2010 has been quite a year. Through the ups and downs, you’ve stuck by me and I am thankful for every one of you! To celebrate 4 years of Afrobella, my site being back up and running, happiness and health – I’m giving you 12 Days of Giveaways!
On the 7th day of giveaways, Afrobella gave to me…7 Carol’s Daughter sweetly scented body scrubs!
The Carol’s Daughter brand is known, loved, and most often talked about for their hair products. And don’t get me wrong, I love and have always had great results with their hair stuff. I just feel like people sleep on their body and skincare products. They are equally amazing in my book!
Their body butters are essential during the winter, and I L-O-V-E their body scrubs. If you’re a regular Afrobella reader, you already know!
My absolute favorites are the Almond Cookie Sea Salt Scrub, and the sweet, decadent chocolatey Brown Sugar Scrub.
But how do you know which scrub’s for you?
I can’t use a salt scrub ALL over my body, my skin is sensitive like that. So for all-all-ALLLLL over use, I recommend the brown sugar scrub. But be forewarned, this is heady, sensual stuff. The scent of chocolate, vanilla bean and honey… the feel of moist brown sugar and rich oils all over your body…ooh, chile. Everyone deserves a shower experience like this at least once.
I love using the almond cookie salt scrub from my knees on down, and I really give my feet the respect they deserve with this scrub. After this, they’re soft and smell like delicious marzipan. And thanks to the sweet almond, soybean, avocado and jojoba oils, my skin is left feeling supremely, satisfyingly moisturized.
So which scrub are you more likely to love? SEVEN lucky readers won’t have to choose. Because SEVEN lucky winners will get both of my favorite body scrubs, thanks to my friends at Carol’s Daughter!
What do you have to do to win? TWO things.
Thing # 1 – sign up for the Carol’s Daughter subscription page – so you’ll get the info on discounts and new products before anyone else does!
Thing #2 – leave a comment below telling me you did thing #1, and whether you’re a sugar scrub bella or a salt scrub bella.
I’ll leave these comments open till Tuesday.
Best of luck! Stay on high alert this week – the 12 Days of Giveaways is about to kick into high gear!
PS: Carol’s Daughter is also trying to get half a million fans on Facebook by December 31! So click here to friend them!
This giveaway is officially closed, and winners have been announced. Thanks for entering!

First time commenter…I love Carol Daughter’s products and have been subscribed to them for a while now. I am a sugar scrub bella….but wouldn’t mind trying the salt scrub!!
I did #1 and i an a Sugar Scrub bella. love your site.
I’ve done one.. and I’m a sugar scrub gal!! I love CD’s body scrubs..
First time commenter as well. I am a fan of Carol’s Daughter and have subsribed as well. I am a sugar scrub bella! That Brown Sugar Scrub looks great!
Been using Carols hair products for awhile but never got the chance to try the scrubs. Already subscribed and ready to try both.
I did #1 (and I’m a fan of theirs on Facebook!) and I’m in love love love with the scrubs. Soo good. Hope I win. LOL
I did #1`and I am a sugar scrub diva… that’s why I’m so sweet 🙂
I did #1 and I very much a Brown Sugar Scrub Bella! I Love Carol’s Daughter’s products and I Love Afrobella!
Peace & Blessings!
I have been a lover of Carol’s Daughter products from the time Lisa was still making her products at her home in Brooklyn. I have been a member of the website forever and have been a fan of both the salt and sugar scrubs for a long time.
I’m already subscribed to Carol’s Daughter and I am definitely a sugar type girl. I have very sensitive skin so the softness of the sugar compared to the salt scrub is a better choice for me. Not to mention, I’m a sweet girl 🙂
Already signed up and I’m a suga gal all day long!!!! Love how it makes my skin soooo smooth and soft.
Just signed up and Sugar Scrub all the way!
I subscribed to Carol’s Daughter page. I am a sugar scrub girl!
I am a Carol’s Daughter subscriber. I die for the sugar scrub. Feels like you have brand new skin when you leave the shower. A must!
I’m a CD subscriber. I’m definitely a sugar scrub bella 🙂
#1 is done and I am a sugar scrub kinda girl!
YesI subscribed to the Carol’s Daughter subscription page. Iwouldsay that I am a salt scrub bella. In the summer the scrubs really open up my pores and in the winter the scrubs really peel away the dry skin.
Love them.
I’ve subscribed to Carol’s Daughter. I’ll need to be as informed as possible about products and hair care tips as a transitioning bella! As for which scrub suits me best, the brown sugar scrub no doubt. I’ll need an all over fix from the cold weather in NYC.
I’m a Carol’s Daughter subscriber. I am a bath products junkie and I love a sugar scrub!
I registered at Carol’s Daughter, and I would like more sugar, sugar, sugar please — lol! Thank you for offering such a great gift! 🙂
i did #1 im a sugar bella, love all products
I’ve signed up for Carol’s Daughter on FB. And I’m more a salt girl, but some sugars I really like!
love your site!
I am a sugar girl! And I am signed up with Carol’s Daughter.
I subscribe already to CD’s emails!
I am a sugar scrubbing bella! ;)))
brownatural@gmail dot com
I did #1 and I am in love with the brown sugar scrub!
I’m already signed up and I like both sugar and salt…I mainly use salt scrubs unless I just shaved, then it’s sugar all the way!
I’ve been a Carol’s Daughter subscriber and customer for years. I love the ecstasy sea salt scrub. You now have me super curious to try the brown sugar scrub.
I did number #1 & and I’m a sugar scrub bella.
i do heart carol’s daughter but I’ve never tried the scrubs. I signed up and liked them on FB and hope I win so I can give the sugar scrub a try
I love sugar scrubs…my favorite scent was discontinued last year & I haven’t done one since. :o( Thank you Afrobella for always turning us on to new ways to pretty up!
Oops! I forgot to tell you that I subscribed… Happy Holidays!
Been a carol d subscriber for years love both scrubs but I’m a sugar Bella!
# 1 is done and I am a sugar scrub diva!!!!!!
I did number one and Brown Sugar Scrub bella!
Happy Holidays!
I currently receive CD’s emails!
I love both sugar and salt scrubs….but I think I like the results of salt on my skin the best!
I signed up for on the subscriptions page, although I buy her hair milk from the local hair salon for some reason I never signed up before.
I prefer sugar scrubs but that’s only because I’ve never tried the salt scrubs..LoL…but I’d be more than willing to give it a go!
I was previously subscribed to Carol’s Daughter mailings (#1). And I have yet to really use a scrub, so I’m not sure which I’d prefer. I’d be thankful to give either one a try.
Hello, I love your blog. I’m a member of Carol’s Daughter subscription list and I’m a sugar Bella
I subscribed to their page and am a sugar girl! ^_^
I’m a member/subscriber of Carol’s Daughter and I am a Sweet Sugar Scrub Bella!
i did the #1 and i am really a sugar bella! I love Carols daughter products
I have heard so many positive feedback about this line of product. Currently, I am in my freshman year of college and cannot afford as many things as I would like. Hopefully with this contest I can win these amazing products =)
I signed up for the Carol’s Daughter subscription page, and I’m a sugar scrub bella! Merry Christmas!!
oops! forgot to mention I am Sugar Scrub bella and #1 was done a looong time ago
I did #1 and i an a Sugar Scrub bella
I’ve subscribe to CD – I am a sugar scrub bella! It’s so soft for my sensitive skin.
i am a salt scrub bella. thanks for the giveaway
Already a subscriber to Carol’s Daughter. I definitely am a sugar scrub bella..they are the best for my skin
I did # one and I am a fan of the sugar scrub
I subscribed to Carol’s Daughter and I would love the brown sugar scrub!
I’m a salt scrub kinda person. Elbows and heels need that extra care.
I did thing #1 and I am a Sugar Scrub Bella, but would LOVE to try the salt scrub for my feet!
I registered, and liked them on Facebook. I think I am a sugar girl because when I make my own facial scrubs, brown sugar is included. I heard there body products are divine. I would love to try them out.
I did register for the Carol’s Daughter subscription page. I am a sugar scrub bella! I LOVE Carol’s Daughter for both my hair and skin. Thanks!
I subscribed to Carol’s Daughter a couple of years ago
🙂 and i always go to the nearest Sephora to buy her hair products. The reason why i prefer going to a store rather than ordering online is because i get to smell any of her scents that i want. I always find myself shopping with a new friend and asking them to smell the almond cookie scrub 😀 . The funny thing is i have never bought it haha. But i LOVE that smell
Subscription done! I would love the sugar scrub.
I’m a longtime email subscriber of Carol’s Daughter and have been a salt scrub bella in the past, but I’m really interested in becoming a sugar scrub bella!
I signed up on CD under my gmail account and I am a sugar scrub bella!
I did number 1 – Subscription done! I would love the sugar scrub.
I’ve been a Carol’s Daughter subscriber for about 2 years now 🙂 And I’m a sugar scrub bella..salt may be too harsh for my skin.
I signed up for Carol’s Daughter’s subscription page. I would love to try the sugar scrub.
Completed the subscription sign up. And I’m actually a salt and sugar scrub Bella but, if I have to choose, I choose the sugar scrub.
I did #1 and I am a sugar scrub bella myself but that Almond Cookie Sea Salt Scrub seems like it would smell amazing!
I signed up for the subscription! I am definitely a sugar scrub woman.. they feel (and smell) so great.
I did thing #1 and as for thing #2, I am a sugar scrub bella all day. Love the sweetness!!
I subscribed to the Carol’s Daughter facebook and I prefer The Almond Cookie Sea Salt Scrub. Thanks.
I did thing #1! And I’m a sugary sweet bella…my skin is sensitive too, so I only use salt scrubs occasionally.
I’m already a CD subscriber. I need to make sure to keep up with the discounts. I love to save money. I digress. I’m a sugar scrub kind of girl. Not only do I love the taste of sweets, I love the smell as well.
I’ve done #1! (and became a fan on FB, too!) I’m a sugar scrub bella – Chocolate? Vanilla? Honey? Mmm-mm-mm. Sugah-gasm.
I have done #1. I believe that I am a salt scrub bella. Just the thought of using it makes my legs and feet sigh.
I have done the number one thing, and am subscribed! I am definetely a sugar scrub bella…yeah! God Bless
already signed up for their newseletter, and I love sugar scrubs they are so great smelling
I did #1 and I’ve already liked them on facebook. Im most definitely a sugar scrub girl. I love that brown sugar scrubs and their Jamaican Punch body oil. I would love to receive this gift. Goddess knows I need it.
#1 is done, and i prefer salt scrubs. i’ve never tried the carol’s daughter scrubs, but i like the effect of the salt more than the sugar…absolutely the best for all those areas that get extra dry!
Task #1 completed. I love Carol’s Daughter body products! In fact I just purchased the Mango Melange Shea Souffle. I have not tried her scrubs yet, but that is next on my list. I think that would enjoy the sugar scrub because I also have sensitive skin that gets really dry during the winter.
#1 is done. I’m a seasalt bella! I think it’s more exfoliating and leaves my skin super smooth.
Hi I am definitely a sugar I also subscribed to Carol’s daughter newsletter and like them on Facebook. I wish I would have seen all the great products they have before I done almost all my shopping. I will definitely buy in the future.
I did Thing #2. I like the salt scrub. My skin likes it fine and my elbows, knees and heels like it better.
I did number 1 and I am a sugar scrub bella!!! I know they both smell awesome!!!
I’m already on CD’s suscription list, since I’m trying to buy every last bit of the Jamaican Punch products before they’re gone! I absolutely love that scent!!!
I can say that I’m versitile when it comes to scrubs, sometimes sweet, sometimes salty (maybe it’s because I’m a Gemini, LOL!)
Thing 1 is done. I like the feel of the salt scrub so im a salt scrub bella
Registered, liked, and I am a salt scrub bella. Only beacause I’m diabetic and sugar scrubs have a tendency to seep into me & mess with my levels. But I sure do wish I could use them!
I did thing #1…and I am definitely a salt scrub bella (Almond Cookie happens to be my summertime favorite)!!
Signed up and hoping to win some scrub! Either scrub would be great and very appreciated…thanx Bella.
I’m already a subscriber at Carol’s Daughter. Sugar Scrubs are my favorite.
Can you believe I’ve never had a body scrub? Ever? Never owned one or had one done at a spa. I think I’d be a sugar Bella though. Something about the salt all over my body makes me feel itchy already and reminds me of bathing in the sea back home in Belize.
Oh yeah, I signed up for Carol’s daughter emails.
I did #1. I am a sugar scrub kinda gal!
I signed up for the Carol’s Daughter subscription page and I’m a salt scrub kinda gal.
I have completed step #1 by registering on Carols Daughter’s website.
I prefer sugar scrubs over salt scrubs because they leave my skin feeling more supple, sweet smelling and moisturized versus feeling slightly dry and grainy. Sugar scrubs are able to softly and sweetly scrub your skin while salt scrubs in my opinion tend to be more abrasive.
No. 1: done. I think I’d be a sugar scrub girl. I love the thought of smelling sweet!
I’m a sugar scrubs girl. I love sweet things. Scrubs are really good to help smooth skin where it can get rough. A sugar scrube is fabulous..
I did thing 1 and I would LOVE the sugar scrub.
I’ve signed up for the newsletter and I love sugar!
i have done thing #1 and I am both I love all kinds of scrubs…
I did thing 1 and I’m a brown sugar scrub type of chick
i registered and i want the sugar scrub bella
I did thing 1 and would love the sugar scrub
I’m registerd and have been a fan of Carol’s Daughter on FB for sometime now. I just love this stuff and I would really love to try the salt scrub, Almond Cookie is my absolute favorite!!!!
Registered, already a fb fan, and am a sugar scrub girl. My latest order from Carol’s Daughter is out for delivery today. I can’t wait to get my new Love Butter and all of the other amazing body butters. Woo hoo!
I did Thing #1 and I’m a sugar scrub girl. Have made my own at home. Scared of the salt scrub.
I would love the sugar scrub. Sugar makes my skin well great! A good moisturizer afterward is heaven. Happy Holidays!
Love the sugar scrubs. Already a subscriber
I just subscribed and is already a friend of Carol daughter on fb! I’m a sugar scrub Bella! Love…love carol daughter products!
I’m a sugar scrub girl and that brown sugar one sounds great for my sensitive skin. I’d really love to win some because i love Carol Daughter.
already did number one and im a sugar scrub =)
Already a FB fan of Carol’s Daughter. I’m more of a sugar scrub girl. I love all of their scrubs because they leave your skin really smooth and you don’t have to put much moisturizer on after using them.
Already subscribed! I would love the sugar scrub!
I signed up for the Carol’s Daughter subscription page. I’m a Sugar scrub Bella :-)!
I am a sugar scrub bella! But I think I’m like you for the salt scrub for the knees on down!
I did register and I have used Sugar scrubs and would love to try the salt scrubs. Carols daughter Rocks!!
I did #1 and I am a sugar bella
I am already a subscriber and I like the sugar scrub
I have been a subscriber for a while now! I love love LOVE Carol’s Daughter and all the amazing products! I have not tried the salt scrubs, but I love the brown sugar scrub! It makes a great gift for the Holidays!
I love sugar scrubs. I am a Carols Daughter fan and Have the almond cookie and love it. I subscribes already to Carols daughter and even told a few friends.
I’m a sugar scrub bella. Sugar scrub smells delightful and fills good afterwards.
Already a subscriber to Carol’s Daughter
Love, love, love Carols daughter and ALL the scrubs. Got my mom some this year for Christmas and this will be her first Carol’s Daughter experience. Hoping I can try any of the sugar scrubs!!! Happy Holidays!!
I have signed up for the subscription page, and I love sugar scrub bella.
I did thing #1, and I’m a sugar scrub bella!!!!
Sign me up for the 12 days of giveaways.
Heard so much about Carol’s Daughter would love to win something and find out more!
Thing #1 is done! I have subscribed also and I am a Sweet Sugar Bella! 🙂
I have been a subscriber for a while now & I am a salt bella.. 🙂
I’m already a subscriber
Already a subscriber and am a salt scrub bella. Merry Christmas.
I did number one and am a salt scrubber Love your haircare products. My hair glows and smiles everyday.
Already a subscriber and I think I am a Sugar gal. Not completely sure though so I would love to try both products to definitely be sure. 😉
I’m already a subscriber and a Sugar Scrub Bella.
Happy Holidays!
Almond Cookie! It smells sooo delicious. I use it on my arms to exfoliate them. Im already a FB fan! I just started using carol daughter and im in loooove 🙂
Already a fan/subscriber and a salt scrub bella! Thank you for your site and for your contests! Merry Christmas!
I am a salt scrub bella!! and I registered for #1…i could really use it right now!
I used to be a scrub bella, but I havent used a scrub or salt in QUITE some time. No particular reason. Winning the brown sugar scrub would be a perfect re-introduction to scrubs! Pick Me!
I did thing1. I already subscribe to CD love all of their products.
Almond Cookie I’m just so in love with the scent.New Carols Daughter User!!!!
Registered, already a FB fan and I am most definitely a Salt Scrub Bella. I have loved Carol’s Daughter for over 10 years.
I’ve registered! I am a salt scrub bella! I hope I win. Thanks for doing such an awesome contest. Happy holidays.
I am a subscriber of Carol’s daugter and a fan on FB… sugar scrub bella!
I was already a subscriber and I love the sugar srubs.
I’m already a subscriber to Carol’s Daughter! I love brown sugar scrubs, they are so yummy and my skin feels great! Thanks for the giveaway!
I just subscribed, I love the Sugar Scrubs!
I just subscribed and I’m a sugar scrub Bella!
Did thing#1 and I am a sugar bella!
I’ve been a Carol’s Daughter customer for almost a year now, and was already signed up! I’ve never tried the boy scrubs but know that I woulf love the Sugar Scrubs!!!
I’ve been a Carol’s Daughter customer for almost a year now, and was already signed up! I’ve never tried the body scrubs but know that I would love the Sugar Scrubs!!!
I’m already a subscriber. Sugar scrubs all the way! Happy holidays to you.
Already a subscriber. I’d take the salt.
I subscribed! I would love to try the brown sugar scrub. Please Please Please!!! and Thanks!
-Merry Christmas
I just subscribed!! I’m a sugar scrubber because I’m sweet!
I love the Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk and Butter . . . . haven’t tried the scrubs, yet, but your description has me ready to take the plunge!
I subscribed! I’m a sugar scrub kinda girl. Vanilla is my signature scent and i use my homemade coffee scrub every week. Time to upgrade!
I have done #1. I am a sugar scrub chick all day. Love salt scribe but my skin hates them.
Already a Carol’s Daughter subscriber. I’m a sugar scrub Bella.
i sign up at carol daughter, and i a sugar scrub.
I’ve signed up with Carol’s Daughter and I am also a fan on facebook. I am a sugar scrub girl all day! I am all sugar and spice and everything nice! lol
I signed up! I’m a salt scrub chick! Due to the harsh Chicago winters, I so need it. I had the Groove Salt Scrub and loved it!
I’am already a member. And I love the sugar scrub. It leave’s you’r skin so soft and dosen’t make it feel like it is dry. And my grandaughter’s love it two.
I am a friend of Carol’s Daughter and I am a Sugar Scrub Bella all the way!!
I’m a subscriber and I am a sugar scrub bella 😉
Love the sugar scrubs! already a subscriber.
sugar and I am a subscriber.
Hello All,
I actually use both. I do the salt scrubs once a month and the sugar scrubs twice a week. Almond cookie is my fav
I did #1, and I am a sugar scrub bella!!!!
I did thing #1 and I love the sugar scrub bella….
I am a subscriber and I am a sugar scrub bella!
I did thing#1 and I would like the Sugar Scrub.
I did thing #1, I’ve been a subscriber and customer for over 2 years now. I’m a sugar scrub bella hands down. Love it, love it, love it!!
I am already a Carol’s Daughter susbriber and a salt scrub Bella.
I love sugar scrubs they r the truth especially for winter dry foot soles. i’m in need right now, never tried on of sista carol’s sugar scrubs but love the products n already a subcriber.
I’m a subscriber of Carol’s Daughter, and I am a sugar scrub type of girl.
I’m a salt scruber. I feel clean and pretty.
I’m a subscriber of Carol’s Daughter on FB and on their site. I am a sugar scrub type of girl.
I’m a subscriber, and sugar all day… I need a new scrub too!
I have just subscribed to Carol’s Daughter, and I am a Sugar Scrub Bella….ooh la la!
The sugar scrub is the best!
I’m already a Carol’s Daughter subscriber and I’m also a Sugar Scrub Bella! Thank You!
I did thing #1, I am a Salt Scrub Bella.
I did thing #1 and I’m a Sugar Scrub Bella.
1 sugar scrub
sugar scrub
need the sugar scrub
I’m a subscriber and i want the sugar scrub!!!
Am now a subscriber of Carol’s Daughter and love the sugar scrub!
I think that the bobyscrub is great to use but a person should not ever have to be threaten a life to use.
did thang numba one!
i’m a sugar scrub kinda girl.
I’m a subscriber, and would love the sugar scrub!
Did thing #1, I got to say that am definitely a Sea Salt Bella, but would love to try the sugar scrub.
I did #1 a while ago & I am definitely a Brown Sugar Scrub Bella 😉
I have been a subscriber to Carol’s Daughter for a while!!! I love the sugar scrubs for my skin (especially during these dry winter months). The salt scrubs I use them on my hands and feet to make them mani/pedi soft!!! So, I use both!!!
I registered and I’m a sugar scrub bella.
Hey Bella! I subscribed to Carol’s Daughter newsletter. I’m a sugar scrub bella <3
I like them both.
Did the #1 and now for #2…I’m a sugar scrub girl….
I did thing #1 and i am salt scrub bella
I subscribed to thing #1 (Carol’s Daughter) and I’m a sugah scrub diva!!!
I’ve done thing #1 and yes I rocks the Sugar Scrub all day long
Signed up for #1 but I know I cant win again.. ( miss jessies.. Thanks Again!!!) but her body scrubs are sooooooo great!!!! I LOVE the Sugar scrubs… Once my stitches heal up I am sooooo going to go out and get some more and scrub my body down!!! being in the hospital makes me feel icky…. If anyone has not tried these scrubs go out and try them.. they are so worth it…
I am already a subscriber to Carol’s Daughter’s site. I always buy their products for my mom, but I would like to try them for myself.
I am most definitely a salt scrub bella!
Done #1, and I absolutely LOVE Carol’s Daughter! I’m definitely a sugar scrub bella because I’m as sweet as candy lol!
I am now Carol’s Daughter subscriber and a sugar scrub Bella!
#1 done. I’m a sugar scrub bella!!!
I am a Carol’s Daughter subscriber and I am a sugar scrub bella!
#1 done and I’m a sugar scrub bella!
Did number 1 and I’m a sugar scrub Bella.
They both look fabulous, but my skin prefers sugar scrubs.
Did #1, already “like” on FB
Oh my dears,im a sugar scrub,my skin wishes to be as soft as my daughters Bella Aurora Noelanis! She is my world and the thought of pure love in rhis product just reflects her! Thanks!!
Love Carols daughter! I have some of the hair products, they r great! Sugar scrub, can’t get down with the salt like that…
I did thing 1. I am a salt srub bella. Love Carol’s Daughter!
#1 is done!!!! Definitely a Sugar Scrub Marine!! 🙂
OMG, love this site! A newly natural sista and loving the journey. I have already done #1! Carol’s daughter fan for years! I must admit, I absolutely love both items, however, I am a salt scrub bella due to my dry skin.
I have been a fan of Carol’s since back in my “relaxed hair days, been natural 2 yrs now. I love her products. I went to do the subscription page for CD & remembered i’ve been a CD member for yrs so YES i did fulfill #1 obligation. I, too, have sensitive skin so i’m not able to use salt scrubs all over…definitely a sugar scrub girl but i do adore salt scrub for some areas. All hail ALMOND COOKIE…absolutely LOVE this scent!!!!
I already get the emails from Carol’s Daughter, so #1 done. I think the sugar scrub is for me.
Done #1.I am a Sugar scrub bella.
Carol’s Daughter sign-up?–Done!
I actually use both. For me, it depends on how they are fragranced. If I like the scent, I can use sugar or salt.
#1 is done, done AND DONE! I am a sugar scrub bella AND a salt scrub bella because Carol’s Daughter makes it so its ALL good baby 😉
Done! I did a #1 and a #2 (hee-hee, I couldn’t resist!)
I am a salt scrub bella! I have recently purchased’ my first order of Carols Daughter (Almond Cookie Souffle!). I am officially in love!. OMGeeee! I pray I win :O)
Oh I did a #1
I have done #1 and would love to try the sugar scrub from CD!
I’m a subscriber and I am a sugar scrub bella
I love all of the products, and I am a salt scrub kinda girl!!
I did thing#1 and I am a sugar scrub bella. 🙂
I signed up and I’m a sugar scrub bella baybee 🙂
I signed up on Carol’s daughter website. I am a true sugar scrub bella! I’ve always loved sugar scrubs.
I’ve been a subscriber for awhile now and I’m definitely a sugar scrub bella!
I am a Carol’s Daughter subscriber, and I use and LOVE both of the scrubs!
#1 Done….sugar scrub bella
Already subscribed and I would LOVE to try the sugar scrub!!!! Yay!!