I’m not typically a fan of the rom-coms. I’m gonna blame it on my film major background – having studied films and scripts and criticism so closely for my college degree, it’s made me a less than fun person to watch a movie with. I can see the script in my mind, and instead of suspending disbelief, all I can see are plot holes. If I weren’t me, I’d hate watching a movie with me.
Generally speaking, it takes quite a bit for me to LOVE a movie, especially a summer blockbuster or a romantic comedy.
Which is why I found Jumping the Broom to be such a pleasant surprise.
Sure, parts of the film meet those typical romantic comedy expectations. But the location, the cast, and the plot elevated it from the pack. Jumping the Broom is super cute, and full of visual stimulation, fashion inspiration, and vibrant performances by some of your favorite actors and comedians. AND, I’m so delighted to add, a great script cowritten by longtime Afrobella reader Arlene Gibbs, AKA NYC/Caribbean Ragazza to regular Afrobella commenters! I’d say that makes this a movie that totally deserves our support, bellas!
At a recent premiere here in Chicago, I was lucky enough to meet the iconic Angela Bassett (who stars as Mother of the Bride).
She looks STUNNING in person, and was so gracious in posing with me and Luvvie. Absolutely DYING to know her beauty secrets! And this month’s Ebony Magazine features sumptuous photos of the cast, and juicy interviews to boot.
I recently interviewed Ebony’s fashion director Elaine Welteroth, and she GUSHED over their May Mother’s Day themed issue. Angela Bassett, Loretta Devine, Paula Patton and Laz Alonzo look stunning on the cover. And can I just add on a personal note – it’s been wonderful to see the change in Ebony magazine. There’s clearly a breath of fresh air there, and over the past few months Ebony has managed to become a magazine I love and look forward to reading again. Trust me – as someone who always seems to be on an airplane, I am discriminating when it comes to magazines that get my money.
Ebony’s new fashion section alone reflects so many of the changes made. Vintage fashion inspiration via the ever-stunning Pat Cleveland. A turban tutorial from the divine June Ambrose. FLY photos featuring stylish mothers and daughters, including Kimora Lee Simmons, Nicole Murphy, and Alfre Woodard. And my favorite new feature – Style Spotlight, which features tastemakers you may not know much about. This month’s issue features Wolfgang Puck’s STUNNING wife, Gelila Assefa Puck.
Back to Jumping the Broom – in addition to featuring the cast and supporting the film, there’s a lovely crossover with Fashion Fair Cosmetics, which now has a Jumping the Broom collection of timeless eyeshadow shades and lip colors that are SO perfect for brides. Shade names include Chocolate Cake, Seashell, I Do, and Dreamy. Tres apropos.
I hope Jumping the Broom is hugely successful at the box office, and I love this multiplatform crossover. It’s rare that a movie made for us, by us, gets this kind of multimedia push and ALSO manages to be worth it. It opens nationwide on May 6, and would make for a super cute girls’ afternoon out followed by dinner afterwards, with your amigas or your mom!
Will you see Jumping the Broom? What do you think, bellas?

Patrice, thank you so much for the JTB love and the shout out!!
It’s very important folks come out opening weekend. We want to show the town (Hollywood) that there’s an audience for films like Jumping The Broom.
Sony’s marketing team has been incredible. I agree with you that this kind of multimedia support is rare.
I hope fellow bellas (and the bellos) enjoy the film.
I will definitely be there! The talent in the movie is exceptional. I can’t wait. Me and hubby will definitely be there. Congrats ladies!
Thanks for the post! I had the privelege of attending the Dallas premiere over the weekend and agree that the movie is good. I, too, met Angela Bassett — what a lovely, strikingly gorgeous woman! Everyone, go see this movie.
Great post and lovely pictures of Angela you and Luvie. It is good to see black themed and starred films.
I have seen trailors for this film for the longest. I hope it is released in the UK at the cinema and not straight to dvd as usually happens with great black films especially if like me you do not live in one of the major cities
congratulations to the writer too. This looks like a feel good film and must be worth seeing,. I will wait patiently in the UK to see it
Wow – now I must go see! Thanks so much and lucky you meeting the lovely Angela Bassett! Talent and beauty! What a package she is!
My calendar is already set to go see this movie with my girlfriends. Especially since,like the main character, I’m getting married on Martha’s Vineyard this summer 🙂 Cant wait!
I am looking forward to it. I think I may ask hubby to join me on a date. Always nice to flashback to the beginning of our romance, spices things up! 🙂
um, kind of a paula patton fan, but tired of only seeing light-skinned women as the love interests in these movies. If the guy is dark, it is okay–but tell me the last time a brown woman (beyond a shade of even caramel or mocha) played a major love interest. Getting tired of it. Don’t know if I will be seeing it.
Aren’t you lucky?! lol & Yesyesyes! I’m actually kind of excited. It will be nice to see with the girls! 🙂 I always enjoy a nice black film
I love,love, love Angela Basset and Paula Patton but I hate romantic comedies. However, since it was written by an Afrobella reader (Yeah!) I’ll be there opening weekend. We have to support each other.
I saw a sneak preview of the movie and loved it. I thought it was clever, funny and fresh. Hopefully people will show up and support it.
Im definitely seeing it! And im looking forward to the ‘chocolate cake’ eyeshadow- congrats ebony fashion fair
I saw this movie when it opened & loved it.HOWEVER !! My gal pal & I both said the same thing. We hear all this talk about black is beautiful & but when it comes right down to it, the old colorism messages are still there. Need a lead actress for love interest? Go for light skin & modified Caucasian features.Darker girls are aften cast as the “party girl” type as in “Coming to America” There’s also a thread on Nappturality.com about how photos of black celebs,esp women, show lighter & lighter skin tones the more successful they become. The prime example being photos of Beyonce.There’s also threads on the documentary “Dark Girls”( by very dark skinned actor Bill Duke) about the ridicule & disrespect dark skinned women get.