Hey everyone!
At 11a ET (10a CT) I’ll be on the air with my first ever episode of Afrobella Radio! So pretty please tune in, join the chat room on the Blog Talk Radio site, or leave a comment here. Let me know how I’m doing! I’m a little nervous and a LOT excited to talk with Aliya S. King and Angela Nissel.
I’ll be sure to post the widget online for those of you without radio or sound access at work or at home…and I’ll see what I can do about transcripts too!
But for now – click here to listen live at 11 a.m. EST or 10 a.m. CT!
Wish me luck!!

good luck bella! you’ll do a fantastic job =) you can do ANYTHING you want to.
Are you going to record it and publish it for those who can’t tune in?
Can’t wait… OnWard and UpWard Sis!!
Great show, Bella!!
Loving the old school boombox, by the way. 🙂
It was a great show…the only thing I would add is at the beginning/or end of the show and during the show periodically give the website for the guest.
Also on your blog: you could put a link to the website for blogtalk radio and then folks could just easily jump over.
I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and your interview. Nothing to change there.
As time goes on you and you know in advance of a guest you could have us leave some questions on your blog, just in case you run out of things to talk about with the guest.
Overall I give you and “A”. Keep up the fantastic work. Looking forward to the next show!
I’m also glad I found out about blogtalk radio; they have some folks over there doing some great shows…
oops…of course I got to your website too soon this morning to see the links to the radio show or I forgot to refresh my screen…so some of my comments above aren’t accurate…shame on me…smile
Bella – I love to see folks growing and moving into new ventures. Good for you, good for us!
I enjoyed the show and look forward to catching it again soon!
– He’s faithful
Oh just missed the show
congrats on the first show! how fabulous honey.
Glam kisses
Congrats Bella! I’ve been along time reader since the blogs humble beginnings. You don’t know how much your site helped me during my transitioning. It’s great to see you moving into new arenas!
Thanks Sybil!! I am so excited about this new venture!
I sure will! For now click here:
I promise to take your suggestions to heart and thanks for the constructive advice!! I’m SO excited for the next show myself!
Sheba, OMG thanks for being a loyal reader and for your compliments! I need to do more posts for my transitioning bellas. Thanks for the support!
it’s ok you can still listen here!
I used to have one kinda like that!! Thanks Nikia! =)
forward ever, backward never!
thanks so much!! I feel like this is a wonderful new beginning =)