I’m happy and proud to announce that I’ve been nominated for a Fabbie Award!
It’s the first ever fashion and lifestyle blogger-created and organized awards, I’ve been nominated in the beauty category. Apparently there’s going to be some kind of fancy awards ceremony in New York and everything. I am beyond honored, and very excited about this nomination. If you enjoy reading Afrobella, I humbly ask you to register and vote for me. The voting is now open through Wednesday, January 30th at 11:59 pm GMT.
** edited at 12:40 a.m. Monday Jan. 21 — So apparently the Fabbies site is “under fabulous makeover.” I’ll let you know when it’s back up and running so you can cast your vote. Thanks for all of your well wishes!!
*** edited at 9: 15 a.m. Wednesday Jan. 30 — it’s working again! Rock the vote!

Good for you!!! I’ll definitely vote for you!
First! heh heh!
Congrats! I am going to vote right now ,and I will get my friends to vote to.
I hope You win.
I voted for you!
LOL @ “first,” sugabelly. You’re the first “first” I’ve had on here =)
You’ve got my vote.
You have my vote!
Hey Bella! I will definitely vote for you once the Fabbie site is back up and running! I absolutely LOVE this blog and I can’t wait to say “Yeah, I read her blog way back when” when you blow up and become HUGE! I received my eye & cheek palette today and would like to thank you! It’s uber fab and I’m excited to step up my makeup game in ’08!
Much Love!
will vote asap, you deserve to win
Waited all day yesterday to vote and tried again this morning, but the site is still undergoing a make-over. I’ll keep checking.
Anyway, you more than deserve to win!
Congrats on the nomination – you more than deserve this win!! I will vote once the site has finished “undergoing improvements”-wassup w/ that?? I will also have my daughter and her friends vote- they are young-bellas(14) who beame fans after we won the Miss Jessies give-away and frequently read your blog!!
Again,congrats and I would start shopping for something nice to wear to the awards ceremony because I have a good feeling about this one.
Afrobella dearheart!
Well let me tell you something – I signed up and voted for you before I went to bed then I had a dream that you won and your acceptance was on video (well.. on YouTube).
Then you broke out into a Gwenneth Powtrow (sp?) speech with salty tears and all streaming down your face.
Oh but the best bit was when someone’s mobile/cell phone went off during your acceptance speech and you said “that better be someone calling up to see if you’re listening to my acceptance speech – if not pass me that blasted phone so that they can hear me better!”
I don’t know if it’s my pregnancy hormones or what but I got a good feeling that you’re gonna win, me dear!
Love your blog!
Oh did I mentioned that I voted for you?!
Can you only vote once?
If so, I’ll ask a couple of friends and family to get in there and vote too.. you more than deserve it.
Much love to you!
All the best
Within the space of 5 mins I got a few friends to go to The Fabbies website to register and vote only to find out that The Fabbies website is undergoing a make-over and that we should “check back shortly” …HUH?!
How do they expect folks to vote?
They CAN NOT be serious!
Yeah, no idea what the status of the site is at the moment. Here’s hoping they fix it soon, I’ll keep you posted!
Congrats! You have my vote!
I shall vote for you, as I have been visiting this place for a while… Glad to see blogs now being acknowledge by the masses… Good luck sister.
Kudos, Bella! I’ll vote for you… as soon as they get their site back up. :op
congrates ill vote 4 U…chk out my post about the King THANK WE FREE
Okay what’s up with the site. I’ve been trying to vote for you since you posted. That site gets my side-eye!
happy to ‘bella! your site absolutely deserves it.
CONGRATS! You got my vote!!!!