Since that Glamour magazine editor’s quote hit the streets last week, yours truly has been swamped with e mails and Ask Afrobella questions. Like this one, yesterday! Robin asks: Bella, I’m waiting on the corporate hair discussion. I’m in a rut with this issue as we speak. I am looking for a new job in…
Afrobella of the Week — Bella, It’s You!
So I totally ripped off the widely lampooned Time magazine Person of the Year concept to make a larger point, I promise. I get endless Ask Afrobella questions about the same thing. It goes a little something like this — I can’t find enough cool natural hairstyles! Or, bella, I’m sick of my natural hair…
Freebies, Contests, and Giveaways for You Product Junkies
Afrobella of the Week’s coming later, bellas, promise! Because Monday morning time is of the essence, I’m gonna kick off this week with some product news and follow ups. You’ve probably heard all about Miss Jessie’s, and maybe you’ve been aching to try the products. There’s no time like the present, bellas! Order any 8oz,…
Betty Davis, The Original Funky Bella
I’m a day late and a dollar short with this post, bellas. Apologies if you clicked over yesterday and were disappointed. Mondays. Sometimes they hit you over the head harder than you expect. What can I say? Funky is the watchword this week, y’all. This week will be all about funky makeup, funky music, funky…
This Song’s For You
I’m on deadline today, so my post needs to be short and sweet. This one goes out to the reader who e mailed me last week with a confession that she doesn’t feel “sexy” with her fro. I’m definitely going to write a very special “Own Your Fro” post for you, girl! But for right…
Natural Attitudes — Taking the Plunge
How old am I in this photo? It looks like it was taken at our old house in Belmont, so I couldn’t have been older than four. And already my little face is drawn and my eyes are troubled at having to wear rollers and get my hair done. Our hair issues start so early….
Yay, Saaphyri!
Guilty pleasure alert — I totally watched Charm School. I’m not even ashamed. I’ll say it loud — I’m an intelligent, progressive, professional black female who watched and enjoyed Charm School. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know it’s another dumb reality show, but I did enjoy it. And I know that I’m not alone. Only God…
Classic Aretha Franklin! She Makes Me Feel Like a Natural Woman
I’ve been on a hardcore Aretha Franklin kick all week long. I think it actually started on Sunday morning, when I caught the tail end of Ain’t No Way being piped through the speakers at my grocery store. I instantly forgot what kind of bread I needed and got caught up in the melody. Ain’t…
Ich Don’t Think So
I got a comment on my site recently that made me feel like I was in a glass case of emotions. “I really enjoy your blog but lately it seems like it has turned into a product blog. It seems like every week some company sends you some product in exchange for you ooohing and…
Elasta QP Contest Winners!
Whew! Sifting through 95 comments is no joke! Lucky for me, the Elasta QP peeps were ready and available with helpful answers to your most troublesome hair dilemmas. So without further ado… the winners arrrrrre… (drumroll, please!) Megan, Keisha, and Bridgette. Hooray! Look out for an e mail from me, and as soon as you…