Some showers are about pure function and speed – you gotta go somewhere and you gotta be clean. Other showers are more about an emotional experience, a nurturing that you need in your soul. I needed that kind of shower today. I created a whole shower experience to deliver the kind of soul soothing I…
Moisturize. Exfoliate. Don’t Be Out Here Ashy This Winter.
My friends in Florida make me laugh around this time of year. “OMG, it’s 50 degrees,” one of them lamented on Facebook this week. At one time, I might have said the same kind of thing. But right now in Chicago, it’s 30 degrees and the inevitable slide into winter has begun. It’s cold,…
All About Alphabet Creams. BB Creams, CC Creams For All Skin Tones
The first time I heard about BB Creams, it was from my friends familiar with the Asian beauty market. I had heard whispers about these miraculous balms, intended to mask imperfections while improving the quality of your skin. I remember wanting to try them, but word on the street was that BB creams weren’t…
Afrobella’s Obsessions. Hair, Beauty, and Bath Edition – Summer 2013
Welcome to Afrobella’s Obsessions, a new (hopefully monthly) column where I share ALL of my latest favorites. From hair, beauty and bath to fashion, travel and tech – my top recommendations of the month will be collected in one spot! If you’re looking for something new and awesome to enhance your life, stay tuned. Check…
Your Face Deserves Better. 4 Things Your Moisturizer Needs To Do
We’ve all made the mistake before. You go to the drugstore or the department store and you pick up a daily moisturizer that someone told you about. Maybe you read about it in a magazine, maybe your favorite celebrity is endorsing the product, or maybe the helpful store employee directed you towards her favorite…
How I Put My Face To Bed At Night
The Aveeno and Glam #healthyskin challenge continues! We’ve discussed healthy food for inner and outer beauty, and we’ve discussed a few of my favorite Aveeno products. Now allow me to share a skincare confession. Now that I look back, I realize that I took absolutely horrendous care of my skin when I was in my…
Chicago! Come And Get Beautifully Connected With Me at Walgreens!
Finally the weather is righteous, people are out in the streets in shorts and skirts and cute dresses again, and flowers are blooming all over beautiful Chicago. What’s better than summertime Chi? Nothing! Summer is finally here, and I’d love to usher in the season by introducing you to some of my favorite beauty finds….
Healthy Skin From Within! Get The Glow And Skip The Sunburn
Tomorrow is July 4th and all over America, folks will be slipping into swimsuits and packing picnic baskets, and preparing the meat for the grill. It’s fireworks and watermelon slices and backyard BBQ’s and the beach. For many of us it’ll be a full day of outdoor fun. And that means you need three…
No Products Necessary – 4 Ways to Get Healthy Skin On Your Own
So often the skin care advice you read on blogs and in magazines boils down to products, products, products. Today we’re going to discuss something else that begins with the letter P. It’s called personal responsibility. Of course there are amazing skincare products for your face and your body that can help to improve…
Make Your Skincare Work For You With These 5 Amazing Oils
Commercials can be so persuasive. Tell me if this has ever happened to you. You see an ad or an infomercial for a magical moisturizer that promises to cure your exact skin issue. You buy it, you use it for a while, and…it’s aight dawg. It doesn’t rock your world like you thought it would. And…