42 amazing, insightful comments on the Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Advanced Anti-Aging Body Wash Giveaway post – bellas, you gave me so much to absorb! Without further ado, here are the answers from the ten winners. I learned SO much and was SO inspired by you all!
Traci — “My top anti aging body tips:
1) Drink plenty of good ol’ plain water
2) Moisturize with petroleum-free products
4) Wear Sunscreen on exposed skin
5) Be extra-gentle when cleansing, no excessive pulling or tugging.
6) Drink plenty of good ol’ plain waterThe water part is key! Works for me.”
Sharmane — I am 50 and there are a couple of things I do to maintain my natural beauty. Along with everyone else I maintain a proper diet of vegetables fruit and plenty of water along with a regular cardio & strength training routine. I also have a regimen of vitamins I take daily in particular Vitamin D (African American are usually low) & Vitamin E (which is very good for skin). I also get plenty of rest and dont indulge in smoking or drinking!
Dominique C — I started using coconut oil as a body moisturizer fresh out of the shower. I’ve kicked up my cardio routine to include hiking Kennesaw Mtn, in GA on the weekends and I’m forcing myself to drink plenty of water. I’m getting married next year and I have alot of beauty goals ;0) to achieve by next summer. Oh I’m also taking daily vitamin supplements. I think those have helped increase my metabolism tremedously!
Kimether — Hello! I’m 28 years old and finally have learned to embrace all that is ME: my skin tone, hair texture, height, weight, spirit, you name it! Now that I’m completely in love with what I have to offer inside and out, I gotta keep it fresh and healthy! My top anti-aging habits are 1) EXERCISING – I’m no gym buff, but I stay active exercising with friends and my dog. Since exercise bores me really quickly, I vary the workouts and ‘trick’ myself into working out; 2) USE SHEA BUTTER AND OLIVE OIL. These are my two favorite natural products that keep my hair and skin on point. 3) LAUGHING. Who cares how long you live if you are always making a stank face? And 4) DRINK PLENTY WATER. Keeps me feeling good, but even better, it keep my hair and skin healthy. Having dry hair and ashy skin is like hopping in the aging express lane.
Catrina — Eat lots of fruit, drink plenty of water & witch hazel face cleanse before bed! I worked with a Dominican woman before who swore by it! She looked amazing; in her 50’s with the skin & glow of a 30 year old. That was her secret. I tucked it in my back pocket & used it myself. I’ve yet to have anyone know my age! -Could be genetics, but I like to believe I had a hand in it also!
Eva — My grandma is 85 but she looks 40 reason:
.sleep (8hrs)
.less exposure to sun
.worry-free (do not cry over split milk)
.RELAXATIONSo I have been practicing these tips myself.
Paula (Poet Peach) — For me, exfoliation and moisturizing is key. I’ve always showered with a moisturizing wash and followed up with baby oil, dabbing off the excess water. A few years ago, I began making a paste with brown sugar and baby oil. I would use the scrub from the neck down. Regular use will help rid your body of stretch marks as well as other scars. For a quick softening tip, wet hands and feet, rub with baking soda or salt, rinse, and enjoy the softness. (The baking soda not only softens, it stops odor, and it works for silver jewelry as well).
milaxx — My tips for staying young:
Physically – drink plenty of water, use Vaseline to remove makeup and moisturize your skin.
Mentally – surround yourself with good people & remember to laugh at yourself.Lioness — my best tip would be to love your body from head to toe; from the roots of your hair to the toes of your feet. if you don’t love it, it won’t love you back. take care and treat it well. it’s the only one you’ve got and needs to take you through your lifetime.
if you love your body, you will seek out the best for it. this means you will do your best to protect and nurture it. you will eat well (e.g. vitamins etc), you will exercise to keep it moving (e.g. pilates), you will use products that are beneficial to it (sunscreen), you will avoid products that are harmful to it (cigarettes).
Come On People — You know I have been using the exfoliating shower gloves for years. They feel great and I have always gotten compliments from random people about how baby soft my skin it. Those gloves work. I have also started using salt scrubs about once a week.
Thanks again to Olay for the great giveaway, and thanks to all of you for entering! If you didn’t win this giveaway don’t give up – I’ve got more in store!

What a great way to come back from vacation! Thank you so much. Don’t forget to drink your water!!
Congrats to all of the winners!
YAY! What wonderful advice! Anything I’m not doing already, I plan to begin doing today. Thank you for selecting me as one of the winners. It has made my day! I’m inspired to take my beauty care to the next level thanks to all of you 🙂
This was totally unexpected…lol. Thanks.
What a blog post!! Very informative and also easy to understand. Looking for more such blogposts!! Do you have a myspace?
I recommended it on stumbleupon. The only thing that it’s missing is a bit of speed, the pictures are appearing slowly. However thank you for this information.