It’s July, which means it’s tourist season here in Chicago. This is the time of year that our apartment sees the most action. The weather is sizzling hot and every weekend there’s a festival or some big summer event that brings the masses to the city. Summertime Chi! I love it, and it’s one of…
Chicago! Come And Get Beautifully Connected With Me at Walgreens!
Finally the weather is righteous, people are out in the streets in shorts and skirts and cute dresses again, and flowers are blooming all over beautiful Chicago. What’s better than summertime Chi? Nothing! Summer is finally here, and I’d love to usher in the season by introducing you to some of my favorite beauty finds….
The Tech I Travel With – Hot Technology Items You Need In Your Life
I started out writing this blog post on Tuesday, at an altitude of 39,061 feet blogging from a Southwest Airlines flight that was 700 miles from Chicago. Isn’t technology awesome! I try to use my time on the plane to get work done, thanks to WiFi on board. Makes a world of difference in the…
My Monday Manicure – And It Was All Yellow. NARS Pierre Hardy Sharks Review
Yellow nail polish is so fun, so fresh, so summertime – especially on gorgeous, deep shades of brown skin. I am here for yellow nails this summer (and every summer)! The only thing is, yellow can be tricky. Finding the perfect yellow that won’t look streaky can be tough. It’s become something of an…
Make Your Skincare Work For You With These 5 Amazing Oils
Commercials can be so persuasive. Tell me if this has ever happened to you. You see an ad or an infomercial for a magical moisturizer that promises to cure your exact skin issue. You buy it, you use it for a while, and…it’s aight dawg. It doesn’t rock your world like you thought it would. And…
Deep Impact – New, Super Summertime Moisturizing Natural Hair Products
When I lived in the Caribbean and in hot, humid Miami, I had no idea how seasonal my hair would turn out to be. I didn’t understand how my hair’s needs would change depending on the weather, and I had no clue that my curl pattern would shift with the seasons. It turns out my…
Stress Sweat is REAL. 5 Times Secret Came To My Rescue
Once upon a time, travel was glamorous. The experience was about luxury amidst the clouds. Passengers dressed up in their Sunday best to fly, sauntered through the airport, and smoked their duty free cigarettes on the airplane (ever notice how there are still tiny ashtrays on the armrests in so many airplanes to this day?…
Gorgeous New Jewelry For You To Get Into
My husband has learned over the many years of our marriage – I’m not one for generic jewelry. I’m not one who wants him to go to Jared and I don’t believe every kiss begins with Kay. I don’t generally go gaga for the pieces you see on display at the department stores. What…
Every Woman’s Worst Nightmare
And now for something COMPLETELY different and a topic I don’t normally address…but this week I feel compelled to because of what I saw. Red calendar via Shutterstock Picture this. I’m stuck at the back of a crowded bus headed down a busy downtown Chicago street. I look out the window and see…
Experiencing A Different Side of Vegas. Inside The MLife Experience
I’ll admit it, I had a pre-existing prejudice against Las Vegas. It was cemented by the reputation the city had built for itself, branding itself as a perpetual bachelor party that catered to those interested in gambling and indulging in extreme, excessive inebriation. A place for people with something to escape and something to…