This month, I will feature snapshots of black beauty history. Expect to see images, products, tastemakers, artists, models, and films that have shaped our world in terms of fashion and beauty today. Most casual students of black history know about historical hair product impresarios and entrepreneurs – women like Madame C.J Walker, Annie Malone and…
Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. For Everything.
Today, the USA celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the day after what would have been his birthday. Dr. King was assassinated 44 years ago, and in the sands of time it is easy to forget that Dr. King was a real person. A man with a beautiful wife and family. A…
History. Made.
We interrupt your usual beauty, hair, and culture news for something of much more significance. Last night, history was made. President Barack Obama announced that public enemy number one, terrorist and murderer Osama Bin Laden, has been killed in Pakistan. Impromptu celebrations broke out around the country and are continuing today at venues like Ground…