As the “mane” man on the set of Tyler Perry’s For Colored Girls, key hairstylist Kenneth Walker had his hands full! He had to work with some of Hollywood’s top actresses, and with a variety of hair textures. Kenneth styled everything from Whoopi’s locs, to Thandie’s fine, light hair (I know Kenneth used and loved IT&LY Hairfashion products on set, BTW).
But as you can see in this exclusive photo that I got from behind the scenes, the drama was entirely on screen. On the set of For Colored Girls, the cast and crew got along really well, and were EXTREMELY proud of the work they put in. Kenneth Walker discussed his feelings about the film with me beforehand, in case you missed that post:
For Colored Girls will finally open in theaters today. What will the response be at the box office? That still remains to be seen. I’ve been seeing all sorts of opinions about the film online. My friend Thembi Ford wrote a detailed review and labeled it a “messy melodrama.” My friend Bassey Ikpi wrote for the Huffington Post, “Don’t read Ntozake Shange’s play before you see the movie. This is not her play. This is something else. Something different. You know how Starbursts have real fruit juice in them but it isn’t fruit? Think of For Colored Girls as Starbursts and FCGWHCSWRiE as fruit.”
I liked Bassey’s Starburst/fruit comparison – and I think that can be said for many books and plays that are eventually translated onto the big screen. I also like the fact that there’s so much debate and discussion over this film, that is an undeniable history maker. Tyler Perry is quoted as saying, “never in the history of a feature film has there been an ensemble of this many black women. That alone is worth celebrating.” I agree, but only to a point. Let’s not let this be a celebration without informed criticism. Having said that, I look forward to seeing the film, and I hope For Colored Girls knocks em dead at the box office! I hope it ushers in a new era and fresh hope for filmmakers, scriptwriters, and directors, for whom the Hollywood moviemaking industry has not yet proven to be enough.
What are your thoughts, bellas? Will you be seeing For Colored Girls this weekend?
If you’ve got questions for Kenneth Walker or would like an interview opportunity, leave a comment below. His people are reading!

Can’t wait to see this! I just did a contest on my youtube channel giving away 5 free tickets. I sincerely hope those ladies enjoy the show on me and I hope that everyone goes out to support these amazing actresses.
I agree with Bassey’s comparison. I fall into the category of the of moviegoers that always prefer the written form of the movie. While I’m not entirely excited about the film, I wouldn’t boycott it. There’s great prodcution and great actresses so that’s not the problem. I’m just picky and prefer orginal books and plays to films.
Q for Mr.Walker: Do you have any personal preferences when it comes to styling natural, relaxed or weaved hair? Or does it depend on the needs of the situation?
I’m waiting to hear what those who go opening weekend have to say. I’m not a fan of over the top dramas that make me feel weighed down. T.P.’s last movie was just too much drama and not enough good acting and directing for me. For that reason I’m a bit hesitant to go see this without knowing whether I’ll feel as though I wasted $10.
I saw the movie today and it was better than expected, albeit a little awkward. I think it’s because I read and studied the play in college and LOVE it. I caught myself thinking that For Colored Girls is to Tyler Perry what Beloved was to Oprah Winfrey, but a bit better. It just kind of gets tricky when you add in scenes around a monologue. Also, I new exactly when Ntozake Shange’s writing walked out and Tyler Perry’s walked in. Some things are just better left on page.
I saw “For Colored Girls” yesterday and was plesantly surprised. Everyone is right in that it is definately not the play nor the choreopoem that Shange wrote. It is like the half sister to the poem and I will push my feelings about Tyler Perry’s other work aside when I saw that I “enjoyed” the film. The subject matter is tough but when you have amazing actors, you can easily become engrossed in what they are saying. A substantial part of the movie is based on each of the characters portrait monologues i.e. a monologue that references an event or issue they consistently struggle with. Those pieces are lifted almost verbatum from the play. And those moments are magical. Um… hello… Philicia Rashad! I need her in my life either as Claire Huxtable or as Gilda the apartment manager. Anika Noni Rose’s monologue was heart-wrenching. And just as it because too heavy, Loretta Devine sweeps in with a fresh breath of comedy and truthful light-heartedness. Those moments are worth seeing regardless of your feelings of TP or adaptations. Seeing that many black women on screen is beautiful and every single one held her own. I am glad that I supported it. Even if I won’t go see “Madea’s Family Bar-Be-Que” or “House of Payne: The Movie”.
YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSS!! Finally out of hacker land!! I’ve been in withdrawl
I saw the movie opening night and I really enjoyed it I could understand the poems, but I could hear others who didn’t understand, I think it’s so sad when we see ourselves in a movie and were still in denial. This movie is good therapy for women and if we receive the message and apply it to our lives we will be better girls, young ladies, and women. Thank you Tyler Perry and God Bless you
loved the film… people say i would be disappointed if i end up reading the book 😛