Some showers are about pure function and speed – you gotta go somewhere and you gotta be clean. Other showers are more about an emotional experience, a nurturing that you need in your soul. I needed that kind of shower today. I created a whole shower experience to deliver the kind of soul soothing I…
The Urban Decay Electric Palette is Everything You Dreamed Of
Full disclosure – I am so happy and proud to announce that yours truly is amongst the fabulous bloggers chosen to debut Urban Decay’s Electric Palette! You can see my photo right here on their page, along with a few quotes about my favorite color from the palette (right now that’d be Fringe, with…
Lancôme Dual Finish Review – These Are My Compact Confessions
The degree of my hyperpigmentation depends on so many variants. It depends on my diet or the time of the month. It depends on how good (or bad) I’ve been to my skin, in terms of cleansing and exfoliating. It depends on my stress level and what my face feels like doing. I’ve learned the…
Blushes For Dark Skin That You Need Now
I used to be scared of blush. I loved when makeup artists used it on me, but whenever I tried to use it on myself I would freak myself out. There definitely is such a thing as too much blush, and when you see it, it’s undeniable. Growing up around Aunty (name redacted) laid the…
Beauty Brand History – Queen Helene Has Never Let Me Down
Beauty Brand History is a new regular series I’m beginning here on Afrobella! We all have the brands we’ve grown up using, the brands we’ve known our whole lives. Here are memories and the true stories behind the beauty brands we love. Think back to the earliest days of using a brand of hair…
Enhance Your Eyes By Shape. Get Into The Smashbox Full Exposure Palette
Shape matters, and it always has to me. Ever since I hit puberty I had to figure out early how to dress for my shape, to enhance what I was born with and celebrate my best attributes. Through the years I’ve gotten pretty good at figuring out what suits my shape the best. However, the…
Your Official Afrobella Natural Hair Holiday Shopping Guide
Christmas Day is right around the corner. If you haven’t started your holiday shopping yet, this is your day to do as much online shopping as possible. I’m here to help! Before I get into my natural hair holiday shopping guide, allow me to share two similar guides with you. Buzzfeed is one of my…
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. The Afrobella Review
This week, I was invited to a special, press only screening of one of the most highly anticipated movies of the holiday season. The Hunger Games was one of the most popular book series of the decade, and the first film of the trilogy was one of the biggest movies of 2011. I got sucked…
Moisturize. Exfoliate. Don’t Be Out Here Ashy This Winter.
My friends in Florida make me laugh around this time of year. “OMG, it’s 50 degrees,” one of them lamented on Facebook this week. At one time, I might have said the same kind of thing. But right now in Chicago, it’s 30 degrees and the inevitable slide into winter has begun. It’s cold,…
All About Alphabet Creams. BB Creams, CC Creams For All Skin Tones
The first time I heard about BB Creams, it was from my friends familiar with the Asian beauty market. I had heard whispers about these miraculous balms, intended to mask imperfections while improving the quality of your skin. I remember wanting to try them, but word on the street was that BB creams weren’t…