Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies
Fully loaded we got snacks and supplies
It’s time to leave this town
It’s time to steal away
Lets go get lost
Anywhere in the USA
Let’s go get lost, let’s go get lost…
2009 just started, and so much has happened so far. I quit my job, and my husband quit his job. We appeared on the cover of the Miami Herald. I was chosen as blog of the day by the Sun Sentinel, and featured as a VIP beauty blogger in Glamour magazine. In the Spring we’ll be moving to Chicago, and settling into our new place, new jobs, new life.
But before then we’re taking a little break, and getting off the beaten path.
For the next few weeks, Afrobella will be on the road, heading up along the east coast to stay with old friends and meet some new ones.
That doesn’t mean there won’t be any new posts — I’ll do the best that I can to keep the reading coming, and I even have a giveaway in store! But I can’t promise a post every day, because I’m not sure where I’ll be blogging from or what we’ll be up to. I’ll be too busy living my life away from the confines of a computer screen!
I plan to document the experience via Twitter, and keep all you bellas and fellas in the loop with lots of photos and updates from the road.
So whaddya say, want to go on a vicarious road trip with me?
Below, you’ll see a Flash Twitter window, and above that you can check out my pics from the road via Twitpic.
Let’s go get lost, let’s go get lost…

have a lovely road trip. look forward to reading more about it
Have a GREAT time on your adventures and good luck with all the transitions! Sometimes you just need to unplug and LIVE, and you’re a great example for us all to do just that!
I love road trips :o)
Just saw your beauty tip in Glamour and wanted to tell you that I think it is awesome that you got noticed there!! Can’t wait to here about your travels…happy and safe trails!!
Love the Jesus statue LOL Jay and Silent Bob are hilarious! Have a safe trip and I am going to catch up reading another wonderful blog that I have found!
Hi Afrobella…ohh myy…I didn’t know u were moving to the CHi?? and a great and bold move both you and your husband have made..I wish you the best of luck…
@ ANABELLA… I’m from NY and there are many many places. Did you just move here?
that is super exciting!!
just curious: why chicago? (i live close to the chi 🙂
Hey, Afrobella.
My fiance and I just moved to Chicago from Brooklyn, yesterday. I’m sooo looking forward to your commentary on this town, and especially since it is so new to me and I’m up for exploring everything. In any event, if you ever need any volunteer field correspondents, give me a holler!! Would love to lend some feedback on the comings and goings in this fab town.
From my Chicagfro to yours,