My mother’s first beauty memory was one of observation. She remembers watching my grandfather’s sister, Auntie Ruby, as she sat at her dresser getting ready. “She would always have a huge flacon of 4711, and she would dab it behind her ears and on her neck. Being a six-year-old, sitting there and watching her was…
Experiencing Acupuncture
The practice of acupuncture has been traced back as far as the Stone Age. The earliest known writings about acupuncture were published in second century Chinese medical books. And still, in modern day Western society, there are those who regard this ancient, proven medical practice as a reason for skepticism and raised eyebrows. Billions of…
Oscar Fashion Fever!
Forget about the films, the real Oscar drama is on the red carpet! I saw some absolutely stunning looks over at Oh No They Didn’t, and had to share my favorites with you. This was an epic Oscar night for black actresses, and an epic Oscar night for plus size women. Before the ceremony much…
Bellas! My Second Vogue Black Post is Up
And this time I wrote all about body scrubs for gorgeous skin. I gave a long overdue shout out to one of my besties in the beauty blogosphere, Julia of All About the Pretty. I’ll tell ya, I touched her arm when we were at Fashion Week in September…her skin is like silk and velvet…
The Chicago Spa Scene
Back in Miami I was a regular reviewer of spas. Not to toot my own horn or anything (toot toot!) but my spa and beauty review column for the Miami New Times, Pretty in the City, won Best Blog in the South Florida Black Journalists Association awards in 2008. Since I moved to Chicago, my…
How I Celebrated Black History Month
Every year we talk about Black History Month, what it means, should we still celebrate it, how do we celebrate it…the debate goes on. This year, instead of just talking about it — I got the chance to BE about it. For Black History Month I was invited to speak at the University of Notre…
This Is What Sam Fine Washes Makeup Brushes With
I know because he told me himself! And here I’ve been buying overpriced brush cleaner this whole time! For more gems of wisdom, follow him on Twitter or visit his website, My girl Erin Scandalous did
My Miss America is Black
Did you watch the Miss America pageant? Just half an hour ago, a new Miss America was crowned. Miss Virginia, Caressa Cameron! Read that Washington Post article for details! The beautiful Ms. Cameron now joins a list of seven — now eight — African American Miss America winners in history. PBS offers a fascinating…
When Bella Goes a-Traveling
I’m looking forward to this weekend for the dorkiest reason — finally I’m going to unpack my suitcases, put away my summer clothes, and take my makeup and hair products out of my travel bag. Until February, when I go on another trip! With all the traveling I’ve been doing, I’ve had to learn the…
Aloha, Bellas!
I meant to post on Friday before I left…but the sand in the hourglass ran out before I had a chance. I spent the weekend in Hawaii, touring the island of Oahu for an upcoming feature for That’s me at the Diamond Head volcanic crater! I am in LOVE with Hawaii right now. Words…