In my line of work I interact with entrepreneurs and indie brand creators from around the world, the majority of them are people of color (obviously, this is!). I’ve heard the complaints from so many corners, about the struggle to get noticed or to stand out as a product producer, or the difficulty…
Hello, Healing – Why I’m Obsessed with Neosporin and Take It Everywhere
This post is in partnership with Neosporin. To this day I can point to the scars on my knees and remember – this was from riding your bike down that gravel road, this is from when you and Dad fell together on the ten speed, that was from racing on the playing field at school….
7 Times That Prince Shaped My Life
My best friend Lauren texted me at 12:23 pm on April 21st. I thought that was odd, it was in the middle of the work day. I was in the middle of a hectic afternoon myself, and hadn’t been paying attention to social media for much of the morning. “OMG, please tell me it’s not…
Let’s Go On a GirlTrek! It’s #ActivismApril!
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” Audre Lorde made the declaration in the epilogue to 1988’s A Burst of Light, and today that quote has come to resonate in the online community. You see it shared on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram, but what does it really…
Let Me Tell You Why The Ava DuVernay Barbie Means Everything
Like most little girls, I totally grew up playing with Barbie. For the most part, these were Barbies that didn’t look like me. They were Barbies with lives I couldn’t relate to, who couldn’t be more opposite than me. With my brown skin, sturdy frame and Trinidadian identity, there was nothing for me to identify…
Lessons From A Very Different Thanksgiving for Two
“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans,” as John Lennon sang in his ode to his son Sean, Beautiful Boy. If you saw me a month ago and asked about my Thanksgiving plans, I would’ve started gushing about recipes and table setting ideas. I was planning a fabulous Thanksgiving for…
Purses and Charms and Kerry Washington! Inside The Purple Purse Experience
Allstate Foundation Purple Purse is truly remarkable for a few reasons. It’s shining a light on a cause that remains relatively unheard of despite being downright ubiquitous. Often financial abuse is an indicator of more overt domestic violence to come. It’s a way that many abusers manage to keep victims in check. According to,…
All About The Purple Purse! Why I Joined the Allstate Foundation’s Important Awareness Campaign
Bellas, if you know me then you know my love for the color purple goes back long and far. It’s been my favorite color since I could first say the word. It’s become my signature shade, in lipstick and in life. And now, I’ve found a new reason for loving and respecting purple. The Allstate…
Remembering the Charleston Victims. How We All Can Help
Last week, a coward and a terrorist committed a vicious, pre-meditated hate crime against an innocent group of people as they gathered to worship. He sat with them for an hour while they prayed and admitted that they did their best to make him feel welcome, and still he had enough hate in his heart…
5 Reasons To LOVE Baltimore, By Oyin Handmade’s Pierre and Jamyla Bennu
I’d say that Baltimore has an image issue. There are sweeping perceptions of the city based solely on news headlines and fictional representations in TV and film, that don’t begin to capture the complexity, the reality and the beauty of Baltimore as a whole. Baltimore clearly is a city with real issues that need to…