I love MAC cosmetics and I especially love their Viva Glam initiative. By pairing up daring and outspoken celebrities with the brand’s initiative of raising awareness and funds for HIV/AIDS, MAC has created a campaign that never fails to inform, inspire and excite. Lady Gaga is THE perfect celebrity to be the face of Viva…
I Dream of Spring
Last week the weather was unseasonably warm. The mere taste of 60 degree temperatures was enough to bring Chicago out into the streets. Around the downtown loop, it felt like Spring despite the bare trees and dwindling snowpiles. Just enough time for me to dream of Spring and the clothes and shoes I’m dying to…
Hair Product Reviews! Wen Haircare and Cush Cosmetics
Bellas! I’m back with a YouTube hair review video for ya! I’ve been wanting to try Wen hair products for ages, and I finally got my chance last week when my friends at QVC sent me a bottle of the Pomegranate Cleansing Conditioner to review. I fell in LOVE and now I’m dying to try…
Chicago Spa Review: The Spa on Oak
I’m jumping back into the spa blogging business – so check back for monthly reviews of spas and spa treatments in Chicago and in whichever city I visit next! My most recent spa visit wasn’t due to geographical proximity or a PR contact or even having heard of the spa beforehand. I saw a Groupon…
Where I Got The Coolest Winter Coats
While the fashion world is gearing up for spring and talking about the hot new trends in the season that isn’t even here yet…most of the USA is in a deep freeze. As I look out my own window this morning, it’s all white everything – the sidewalks are covered in snow and the sky…
Winter Skin For The Win!
You’re either stuck inside with drying heat, or shivering outside in the freezing cold. Either way, winter will suck the life out of your skin and leave you looking like Ashy Larry. What’s a bella to do? Well, drink more water for starters. Increasing your internal moisture will definitely make a difference in the appearance…
Help! My Favorite Hair Product Has Turned On Me
Picture this: yesterday, Martin Luther King day. My husband has the day off and wants to take me out. So I hop in the shower to get ready. After a quick conditioner wash, I decide to use a hair product I haven’t in a while. The oldie-but-goodie that’s stashed at the back of the drawer….
MAC + Mickey Contractor = WIN
I can barely keep up with MAC’s collections. Already this year they’ve come out with how many? Four? Five? Dang! I gotta check Temptalia to try to keep track! I don’t even try to review every collection that comes down the pike. But if I see something truly remarkable that bellas all shades of beautiful…
The Official Coconut Water Review
Coconut water has become big business in the United States. All of a sudden people are calling it “nature’s Gatorade” and talking about it’s amazing restorative powers. Cocktail blogs are posting recipes for coconut water newbies, talking about this delicious new chaser that’s actually good for you. Ask anyone from the islands and they’ll tell…
Monday Manicure – Milani Jewel FX
It’s 2011, and the plan for Afrobella is to be bolder and braver than before! So I figured it’d be best to kick things off than with a Monday Manicure that takes no prisoners. TA-DOW! Disco ball nails! It’s the kind of manicure that’s either totally up your alley, or not your cup of tea…