In case you’ve been wondering — what’s Afrobella up to? I’ll tell ya. Grustling. Real hard. I’ve been working my fingers to the nub to keep the fires blazing here at Afrobella while writing at AOL Black Voices and tah-dah — just last week I wrote my first article for Ebony! Yup, it’s about Michael…
Oh, Michael
I was an Eighties baby but the last of the family. So many of my childhood memories are Seventies leftovers from my sister and brothers. And like so, so many black families around the world, the Jackson 5 were a part of our lives. I don’t recall exactly when my love affair began, but it…
Justice for Jada
Here in Chicago, the story of missing 2 year old Jada Justice has gotten the attention of the nightly news. But I was reminded by a regular commenter, this story isn’t getting nearly enough national attention. In case you haven’t heard, click here to read more at BlackAmericaWeb. To summarize, Jada Justice has been missing…
Define Your Natural
About a decade ago I was hair-color happy, blissfully experimenting with a veritable rainbow of semi-permanent shades and relaxing my hair bone straight all the while. Then I made the decision to go natural, and man oh man did I notice a difference in the health of my hair. Relaxer and regular coloring chemicals had…
Afrobella Loves the Crazy Turtle Lady!
I was sent this inspiring CNN story about Trinidadian woman Susan Lakhan Baptiste yesterday, and just had to share it with you bellas and fellas. I love animals, and I have so much respect for animal lovers and activists. Susan Lakhan Baptiste has made it her life’s mission to protect the endangered leatherback turtles that…
Happy Memorial Day, Bellas!
Maybe you’re heading to the beach, lighting up the grill, getting ready to party, or kicking it in front of the tube with an all-day marathon of your favorite show. But today, Memorial Day, is about so much more. Today we celebrate the men and wome who sacrificed their lives for American freedom. Throughout the…
About that “Good Hair” Tyra Show episode…
I’m so overwhelmed, I haven’t had a chance to watch it. But I did get a chance to peep the comments over at Necole Bitchie and I’ll admit, my expectations aren’t high. (** Youtube removed the original clip, so I feature this clip courtesy of Dime Wars). From what I understand, the natural spokesbella quotient…
Just One Of Those Days
“It’s just one of those days that a girl goes through When I’m angry inside, Don’t wanna take it out on you. Just one of them things. Don’t take it personal.” Monica was what, 14 when she sang that song? But homegirl spoke for me then, and even now as a grown woman. All of…
Michelle’s First 100 Days
So much has been made of Barack Obama’s first 100 days, but what about Michelle? Our First Lady has also traveled the world, met with foreign dignitaries, and represented this country to the best of her ability. 100 days is hardly enough time to make a real conclusion about much of anything, but it sounds…
How Serious Is Your Hair Love Affair?
My hands are always twirling it, I take super good care of it, and most definitely it’s part of my identity. To the casual onlooker, it might seem kind of obvious that I’ve got a love affair with my hair. But am I obsessed with it? I guess I wouldn’t say so. I thought I…