site was mentioned on another blog..after reading your blog I was hooked. Spent the next hour(I was at work) reading your previous entries and immediately saved Afrobella in my “favorites” both at work and when I got home.
The net book would be a big help in my world right now. Not only do I tutor students to obtain their certification as professional medical coders but I also returned to school last fall to obtain my Associates in Liberal Arts. The net book would assist me in giving presentations to my students , while helping me to continue my on-line classes on-the-go.
I’ve been reading your blog about 6-8 months now and I stumbled across it by following you. It was a blog post regarding style. I kind of peeked here and there and then saw your opportunity for the lipglass and how amazing of a job you were doing. It was simply excellent! Hope u keep doing your thing!
Hey Afrobella, I have been a reader since January 2011 This was around when you first debuted the Karim Rashid Asus eee PC. I read that review and was convinced that this was one to keep an eye on. That was around the time I was searching for body products and your blog came up with reviews, I continued reading and enjoyed your tap dance with words and how your blog was choreographed.I love your reviews on products and the way your name has become an item in the natural hair industry. Keep up the great work..
I have been reading your blog for about 4 years and have enjoyed watching you become the best of the best! You were a godsend when I was looking for someone who looked like me from head to toe to give me hair and beauty info. Keep up the good work and many blessings to you.
I love the fact that the laptop matches your blog! It would be Amazing to win this laptop as my Dell has cracked in some very important places at a time when I’m trying to launch my Social Media Biz & Book of Amazing Inspirations since I have not had any success regaining corporate employment. The Devil must know this endeavor is going to Bless a lot of people but I serve an Amazing God that can make the Impossible Possible. Love what you have done & are doing, continue to Be Amazing!
Abundant Blessings to You,
Inspiring Indy
Hi Afrobella, I’ve been reading your blog for about 8 months now since I began to consider going natural. I’m a 15 year old transitioner and have been transitioning for 4 months. You were one of the vloggers that inspired me and I thank you for the time you take out of your own life to help others learn more about their hair. I spend a ridiculous amount of hours on the computer watching youtube videos and reading anything I can find on natural hair. My desktop is really slow and gives me a lot of problems. I would love to win the laptop because I want to start recording videos of my hair and really get into documenting my hair journey. I hope to soon inspire other teens to go natural and be proud.
It’s been that long already?!? Wow! So proud of you.
I started reading Afrobella from the first Nappturality page when I found a link to your site. You had the original header and I thought how much you really knew your makeup!
I’ve been in need of a computer for a while but gas/grocery prices are making it a little difficult to build any kind of stash 🙁
I would use it to build my events empire. My little events company needs more online exposure and it would be great to continue my brand.
Congrats to a Beautiful, Dedicated, Strong Black Woman!!! You have been an inspiration to all women, regardless if they have natural hair or not. I remember when I came across your blog about 3 years ago and I have not stopped reading since. There has been days when I was sick of my hair and wanted to just go back to the white crack, but because of your posts I would try a new product and love my hair all over again.
As a wanna be blogger you are evidence that as long as you believe it and dream it you can have whatever you want in this world. I know without a shadow of a doubt that you have allowed women know they can voice their thoughts and people will hear them. You have created natural hair a trend that all people talk about and want.
I am encourage to know that you will continue to grow and stay focused and successful in all you do. I am looking forward to see your next step in your journey. (maybe a book) .
One of the main reasons why I would deserve the netbook is because I would love to be able to work on my blog on the go as well as read yours. I am in the developing stages of my blog and I hopefully in five years will be celebrating my success like you are doing today.
Again Congrats on 5 years of Success and THANK YOU for all that you have done and all that you will do!!!
“You don’t become what you want; you become what you believe.-”Oprah Winfrey
Much Love!!!
I was referred to your blog attending a Naturally Flyy hair meetup here in Detroit in April. I’m presently transitioning in most areas of my life, including my hair. Recently divorced, I found myself without a home computer for the first time in my adult life. My ex was the gadget man so all of that belonged to and left with him. Only now in entering this contest did I realize truly that I’ve never owned a computer of my own. I rely heavily on my BlackBerry for personal internet access. I want to return to school to pursue a degree in Nursing. Working full-time and not having computer access has been a huge deterrent to my plans to move forward. To win this contest would allow me to move forward with that plan as well a tremendous blessing for my sons and I.
Congratulations in your 5th year anniversary! I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
I have been reading your blog for about a year and a half now. I recently started my Life Coaching and Makeup Artistry business and having a laptop for travel (as I am usually on-the-go) is necessary. Congrats on 5 years and thank you for all you do!
I have been reading for so long, and i am a guy, i really love reading about hair styles and how to keep my body happy ^_^
i’ve been reading afrobella since going natural, sept 2009. i’ve even emailed you in ref to blogging (but u never emailed me back 🙁 anyhoo!! i’ve started blogging last year just on randomness that comes to mind, my hair and my new love for makeup…oh YES that infamous AMPL is in the stash!! but more importantly, i recently enrolled back in school. After a 10 yr hiatus i decided to finally take the plunge. i have a 4 yr old who i instill the importance of education in and i feel like a hypocrite since i havent finished school myself. im excited and ready to go head on for a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice **standing tall w/cape flowing**
Hey Bella, Congrats on your five year anniversary. I would LOVEEEEEEEE to win that piece of history, it will make my fingers magical and my talents come alive just thinking about the gift from you. It would also be a wonderful birthday gift (next week) You inspire us all, that post about your journey really tugged at my heart strings. We never our gifts will take us! Thanks so much for you sharing your story with all of us.
Rachel O.
Hi Bella! I read you a good bit of the time. Congratulations on five years of awesomeness!
(don’t need the laptop, but yes, it is pretty!)
Happy Anniversary! I love your blog I’ve been reading it on and off for a few years only off because I kept forgetting to bookmark it and then couldn’t remember where I found all that great information! Thank God for Google Reader. Anywhoodle I’d love to win because I’ve recently been inspired to start a blog of my own and it’ll be nice to have something smaller to take with me when I want to write on the go!
Hi:) I’ve been reading your blog a little over two years when I first stopped pressing my hair and searched for all things natural hair:) I am currently working on a doctoral degree without a personal laptop (sneaking and using the one at work and traveling back and forth to school) is no bueno! lol I also started a new blog so I need to be able to get my posts up in a timely manner! I am not able to download a lot on my work laptop and definitely not able to add ANYTHING, not even a printer! UGH! It gets to be so frustrating, BUT funds are tight so I have to do what I can with the resources I have:)
Kind regards,
Congrats on your 5 yr anniversary and all your success! I begin following you on YouTube for a sneak peek at your natural hair (I’m 1 yr no relaxer/ 5 months since big chop). Love the hair.
Then I discovered your blog. Oh boy! I’m an aspiring professional blogger. So, I was thrilled to see you online. I get RSS via Bloglines. Thanks for providing attractive and inspiring content!!
Also thanks for the netbook review. I’ll take a look at it because I’m seeking something lite and portable that I can haul to work. How I’ll use it: blog (of course), tweet, Facebook, LinkedIn and manage my online beauty store and freelance projects while on my lunch break. It sounds like I got a lot going on, maybe too much. This is called insurance. After I was out of work for a year, I vowed to myself that i would never be caught without multiple streams of income. It’s slow (temporarily), but it’s sho’ (a.k.a. sure or solid).
Hey Afrobella, I have been reading your blogposts for a couple of months now. I just love your insight on things and it makes me proud as a women of color to see another sista doing the damn thing. Congrats on your anniversary and may you continue to do bigger and better things. I think i deserve the netbook because i am soooo in need of a new laptop…mine is falling apart at the hems, I just dont have the money right now to buy a new one.I am the mom of a beautiful 2 year old.. I need to stay connected so that i can continue to support individuals like yourself and stay fabulous! Congrats again and keep being fabulous and dont let anyone else tell you otherwise!
Congratulations on the 5 year mark. Reading this site for some time now but I’m mostly a lurker. Subscribed via RSS and facebook. Why I’d like a new computer? I’m going into my last two years of college and my current computer is on it’s last legs. I doubt I’ll have much money to devote to a new computer since I’ll be living off of student loans and what I make working part-time while I go to school full-time. ( Majoring in business computer information systems )
It’s been a rough ride since my father never went to college and passed away some time ago, and my mother lives in another city. Paperwork for large universities is a mess…I’m having a lot of trouble “absorbing” this all. All the paperwork, the nightmares about this kind of debt in this economy, hoping to get a job somewhere that pays well and where I can avoid certain “discussions” in generally white, male environments ( both as a POC and a woman ). Spending $400 for a new computer just wouldn’t be feasible. Not saying my situation is worse than other people’s but everybody has worries.
Hey Bella,
I’ve been reading your blog for the past three years. At the time I started I was definitely a weaveaholic . I knew absolutely nothing about my hair, but after reading your blog religiously I have gathered the courage to embrace my natural texture. Even though I have been natural now for two years, I still read every day seeking to receive new information about inner and outer wellness. Recently, however I have been reading to see the exciting things you have been doing in your personal life, such as the Bloggers Obsession Collection. It’s really great to see someone transform a dream into a reality.
How you have taken life by the reins, and chosen to craft your own path is the main reason why I’m entering this contest. Generally, I shy away from ever entering contests due to fear. Before I can even write down why I should win, I have already convinced myself that I won’t get it. But this time I’m not going to let fear get in my way.
I would like this computer because I am an aspiring writer and photo journalist. Right now my computer is has been acting pretty shady, and giving me some problems. For me to further my career I need a computer that works like all the time, lol. This would allow me to take on more assignments.
Regardless of whether your pick me or not, I’m still remaining a fan and avid reader.
Hello Afrobella,
First of all congratulations on your five-year success. I just recently(like this week) started reading your blog . . I’m a newbie to transitioning and I have found a wealth of information that I wish I had when I started transitioning six months ago. I am at that point where I’m beginning to have the creamy crack withdrawals and being able to read other sistas stories of transitioning(and view pics of beautiful natural hair) has given me motivation and inspiration to continue on. Trust and believe it is not easy especially being a full-time student, single mother of three and employed full time.
I would love to win the lap-top because it would help me in achieving not only my goal of becoming a Registered Nurse, but also it would help my children reach their full educational potential. I have a desk-top computer currently and having a lap top would enable me to keep up with my online classes as well as my seated classes and it would free up the desktop so my children can complete their homework assignments.
Thank you for the inspiration to continue on my natural journey and I wish you continued success.
Thank You for the opportunity to win also;)
Blessings unto you and congrats on 5 beautiful strong years and many more. I just started reading your blog, but am happy about all the natural love you have in this blog.
I deserve this beautiful little netbook because I am going back to school to finish my nursing degree to become a neonatal nurse. It has been a long time coming but I’m finally ready to move forward in what I know is destined for me. I love to empower and encourage women to embrace who they are naturally and I’m an assistant organizer for a natural hair group called Do You Naturally. This netbook would also allow me to continue help other women in their natural journey of embracing who they truly are 🙂
I’ve honestly only ever read a couple afrobella posts in the past that my stumble button has lead me to. But both times I thoroughly enjoyed the read. I’m studying to be a mobile app developer for the betterment of the furture of mobile technology. The laptop here would greatly help me in my ability to study, as I only have a desktop, but am rarely home. Hopefully I can get this netbook to help me help the furture of mobile technology 🙂
Hey Afrobella, LOVE! LOVE! LOVE your Blog! 4 years ago, this blog has been my premiere, original source for Natural hair care and the driving force for my passion to share my hair love affair with others! Thank you for sharing soo generously with your avid reades. We Love you! Keep on keeping on! 🙂 In Gratitude, Ayo
I simply love everything about u!!! You make being a woman of color even more beautiful!!
Hey bella, and Congrats for keeping up the good work! I’ve been reading your blog for 5 years and i even entered the logo contest when you were searching for a new logo (props to SHARI NEAL)! I’m loving this giv-a-way especially since its an ASUS. My computer wiz friend suggested 2 years ago I try and purchase an Asus since I do a lot of graphic designs, short films, and also attempting to master web designing.Im also an online student going after my bachelors in Theology. This notebook would be a dream to have and it would definitely be put to work overtime.
Thank you so much Bella for your consistent dedication to your readers and supporters. There are no words that can really speak for five years of keeping us as a top obligation. God bless Bella
I have been reading your blog a little over a year now. I came across yout site after seeing it listed on a blogroll. At the time I was searching for some connection to what was new, hip, and innovative in hair, beauty, and fashion the black community (I was living in North Dakota for 7 years at this point, and felt so disconnected!) I had lost 90lbs at that point(I’m down to 120lbs lost), and was looking for a total beauty/fashion overhall! I spent hours on your site, pleased to find all that I was lookign for-plus lots more-told from the perspective of a mature, honest, fun-loving fashionista such as yourself! Thanks so much for all of the dedication and time spent away from your loved ones to offer such a informed and user friendly site!
Ooops…forgot to state why I deserve this prize…since going on my weight loss joureny, and moving back to a urban area(Denver, CO), I’ve inspired quite a few family members and friends to adopt a more healthier lifestyle and to lose weight. I’ve been giving serious thought into going back to college to complete a personal trainer program, and to offer discounted rates to any woman that is truly motivated to lose weight, but feels like they can’t afford to do so…this laptop would certainly help in both areas….thanks again Afrobella!
I certainly don’t deserve this prize (too new, and a bit of a lurker) but I just wanted to comment to say — this is such a spectacular start to your giveaway. 🙂 Congratulations on the five-year anniversary of this wonderful blog!
I’ve been reading afrobella for over a year now. I’m a new natural and I look to this website for tips and product reviews! It has been so very helpful throughout my natural journey. Unfortunately, I can only look at the website on my school’s computers because I do not have my own computer! Winning this laptop would be so helpful because as a student, I cannot afford to buy my own! It would be great to have this not only so that I can keep up with the blog, but I definitely need my own laptop for school purposes!
I have been reading this site for about a year now since I’ve been natural. Lemme tell you, if it weren’t for this site I don’t know how I’d managed dealing with my newly natural tresses. I’m a freshman student starting off college, and one of my top ways of meeting new people is my HAIR! They ask me how do I get my hair the way it is? Where do you get your information? As a new student in school and in the way of my hair, a laptop would be a great way to get me learning and connected with the learning and natural hair world.
Actually, this is the first time ive read about this blog. While surfing on twitter something stumbled upon my eyes and lead me to this wonderful site of yours. I did checked some of your post and they are done nicely. I think i will made an addiction on surfing on your site and since i am a very addict on blogs.
If i may win, or not the freebies im will continue reading your site.
Hey Bella I have been reading for 2 years and while I’m not a long-time follower I am really impressed by all that you have accomplished and hope to follow in your footsteps. I started my blog about a year ago and it really has helped me find my bliss. I have an older clunky PC that I bought from an auction at my old job and while she works I would love to have something portable that I can take with me for blogging on the go (right now I use my BB to do that and you can imagine how awkward that is). Congrats on all your success.
Hello, Afrobella I’ve been viewing your blog since my best friend introduced me to your site around the end of 2009 when she convinced me to go natural and embrace my natural beauty. Your site has great info.I transitioned in Nov 2009 and BC May 2010. I love the confidence #naturalhair gives me, I’m slowing coming out of my shell and blossoming. I deserve the little notebook because I love to stay connected for school, news, events, local and world wide. Also, #naturalhair info. Thank you
Ive been an avid reader now for about a year, I love it. Not sure why I would deserve it, Im not a bragger and am pretty humble, so, lol, I do hope I won it though. God bless.
This is an awesome giveaway, much like your blog. Advance congrats to the winner, who’ll be doing their thing on an actual piece of Afrobella history!
Thank you for giving me such a good time reading you blog I thank you very much 😀
Congrats!!! I have been reading the blog for 1yr now. I have been natural (locks) for 2 yrs now and I love it. I should have done it years ago. There is such empowerment in being natural. I really would love to win. My husband has been laid off for 2yrs and money is tight so items like this are a luxury…. thanks
Beautiful bella…you are so kind and generous! I have been reading your site for almost a year. I love your site because it is not just hair! You recognize that we are so much more multi-faceted and that hair is not all we care about. I love you because you are honest and let us see your insecurities and flaws (atleast what you perceive to be flaws!). If I won this notebook, I would give my old one to my boyfriend since he always takes mine… then I would have more time to spend reading your blog!
i’ve been a reader and a follower for about a year..i saw your picture and fell in love with your hair and your hair ideas…
the netbook would be a better support tool when i’m in meetings or out on calls… it will take the place of my smartphone… (cut back on all of those “apps” lol)…
Bella!! I’ve been perusing the site for over a year now. I’ve mainly just been a lurker and have come out a time or two, but I really enjoy everything you put into the site. The site gives so much insight on all things fabulous! Your aura is contagious and encourages me to feel comfortable in the skin I’m in.
The Netbook is gorge!! I’m trying to work on a couple of side gigs and it would help me out tremendously. I’m also starting another Master’s in the fall and the Asus could definitely keep me on top of my work instead of having to stay at work longer or visit the campus labs (my personal laptop has recently went to laptop heaven). The Asus could even be a staple in my oversized purse considering the cute design and size!
Thanks for all that you do for your readers! I hope to continue to read Afrobella for five (or longer) more years!
To be honest I’ve just started a couple of weeks ago. I look off and on because I’m a newly natural in need of help and plus I’ve seen ur name alot and wanted to know ”
WHO IS THAT” LOL and I feel like I deserve the beautiful little netbook because I’m currently in school for a Associates Degree and need a new one. Actually I’ve been looking and pricing some and this seem to come right on time.
Wow, this is awesome. I’ve been follower of Afrobella since 2008, and as a natural, I love visiting your blog and getting product reccs, tips on how to up my beauty game and just general inspiration from other bellas doing big things. It’s been amazing to watch you and your brand grow and branch out over the years. This Asus would be a timely blessing for me — my current laptop is on it’s way out just as I’m getting my freelance consulting work off the ground . Keep up the great work, Bella! Here’s to another 5 years…and beyond. :o)
Hi Bella! I’ve been reading your blog for about two years. You’ve introduced me to many new products (hello, Anita Grant!). You’ve also inspired me to step up my beauty routine(making me even more fabulous!). The Asus would be a great help to me since I’m starting school in a few weeks (and am in the market for cute laptop). I am finally stepping out to fulfill my dreams! I am in my late 30s and getting my PhD in Epidemiology…finally!
Keep up the good work!
Congrats on 5 years! I’ve been reading Afrobella and watching your youtube vids since I decided to go natural back in July 2008. I love that your blog is not just about natural hair, but so many other experiences that you have. I’ve modeled my own blog after that same concept, because even though I’m a naturalista, I’m so much more! Winning this computer would be a life saver for me. I started making YT vids in 2009, and just recently started my own blog this year. However, my current computer was purchased in 2003 so it is suuuppppeeerrrr sslllloooooowwwwww! And because its so old, I can’t use alot of the newer programs, so editing videos and blog posts is just aweful. I think I get more done faster on my Android phone than on my computer. But I suffer thru it for the love of blogging/vlogging! I’ve been wanting to get a laptop, but my husband lost his full-time job in 2009, and hasn’t worked full-time since. Right now we are trying to allow him to continue to work part-time so he can go to EMS school as his dream is to be a fire fighter. But then he was in a car accident, so he was out of work for about 3 months. Long story short, we just don’t have the funds for me to spend on a laptop right now. So winning this would be awesome!
I have been an avid reader of Afrobella for almost 3 years now. It has inspired me to experiment with makeup & take care of my physical self. I believe that it would be a blessing to win this netbook so I won’t have to respond using my smart phone like I am now:)
Hi Afrobella. I’ve been reading your blog a little over 2 years. Although I don’t need a new laptop, I would love to give it to my Mom. The one I got her for Mother’s Day 2 years ago crashed, and right now I can’t afford to get her a new one. Thanks!
Ive been a reader now for half a year. I don’t think I deserve it, as I don’t participate at all, but thanks for being so generous!
What I do with it… take it with me everywhere! taking advantage of the size and weihgt.
Oops! weight 😛
Hello Afrobella! Congrats again on your 5 year anniversary! I have been reading your blog since December 2009 since the day I did my last relaxer knowing that I would never go that route ever again! Your blog has inspired me in many different ways. Since I have been natural I have dedicated my time to mentoring women of all ages on how to take care of their hair, to change their lifestyle and love themselves for who they are, not who society says is beautiful. Since reading your blog, I have started a youtube channel, a blog, a fan based facebook, my own business, making my own products, doing hair, and most importantly networking.
Winning this computer would be a blessing for my fiance and I. We are living a life of karma and giving. We live by the motto to “be a blessing, instead of waiting for one”. We give not based on what is convenient to give but based on who would need something more than we do, no matter if we are down to our last $10 and we can be okay without it.I am working on my own business while he is growing his as an amazing graphic designer and tech repair. A few months ago we realized that our laptop was keeping us from being productive. We would wake up and jump on facebook and browse only for entertainment. We gave it to a coworker of ours who we knew needed it much more and who could appreciate such a thing that they were never able to obtain on their own. Since then we have become much more productive and the need for a computer is rising as a result of our business increasing. With this laptop, he will be able to provide his graphic services, while I will be able to keep up with my online communities to make a difference in peoples’ lives.
If i do not win this computer, either way I will be thrilled for the winner because either way you are doing an amazing deed by being a blessing! Thank you for the opportunity!
I’ve been reading your blog for just a little over a year and have really enjoyed it. You have given me advice via twitter, laughed and joked with me there. I love your blog because its not just about hair or makeup or even fashion, you actually put your own self on here with your insecurities, opinions, and thoughts truthfully. I love that. I love that when you are excited about doing something amazing, like making your own lipglass for MAC, that amazement comes through to your readers. This blog isn’t stuck-up(and by that I mean, the author of the blog doesn’t think themself a hollywood celebrity), it’s real, and it’s by a person who is constantly amazed by the things she gets to do and she is more than willing to share that amazement with her readers at every chance she can. For me, that is honestly why I love your blog and why I will continue to read it. I’m glad I found your blog and I hope you have many many more years of success and happiness with it.
I have been following your blog for over a year now and I LOVE it. I have it bookmarked and follow it daily. You are such a kind and gracious person. Very inspirational. I hope you continue to showcase your gifts to all of us and I look forward to attending one of your Chicago meet-ups.
I would truly appreciate the opportunity to own a new computer because my laptop may be on its last legs and it would be a tremendous help.
oh I forgot to put what I would do with the laptop. EVERYTHING. I have my own youtube channel now, and I do graphics and websites for people and this laptop would be blessing to help me do that from wherever I am. It would be a help for when I need something compact with good performance.
Hello Afrobella! Congrats on the anniversary. I’ve been reading your blog for about 2 years. I found the link on Black Voices’ Hair Channel.
I would love the new computer. I am in a transitional mode. That’s a good thing. I am now focused on me. That statement empowers me to pursue my dreams and goals. After being everything to everybody, it is time for me and I have no shame or apologies for it. This computer would be an asset to my business ventures.
Thank you for being so selfless with your life and opportunities. I hope to pay it forward one day as well.
Take care. S
I’ve been reading and loving your blog for about a year now, its inspirational and also you give the best tips/reviews. I feel that my family would benefit from this because my family has one computer, most days my husband has to take it to work because he works in the field. With school about to begin, we have our older son and daughter in high school, and our youngest son who has special needs/autism, its challenging going to the library. This would help my family out since we don’t have the means at the time to purchase another computer. Thanks for reading Afrobella and Happy Anniversary with many more happy ones to come. Stay Blessed.
I have been reading for the last few years, and your blog (along with Motowngirl) convinced me to go natural nearly three years ago! I deserve to win the netbook because it will help these last few months in school feel a bit easier. My current laptop is on its last leg (battery has failed, only works when plugged in, and has a few cracks). Even though I’ve had it for 5 years (amazing in terms of laptop years), the hassle of always needing an outlet especially trying to find one in class gets to be a bit much.
Congrats on 5 years!! You’ve definitely become a staple headliner in beauty blogging, and I’ll be here ready and waiting for more.
Hi Afrobella,
I wish I could say I’ve been a long time subscriber to your blog but it has been just 3 weeks since deciding to go natural and your site is my best friend. In that time I’ve sent links to family out of state and friends here in Chicago. I now start my day with your site because I feel a kinship and appreciate your breath of knowledge. I’ve been praying for help like this. I decided to go back to school after being laid off since December 9 of 2009. I still have not found perm employment, working as a temp. I started my classes with gusto but my laptop had other things in mind. I lost all my work when the motherboard and video chip died. Did I mention it was during finals? That kind of thing shapes you but also shakes the little confidence I had. I have been trying to save for a computer so that I can go back in the Spring. I am really trying to tell you how amazing it would mean to receive your generous gift. I am currently using my work computer to view your site every morning. Since I live in Chicago we could definatly set up some sort of visitation if need be! Thank you for the opportunity – fellow Janet fan 🙂
Afrobella started out as my guilty little secret 3-4 years ago. How can one be a community organizer if you also love makeup, fly hairdos and purses? Yes, it seems like a silly question but where I’m from, activist is a paying job and the uniform is t-shirt, facial piercing and boots. My turquoise MAC eyeshadow and espadrilles earned me plenty of side-eyes. So I lurked online, digesting tutorials and cosmetic tips.
Fortunately, I’ve since made peace with myself. I accept my social justice heart and my counter culture–makeup counter, that is! At times, I’ve wanted to take the Afrobella logo for myself. It seems to sum up how I see myself.
So, thank you, Afrobella, for putting yourself out there and doing what you love! You’re inspiring and affirming! I’m trying to do the same by relaunching my blog blackrootinbloom. The Karim Rashid Asus eee PC would be a tremendous help! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Congratulations on your 5th anniversary! I have been following your blog for over a year and enjoy it so much. The first reason I started was because I was looking for an outlet that I could related to and I found it in your blog you have such a positive aura , here and on twitter. Oh and I would replace my current laptop and give the old one to my boyfriend since he doesn’t currently have one.
Hi Afrobella! I’ve been reading your blog for 2.5 years, and it helped me a lot when I first went natural, as well as upping my fashion, accessory, and product game! I deserve this laptop because I’m a poor engineering student and my Dell is dead 🙁
Hi Afrobella! I’ve been reading your blog for about four years now. I remember the first day I found your blog, I immediately pinged my fellow coworker to rave about it. What an absolute treat to find a curvy natural who loves being girly and edgy and comfortable all at once! Your site is the bees knees, lady.
I deserve this laptop because our behemoth HP laptop is 3 yrs old and on its last legs. Plus, I’m blogging a lot more these days (inspired by wonderful fellow journalists like you!), so it would be great to have something more portable.
I have been reading your site since Jan 2011, that is when I embarked on my journey to caring for my naturally curly hair. I have always been natural but just recently took an interest in the health of my hair and improving it. I enjoy your site and the informative posts, I don’t think I neccessarily deserve to win this over any other reader but I sure would love too! he he he my PC is so old and slow but with bills and two kids buying a new one has been at the bottom of my priority list.
Hi Afrobella,
I was so excited when I came across your site about two years ago. On that day I bookmarked your site because I was afraid I would not find it again. It’s been a pleasure visiting your site.
I would love to receive the netbook. My hand me down computer has been with me through thick and thin but unfortunately, it’s on its last days after 8 years! I’m currently a student who could definitely use the netbook as I begin the job search and go on interviews. If I receive this wonderful gift, I’ll put it to good use.
All the best to you Afrobella!
I discovered your blog about 2 years ago when I first big chopped and went natural. I am now natural for the 3rd time and after seeing you in Atlanta at the world Natural Hair Show I am determined to remain natural. I would love to win the PC for my son. He is entering 7th grade and I think your computer would be perfect for him to have his own laptop for school assignments! Take care!!!
I have been a loyal Afrobella reader for close to 3 years now. I love your awesome passion for all things natural. My Toshiba Satellite laptop has been my buddy since undergrad and it is on its last leg. I have no choice but to keep it plugged in when in use because as soon as, I mean the SECOND you unplug it from the wall, it turns off. I am an up and coming children’s book writer and that netbook would definitely get put to great use as I embark on this new journey from mommy to AUTHORESS as Maya Wilkes from Girlfriends would say. 🙂
Hi Bella! I started reading Afrobella a few months after you first started. I didn’t really get a good grip on taking care of my natural hair until I came across Afrobella. Your writing has always been genuine! If I won this laptop, it wouldn’t be for me, but for my mom. I see her working so hard to build her Mary Kay business, and I know it would help her build more contacts and online connections. Here’s to many more years of Afrobella!!
I’ve been reading Afrobella since February I believe (not nearly as long as these other dedicated subbies but, I should enter anyways, you never know). I heard about it from one of the people I’m subscribed to on youtube (I think it was FusionofCultures but, I’m not exactly sure.. I may have even just been scanning the web. I don’t really know) I’m not actually natural yet, I’m a long-term transitioner but, I love to go on your blog and the hair care forums and I try to learn everything I can so that I’ll be ready and thoroughly educated when I finally bc.
I think I deserve this prize because my laptop just broke last month. The hinge snapped and now I can’t fold it down without it cracking and popping and it’s been in the same position for a while now. I’m starting college in 2 weeks and have spent a ton of money already so I can’t exactly afford to get it fixed yet so, I would be very grateful if I happened to win this giveaway (one less payment I have to worry about)
Congrats on 5 years though! That’s a very long time.
I have been reading Afrobella for a couple of months now. I am a college student and I love reading information that pertains to me as an African American Woman about beauty. I go to a predominately white school where they could never understand my struggles of finding good products. Happy Anniversary!
I have been reading Afrobella for about 5 months. My hair has been natural for about 4 years and I never new how to properly take care of it. So, I got online and did some googling to get tips and helpful information from people who know what they’re stuff when it comes to natural hair care and Afrobella was there in the list that came up. Afrobella, I believe does not just focus on hair but on the whole person, which I truly adore about the site. I believe that I deserve this pc because I’m a mother of 3, who went back to college in the fall of 2010 and this would truly be a blessing for me to complete my assignments. Thankyou so much for the opportunity.
I started to read Afrobella about 2 months ago (I know not a long time). I was looking sor somewhere to gain support for being naturally me. Image is everything to me and I needed some where to turn to that I could see that I was not alone and that being my natural self is beautiful. Now I want to share that with the rest of the world and manufacture t-shirts announcing to the world that “My Natural Is Beautiful!” Thanks for the encouragement and confidence to be myself.
My daughter reads so many blogs and one day i asked her what her favorite blogs are and she mentioned you. My daughter introduced me to your blog in 2008 while she was living in NY. She was searching the internet for natural hair sites and ran across yours. This was before you changed the background of your website (which I love). I am not writing to win the laptop for myself, i’m writing to give it to my daughter. I thank her for introducing me to your website and all the information and just great reading I’ve received from reading your blog. My daughter has probably enjoyed it more because she is a “product queen” I thank you for putting the information out there that you do and taking the leap of faith you did to quit your job and move and to just blog for a living. You are truly appreciated!! Peace and Blessings!!
Hi Bella, i’ve been a follower for about a year now. I researched natural hair care for a few months before going natural and your site was one of the most helpful. After reading an article on your site about developing a haircare regimen i was set! You got me hooked on Jamaican Black Castor Oil! Having this laptop would be a great asset in developing my writing hobby as well as aiding in my daughter’s studies. Finger’s crossed:)
I’m a novice to Afrobella. I’ve been following since early June and I love your beauty tips as well as your style. I have shared your blog with several friends and they are hooked too. I believe I should win because I actually know who Karim Rashid is. I met him this past spring at a lecture at The George Washington University in DC. I must add he has it going on with his slick designs. Also pink is his favorite color.
I started to view your site when I came across it in the Ebony magazine. I was in love with lip gloss idea and name since I am avid Prince fan too. I was in awe when I check out the site. You go girl!! I even purchase a few lip gloss for Xmas gifts. I wish I would know earlier of your site it would have been of great help when i was force to go natural by my doctor. I had a “Tina Turner” hair dye experience so natural was the only way to go to give my hair a chance of regrowth. I would love to win the computer because I am currently in college working on my Bachelor Degree. A new computer would be heaven sent since I’m in need of a new one.
I’ve only recently discovered your website, but I love it. I’ve been spreading the word about it to my other curly-girls. Your story has inspired me to start a blog which I hope to launch in October. So, your laptop giveaway would really help me to achieve my goal.
Thank you for offering the giveaway, and continued success with your blog.
Hi Bella,
I’m a longtime reader, but not a frequent commenter. I’ve been reading since the beginning. Wow, 5 years, Big Congrats!! I actually hipped my sister to your blog (ssshh, she thinks she discovered it) We often discuss your postings and find that we really trust your opinions. (Definitely a sister in our head).
This is not just for the contest. You oughta know how great you are. I always look forward to the dish on all types of beauty products. I’m usually wandering about some product and poof it appears on your blog.
I was so proud that you repped the plus size naturals at New York Fashion Week.
Felt your pain when your site was hacked and had a semi panic attack that I might lose you. Didn’t realize I was so afrobella-dependent.
So happy you got to make your own M.A.C. lipgloss. Loved,loved All of My Purple Life.
When you addressed your body image issues and showed pics in your fly lavender suit, I was giving you the virtual high five. Plus wanted to give your hubby a hug. How sweet is that man.
Ok, enough lovefest. Why do I deserve the PC? Well, I don’t. (hangs head in shame, gives watery puppy dog eyes and reaches for the box of tissue) I started a blog many moons ago and I have let health, financial and family issues put it on hold. I’m so angry with myself that I didn’t focus on what I really wanted. Now years have flown by and I feel tempted to give up on my dream. Problem is that is not my nature. So for the thousandth time I have recommitted to sharing my personal self online. I’m scared out of my mind. But I know that I will regret it if I don’t do it. I’ve spent enough time kicking myself for the past, it’s time to use that energy to jump to the next step.
Plus, it’s PINK! Ok, I had an official pink hiatus, but this would be the one exception. Or maybe the brown one…girl I’m really not this indecisive.
Luv ya,
GFC – Y Monique Jones
Twitter – jesusismygrace
FB – Monique Jones
Wow, I can’t believe this.
I do not deserve it, but I would love to have it for my daughter. I am a single parent and for the last 26 years I have put my needs aside to make sure my daughter had a better life than my own. This may she graduated from Havard Law school. I am so pround of her and know she has a bright future aheas of her. She has not landed a job as of yet and she doesn’t have a computer of her own. She spend so many hours at friends and the library using their sytem and this would be a great thing for her.
This is not a hard luck story, just a, “it would be nice. Thanks for everything
A fan? Definetly. Plus size and loving it? Of course. Upcoming Blogger? Hopefully.
I started blogging after being inspired by a few of my fav blogs, one of which is yours. I honestly started to gain some recognition, to be (in a sense) famous. I come from a small town and have always dreamed of breaking out. I didn’t realise how hard it is, how time consuming it is, how to build my empire , etc.. after giving up blogging for about 2months I realized how much I missed it. I don’t care who reads it or how I’m perceived I learned to blog for myself. It took me awhile to realize u r so great because this is your passion. I would love to fuel my Passion with a new computer. If you could help me put my best foot forward I would foreveeer be greatful. Reguardless of the outcome, I will still be a loyal reader 🙂 thanks for this amazing opportunity!
I have been following you blog for about two years. I love the various topics you cover. I would love the to win this netbook as I am currently a single mother and don’t have the means to make a purchase like this for myself which means I have to share with them. I recently started a blog in the hopes that I could help people like you have done.
I pray for you continued success and many blessings. Congrats on all that you have accomplished thus far. Please continue what you do as we all love you.
I have been following your blog for the past two years or so. I love your fresh approach and you always keep it real. Just last night I was fighting with my current laptop. Grrr!! I almost threw it across the room! Would love to get my hand on this one.
Keep up the good work Bella!!
I am a fan of your job since 4 months ago, when I discovered this awesome blog 😉
As you, I love passion and I need this PC for work on her 😀
Good work Bella!!! Your job is so awesome… xDD
I’ve have been reading for over a year and a half now. Your blog is one of the reasons my blog exists. I deserve the laptop because I would certainly put it to good use. My son spit an entire cup of water into the laptop that my husband bought me ONE week after the warranty expired. Since then I’ve been using my husband’s old laptop. The screen is broken so I have to attach it to an old PC monitor so I can see what I am typing. Please free me from this ghetto computer setup. LOL.
Wow! This is NOT an entry as I don’t deserve the prize (only been following for 6 months or so!). I just wanted to say 5 years is awesome, so congrats. This is an amazing giveaway and the winner will be very lucky, but fortunately, the blog is great, so we’re all winners really! Hehe!
Good luck ladies! All the best Afrobella! I look forward to the next 5 years! 😀
I have been a reader of your site for a year , and I love it!!! I happen to stumble across the site and I was hooked all the way. I would love to winn the PC… I’m a college student that has to go to the libary to access the computer and as we all know there is a time limit for the computers!! Please help lol. thanks so much and Happy Anniversary!!
I was made aware of your site over a year ago, due to I had done a big chop a year and a half ago. I had joined several hair care boards and was in need of some good suggestion for hair care products for natural hair. This was a new territory for me and I had been relaxed for over 25 years. I decided it was time to wear my natural hair as is and to embrace it. Well once I heard all the rave about Afroveda I had to try it. You were my very first natural hair care product I had chosen for my hair. I first bought the Shea Alma whipped butter crème, and boy, it made my hair so soft and manageable. When I went for a trim with my hairdresser even she commented how soft my hair was. Well I was hooked and have been a fan of your products ever since… I would love to when this PC so I can blog to others about caring for your natural hair, and giving points on my natural hair care journey…
Thank You,
Cheryl James
I have been following your blog since discovering it about a year ago. I would love this netbook to pieces. It would be a life saver in furthering my writing career and aspirations of being an author. I actually have a chocolate brown hardcover paper notebook that I have been recently using to pin my latest story ideas and the look of the netbook immediately reminded me of my new little paper notebook.
Hi Patrice,
I’ve been following your blog for about a year now. I deserve to win this giveaway because I’m currently not able to blog like I choose because my netbook is down. I haven’t been able to purchase a new one yet so I would be elated to win.
Hi Bella,
I’ve been reading your blog for years. I can’t say “Since the beginning”, but it’s been a while. You definitely were a great resource over the years as I thought of going, and eventually went, natural.
I deserve to win the netbook, because I’m a fan, a true fan. I follow you and comment on twitter, and fb, and I don’t just comment whenever you announce a giveaway :).
Miz Bella–congratuations on five years; I had no idea and I look forward to logging on for many more years to come.
As one of your “Beautifully Aging Bellas,” this laptop is just what I need to enhance and better organize my professional and personal life. I love the portability features that you describe. I would not miss a beat!
I’ve been reading Afrobella for the past 2 years.
Hi Bella,
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years and really enjoy it. It is full of wonderful information and is a daily destination for me.
I would love to win the PC and give it to one of my best friends. Her current laptop is so old and outdated that it is barely functioning. She is currently working and attending school so there are no extra funds for a new one any time soon.
I’ve been following your blog for just over a year. I’ve commented here & there. I also follow your Facebook page, Tweets & Tumblr.
I deserve to win this netbook because I’m interested in starting a blog or non-personal Tumblr account discussing law, politics & public policy (Domestic & Global). This would be perfect for toting around w/me which in turn would give me little to no room for excuses about why I haven’t started, or once started, haven’t posted. A netbook is convenient & easy to have at all times & would keep me connected to the blogs I follow, the news sites/other resources I read for legal, political & public policy updates.
@SBailey7 – Twitter
Wow what a blessing this would be if I could win this. I love, love AfroBella and all of the great and interesting reading that it provides. This would not only help me to continuing reading AfroBella it would also help me to keep in touch with family, friends and to continue sending out my “Words of Encouragement & Prayer List” that I’ve been emailing out for the past 12 years. I have chronic pain due to arthritis and a knee replacement, so I can’t get around as much as I would like to. Win or lose, I will continue to be a faithful reader and contributor to the AWESOME AfroBella!!
I’ve been reading Afrobella for at least 4 years. I deserve this beautiful little netbook which would be a big help to this 50 year old student who has recently returned to school for health information technology.
Hi Bella,
First, CONGRATULATIONS on FIVE amazing years with your blog, which were truly God’s favor to you for using your gift and sharing it with the world. I have been reading your blog since around Late ’07/Early ’08 as I started comtemplating whether or not to take this natural journey. Immediately, you captured my undivided attention with your writing style and presence. You’re like the big sister or best friend a girl dreams of having.
I’ve always loved to write, ever since I was about 10 year old when my life was altered. That’s when I wrote a poem to my grandmother, who passed away on the last school day of my 4th grade year. It was the day before we were supposed to go shopping for my very first fishing rod. (SN: Fishing was my granny’s thing w/ her grandkids, so this was like THE biggest thing ever for me at 10 years old. I can now say it was with that event that my life changed and a part of me died with her.) Okay, enough of that b/c now I’m teary eyed and sad.
Anywho…When I began reading your (and a few of my other faves) blog has truly given me SO much inspiration to start my own journey into the blogosphere. Real talk?!? At first, y’all made me feel that there was NO WAY in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks that I was going to venture into blogging. I kept thinking and saying, “These chicks are frggin’ awesome! No one wants to read posts by boring ol’ Stephanie” to myself. I’ve spent years going back and forth between that and my love of writing.
Until now, that is. I have decided to start FINALLY start my blog to share my thoughts and pieces of myself, boring or not, with whoever is interested enough to read. It will document my life and journey, as I embark on several projects, including my new business and building my brand.
So, I don’t necessarily DESERVE it, as much as I WANT and event NEED it. (My laptop crapped out on me and I have yet to be able to purchase another one, since I quit my job in order to help w/ my sickly mother. But, know that if I am the winner, I will cherish the PC and your generousity in holding the contest. And,when I am able in the future, I will give the same type of favor that I received to my supporters.
Thanks for being you b/c you’re an incredible spirit and you rock, Bella!
My Contact Info:
email =
twitter = @nappturallyfree or @cocoabrownchic
Hi Bella,
I have recently discovered your website, and I feel it will help me tremendously with my transition. I have been so, SO confused as to how to care for my hair as I went natural. I went almost five months without a perm until yesterday, when I backslid. Pray for me. 🙂 I have breakage and have thinned out and I’m not entirely sure why. I was convinced that the chemicals in a relaxer were keeping my hair thin, so to stop getting perms and STILL thin out has upset me. I was getting my hair pressed twice a month – maybe this is the culprit. Anyway. I ramble. I hope I can find strength and inspiration through Afrobella.
The reason I need the computer is simple. I have returned to school, and the computer I am currently using is a desktop – and 11 years old. It’s slow as molasses and seriously hasn’t been updated since I bought it.
I am a newbie to the site, but your posts are great! It is awesome to see how many people care for themselves and want to empower each other to do the same. As a 3rd grade teacher, I think it is SUPER important to encourage each other (especially women)…..I am happy this site crossed my path. It has been added as a FAVORITE :o)Keep the info coming!
Much love to everyone…
P.S. – If any of you are educators, I hope you have a wonderful school year, as you create stimulating environments for your learners!!!
I’ve been reading the Afrobella blog for the past year. I must say I love your writing style, wit and fashion and beauty sense. As a woman who had not been really into fashion and makeup before. Your site has inspired me to try new looks and to experiment with different types of makeup and products. I will continue to be a dedicated Afrobella women.
For the longest time I’ve heard and read Luvvie sing your praises. I’ve been reading your blog for the past year and think it is fantastic. I really want to go natural but i am afraid. Every time I read your blog I inch closer and closer to cutting my hair off and starting all over- natural of course.
I think I would be a good candidate for the PC because my laptop crashed 3 weeks ago and I did not have it backed up. Stupid right? Anyway, I’m kinda stuck in a vicious tornado on being a blogger with barely no access to the tools I really need to blog i.e. a laptop.
So hopefully I’ll win and get back to the business of blogging.
I’ve been reading your blog since January, and have been informed and inspired by your project reviews. I BC in July and I’m loving it. I would love this netbook in order to continue pursuing my own dream of writing and blogging!
Hello – I have only been reading you for a few months – very interesting info. I found you via twitter. I really enjoyed your journey creating your MAC lip glass. I would love the Asus so I can have my personal machine and stop using the work computer. Want to stat blogging and this will help because i will not have to share. Peace and blessings…
I have been following your blog since your first day. I think you came onto one of the hair forums and invited everyone over and I have been here ever since. This looks like a sleek laptop. I would love to have one since I am in the process of opening a small business. Laptop mobility would really help. Thanks Bella!
I am new to Afrobella, I’ve only been subscribed for two months. This is the first and only blog I have subscribed to. I’m a married mother of five and so my time is very limited. I wanted to be able to read something that was interesting and spoke to who I am as a Bella. I’m always excited to see the blog when the email comes on my Blackberry. I am enrolling in online classes and the Karim Rashid Asus would come in handy, so I wouldn’t be fighting for computer time with the rest of the family. Even though I haven’t been reading for long. I’m glad that I am now. I’m just sorry for all the things I’ve missed over the last five years. Here’s to more years of reading Afrobella.
I’ve been a naturalista for 20 plus years now, tickled you so ably examine hair themes so long overdue. And I’ve been checking in with Afrobella for over 3 years. (Wow! Has it really been that long?) I was one of the folks pulling your coattails, back in the day, rushing you to blog about the much-anticipated all-black issue of Vogue Italia.
Before I am remiss, let me say, “Congratulations on your anniversary!”
Aside from your commitment to the cause of re-imagining beauty, hair, culture, and life…one thing that’s surely guaranteeing your staying power is that distinctively-nuanced, compelling voice. The particular flavor and flair of your pieces is pitch-perfect. I absolutely loving your writing style. In fact, I have delusions of capturing some of that unmistakable je na se qua. (Not to be presumptuous, but I think your writing style is so remarkable, I believe I could pick it out, uncredited.)
On a personal note, it’s been a time of immense soul-searching and character-building for me. I lost my job (and remain unemployed after many years), sold my beloved house and car, reluctantly moved from the south to the east coast, acted as a round-the-clock caregiver for one parent battling cancer and the other coping with dementia, all the while experiencing a lot of heartache and struggle in the process. I would be honored and grateful to receive your giveaway, as I try to reinvent myself as an entrepreneur, maintain my hope for my future, and make my dreams come true.
Oh, how fun it would be to walk in your shoes for a bit, armed with an Asus Eee PC. Already, living vicariously through you has been the perfect escape. Being gifted with a PC would be a concrete symbol of something that’s more tangible, something that’s packed with possibility, helping me to see what is possible for me.
Thanks for sharing over the years! Continue to do well with much success in the future!
I have been reading Afrobella for about 3 years. Congratulations on your anniversary, I always knew your blog would blossom into the amazing platform that it is now for women of color interested in beauty and health.
I am an economics student with a five year old Macbook that overheats and has a completely dead battery. To use my laptop I have to have it plugged in, and this fact makes it difficult to bring my computer to school. Winning this giveaway would help me out so much and also take me back to my PC roots and away from the dark Apple side. 🙂
Thanks Afrobella!
I discovered your blog a little over a year ago, when my my natural hair journey was just in the making. I was amazed at the wealth of information your blog provided and have been a huge follower/supporter since. I think I deserve this pc because like you, I have a giving heart, and have made it my mission to inspire confidence and promote self-love in all women.
Oh the wonders of sisterhood!
Happy Anniversary Bella, you’re the! 🙂
I have been visiting your website for the past 6 months, Although Im new to the site, this was the first site I went to when I did the Big Chop. This website has truely helped with proper hair care maintanece and styles and just good tips for life period. Being a college student its hard to fit your bugdet around products and find good knowledge in a small rural town, but this website has truely help me love my hair and love me period. So even if I dont win I wanna thank you for helping a young natural out. Thanks
I have been a follower for about a year and would love to win this to use at work. I am a public defender and represent indigent people with mental health issue who are accused of misdemeanor crimes. Since I work for the city government, our office has struggled through severe budget cuts. Our computers haven’t been updated in years (with no hope in the near future). This computer could go to court with me to help in contested hearings. My clients and I would really appreciate your generosity!
Hi Afrobella! I have been rading your blog since 2007. I have always loved it and even follow you on FB, twitter and tumblr. Why do I deserve this notebook, well I have started writing and currently I want to write a novel within the historical fiction genre based on the would be life of Emmett Till. I have been out of work for a bit now and we have one computer in the house so my writing time is limted. With my own laptop, I can write whenever and ala JK Rowling, even travel with it. Please choose me and add me to the sisters out writing.
Congratulations on making 5 years!
I deserve this laptop because I am a freelance web designer, and my laptop just went out on me. ;( I have clients waiting for me to finish their website, and my desktop is just not cutting it. Not to mention, I can’t take the desktop with me and work on the go.
I have been reading “Afrobella” for about 3 years now. I have been amazed in seeing how the blog has grown, and how you have had the opportunities to work with some of the biggest cosmetic and hair companies. Congratulations to you!!! I wish you the best, and hope that you continue to be blessed with big things in the future.
Hello Afro Bella!!
I have been reading your blog for around 8 months now- I came over once I saw you and curlynikki had switched winter hair regimens 🙂
I believe that this laptop would be IDEAL for me because as I am getting ready to start the most challenging year of my life yet; I am entering my third year of college, majoring in child Development with a minor in gender and women’s studies (if these programs accept me!), working full time, volunteering at a food pantry every other friday, sitting on the Executive Board of my school’s Black Studet Union- AND MY LAPTOP BATTERY just died. To add to that, this is the year I planned to write my first one woman show!
I attend the Univrsity of Wisconsin- Madison as a student in its First Wave Hip hop Theater Ensembl- in short, I have a full tuition scholarship for being an artist; in my case a writer, though there are singers, dancers and visual artists in the program. But we are students first and a 17 credit workload and writing a show that will takes months of research (I’m drawing from mythology, American history and current events in an examination of how women treat each other under perceived sexual transgrerssion) is impossible without my own computer!!! Furthermore, I just got my first apartment! So that means I need a job! A job, preferably, that allows me to do homework while working! See where the laptop comes in?!?!?
In short, this is my roundabout way of saying PICK ME!
and I can’t beleive I forgot to put this in my post but, CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING THIS MILESTONE!! yay!
I just discovered you about 2 months ago. I love your professionalism and great content. I have a youtube that I recently started in May 2011. I would use the chocolate netbook to further grow my vblog. I would also use the netbook to start a program to help single parents with transportation needs. thank you for providing quality work for us to read!
I am writing this at 11:37pm on Sun. 8-14-11. I love your site!! So informative and full of great information. Curly Chronicals actully informed me about your site through her Youtube videos.
I have always ben an entrepreneur at heart but never did anything about it. I promised myself that 2011 is the year that I would start a small business. So I entered a small business plan contest this year and lost. It made me a little sad but I don’t want to lose my conviction to moving ahead. I would use the Chocolate netbook to keep my business plans alive. My current lap top is OLD (2003 old) so I could use a new one.
i started reading your blog when i was put on bed rest due to my pregnancy.. thats when the internet became my bff! lol my son is now 6months old. I love your site. It has inspired me to start a blog. nothing big, yet. I never realized how much time and energy blogs are.. i respect you girl! I would love to use the laptop to help with my blog, my schooling.. and my giveaway obsession! 🙂
…Violin please) I know I dont have an excuse right now but honestly natural hair has been something I’ve tried to transition to for the longest but not having the resources has been tough. Now that we do have access to sites like yours afrobella it does make it easier. However in Jackson, Mississippi even though I live in the next town Jackson is the city and thats where I go to for shopping, there is only one yes 1 whole food store that is probably as big as mcdonalds so the shopping is limited. To sum things up I have just rto your site but I have read it on previous occasions I just figured my luck with any contests would be as limited as our sources. Thanks afrobella for the great opportunity 🙂
Oh and btw I have been a member of my email address provided for six years now and I check it too many times a day! 🙂
Congrats on 5 years and still growing!!!!!!!!! I have not been reading you as long as some, and I might not check in daily as I would like to. I check you out at least three times a week from work and I try to soak in and print as much as I can when I do. I have been keeping up with you “fro” :)lol, about a year and a half now, so I have quite a bit of a paper trail from printing different articles. Again congratulations and keep growing!!!!!
Ollie M.
Hello, I think I’ve been checking in for a little over 2 years, last year I got smart and started subscribing with my googlereader feed. Is it weird to say that if I won the notebook I would pass it on to my Mom, who is an educator and had a laptop from the school district that she’s got to turn in like next week! And she’s soon to be looking to replace it and after buying my baby sister one, and buying her college books (yay little sister is off to college now!) she’s over-extending herself now.
Anyway that’s what I would do with it, she’s had natural hair all of my life (almost 30 years) and maybe it’ll turn her on to this site if she has a personal computer to do it from.
thanks for all the lovely posts Afrobella!