At the beginning of 2011, I made some promises to myself. I promised to challenge myself more. Get out of my comfort zone. Do things to make myself a better, stronger, more well rounded person. I’ve fallen down in some areas — nobody’s perfect, right? But in other areas of my life, opportunities have led…
Find Your Favorite Fall Fragrance
Maybe you’re the kind of woman who has a signature fragrance, and no other scent besides your favorite will do. Maybe you’re a woman who has two or three perfumes that she rotates between. Or maybe you’re a woman after my own heart who has an entire shelf devoted to perfumes of all kinds, and…
Read My Lips at the Neosporin Lip Health Twitter Party!
As the weather gets dryer, moisture becomes more and more of a factor — for your hair, your skin and yes, even your lips! In the interest of keeping your lips soft, smooth, and in perfect shape for wearing your most bangin’ lipstick or smooching your one and only love, I invite you to join…
The Three Dollar Item Just About Every Woman Needs
If you’re like me, you love to care for your hair. Shampooing, conditioning, and detangling. And then there’s body care. Body scrubs, body washes, shaving gels and the general detritus of skin cells. If you’re like me, you might have a reputation for clogging drains. My husband is SO OVER IT. And so am I….
You Deserve – Qream With A Q
** the post below is an alcohol review, so if you’re under 21 years of age I’ve got a much better post for you to read today! Hey young world, the world is yours! I’m not as big a drinker as I used to be. When I was in my early twenties (and arguably, not…
Meagan Shea and the BECCA’s Lost Weekend Collection Launch
Hooray! It’s Meagan Shea! Afrobella’s contributing makeup artist is back to tell us all about her latest favorite makeup discovery. Are you bellas up on Becca yet? After Meagan’s event recap, I’m sure you’ll be wanting to try the brand as much as I do! Take it away, Meagan Shea! Happy Summer Bellas! I hope…
Afrobella Anniversary Giveaway — The Minty Goodness of Eden Body Works
In the summertime when the weather is high, the sun, sand, and surf may feel great when you’re out there enjoying it. But exposure to the elements can do a number on your skin and hair in unexpected ways. I already alluded to the issues I’ve been experiencing in my Natural Hair Summer Loving post….
Afrobella Review — Tree Hut Shower Wash and Sugar Scrub
The giveaways continue during Afrobella Anniversary Week! And this giveaway This review is for a brand I’m pretty new to, but I’m already in love with everything I’ve tried so far! That brand is – Tree Hut. You’ve probably seen Tree Hut products at your supermarket, or Target. Maybe you’ve been curious. Maybe you read…
Afrobella Anniversary Giveaway — the Karim Rashid Asus eee PC
Five years in the game is no joke. As a thank you to my readers who have supported me through thick and thin and helped to make Afrobella what it is today, I’ve got a slew of amazing giveaways lined up for this week! I’m gonna go ahead and start with the biggest one. Bellas,…
Natural Hair Summer Lovin’
We’ve got 100 degree temperatures happening in Chicago, and my hair is letting me know how it feels about that. It’s not happy. Every day it’s fighting against extreme heat and sweat inducing humidity. Keeping my hair detangled, conditioned and somehow maintaining some kind of curl pattern has been challenging with this weather. As the…