When the news hit that she was sick and had been hospitalized, many assumed they knew the cause. I heard two Chicago-area DJs LOLing on live radio about the possible cosmetic reasons and their expected outcome of Aretha Franklin’s hospital stay. I wonder how they’re feeling now that the news has been released.
The Queen of Soul has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, for which she just underwent surgery. And around the world, her fans are shocked and concerned.
We don’t like to think of our favorite musicians or movie stars suffering, being sick, or growing older – even though we know it happens to every single one of us. We never want to see our icons become frail. But when it happens, it should be a wakeup call. Tomorrow is promised to no one.
If you’ve got a parent or relative who’s around Aretha’s age and grew up with her music as the soundtrack of their lives, they’re probably feeling that more than anyone.
According to reports by ABC News, Aretha’s surgery went “very well,” and was “highly successful.” So here’s hoping she is truly on the mend and will be back to perform and inspire us once again. According to the Detroit Free Press, you can send get well wishes to Ms. Aretha Franklin c/o New Bethel Baptist Church, 2541 W. Philadelphia, Detroit, MI 48206.
Aretha, all around the world your fans are offering little prayers for you. Get well soon, Queen!

Get well soon,I believe that the Lord will heal you,nice day !!!
her voice is one of those that you can feel deep down in your soul. still gives me chills. I’m sending my prayers for a speedy recovery
No doubt she hasn’t been living a healthy lifestyle since, well, almost forever, but no one should ever have to be dealing with cancer. A tough year for the Queen; I hope she conquers it.
I would have to actually research this, but I believe she had two sisters who died from cancer when hey were very young. I hope that she can truly beat this. Cancer is such a horrible disease—rich or poor it doesn’t discriminate.
Yes I will pray.