The current “Vanity Fair is racist!” brouhaha involving the shades-of-alabaster cover of their Young Hollywood has been covered quite well by a variety of other blogs and websites: From Jezebel: “What does “Young Hollywood” look like? According to Vanity Fair, it’s pretty, thin, female and white.” From USA Today: “Where are any women of color?…
A Post Valentine’s Giveaway
I hope you enjoyed Valentine’s Day! We enjoyed a beautiful and romantic day here in Chicago. We spent the morning in Chinatown, attending the Chinese New Year parade. Yesterday was the first day of the Year of the Tiger, and Chinatown was densely packed with onlookers. You can see some photos from the day here…
So You’ve Deleted Your John Mayer Songs…
Y’know, I’m not even mad at John Mayer. I read that Playboy interview and I’d actually like to thank him. Thanks for allowing your foot-in-mouth disorder to shine so brightly, and for giving us all something to remember the next time your trite, boring music comes on the radio. I’ve had my feelings about his…
On Being Businesslike
I got the call last week, from a friend. It went kinda like this. “Hey girl! I heard your good news! You’re going to Milan to cover Fashion Week! That’s SO awesome!” Yes, I agree – that would be awesome. If it were at all true. Which it isn’t. I’m learning some hard and cold…
Our Hair, Our Memories, Our History
That photo above is from the Washington Post, from a photo gallery titled The Roots Of It. But it could easily have been me, 25 years ago. Or any one of you bellas reading this, I am sure. This weekend’s Washington Post included an absolutely lovely article on the traditions (and trials) of braiding a…
My Miss America is Black
Did you watch the Miss America pageant? Just half an hour ago, a new Miss America was crowned. Miss Virginia, Caressa Cameron! Read that Washington Post article for details! The beautiful Ms. Cameron now joins a list of seven — now eight — African American Miss America winners in history. PBS offers a fascinating…
The Fiercest Barbie You’ve Seen Thus Far
I’ve thrown a little shade at Barbara Millicent Roberts — better known as Barbie — over the years. But that isn’t because I don’t LOVE Barbie’s style and wish I too could have a pink Caddy, dream house, and a veritable battery of lucrative and fun occupations. I’ve just had a hard time finding a…
500 in 50 – Red Pump Project, Let’s GO!
I continue to be amazed and impressed by my friend Luvvie. She’s co-founder of The Red Pump Project. She’s holding down one of the funniest corners of the internet at Awesomely Luvvie. She speaks her soul at Luvv Divine. She was just specially invited to be on a humor panel at BlogHer 2010 (OMG, that’s…
Charities in Haiti That Are Worth Your Dime
Amidst the destruction and stink of death, there remains life and hope in Haiti. This little boy’s smile reminded so many of us that Haiti still needs our help. There are still lives to be saved, and donations are still desperately needed. In my previous posts on Haiti, I mentioned initiatives that are directly donating…
How I Feel About Fur
Just last year, I had an encounter with a fur coat that left me both aghast and amazed. At Chicago’s Modern Vintage Fashion event, there was an entire booth dedicated to fur. Now — indulge me for a second. I’m from the islands. Furs are not a part of the wardrobe in such climates. So…