I’ll take “self-inflicted political scandals for $800, Alex.” Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up! Or… maybe you can? What an utterly insane campaign season this is proving to be. And I really don’t mean to needle any Clinton supporters who read Afrobella — at one time, I too admired her simply for her intelligence…
Worth A Click
Here’s a random assortment of the Afrobella-related issues I’ve been meaning to address… One Door Opens Where Another Door Closes — Today at 1 p.m., New York Governor Designate David Paterson will be sworn in before the State Legislator, effectively ending Eliot Spitzer’s in-office shame spiral. Thus far, the result of this whole incident has…
Worth a Click — Unique Chic
You know my style by now — I love clothes, accessories, and shoes that are both classic and quirky, funky and functional items that come from smaller boutique businesses. I’ve been keeping an eye out for the kinds of fly items any afrobella would love to get in a heart-shaped box for Valentine’s Day. Here…