Times are heavy and serious. So here’s a little distraction – a review of water pitchers to consider getting for your home, instead of stocking up on cases of water (which are getting hard to find out my way, maybe you’re experiencing the same thing).
When the coronavirus craziness hit the TV news – before venturing out to the stores myself — I was surprised to see what people were rushing to stock up on. Specifically the rush on toilet paper and bottled water. I just didn’t get it. According to this article, folks were basically just stocking up for the end of the world. Some of those things are still super hard to find and instantly snapped up the moment they’re put out on the shelves. I remain on a hunt for toilet paper. But bottles of water, we never got. I’ll tell you why.
It came down to space, availability and need. We live in a small downtown condo with just so much room to stock up supplies. Not only was water hard to find, but we just don’t have the room for cases of water anywhere.
I don’t judge anyone who needs those cases of water. You have to do what you have to do for yourself and your family, or hand out to people in need. Everyone’s circumstances are different. But generally speaking for myself, I try to keep my single use plastics to a minimum so I typically hesitate to drink bottled water unless I have to.
I try to travel with a refillable water bottle and I use one at home pretty often as well. And when I’m at home, I drink from the fridge dispenser a lot but I also try to fill up one of my water pitchers daily to try to finish as much as possible, just as a visual guideline of how much I’m drinking. I’m definitely pro-at home water pitcher, and highly recommend you get one for yourself or your family if you’re a person always looking to drink more water or improve the quality of your drinking water. A good water pitcher with a filter will keep you hydrated all day and serve as a reminder to keep drinking.

I currently have two water pitchers in rotation and I thought this info could be helpful for anyone looking to get one for their home. They’re pretty different, but worthwhile to consider for anyone who desires a higher quality, more filtered experience when it comes to at home water consumption.

First up is the ZeroWater pitcher, which promises no dissolved solids and 5 levels of filtration for your water. You open the top compartment, insert your filter, fill it up at the top and there are two options for pouring, from the top and from a spigot at the bottom. Check out this link for a thorough explanation of the 5 part filtration system, which filters out enough Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) to make the water you pour from the ZeroWater pitcher have a lower TDS and purer taste than more well known water filter brands, as well as bottled water.
I have the 10-cup pitcher and it comes with a water quality meter and filter so you can fill and pour clean, pure water to your heart’s delight (and measure the quality to further reassure yourself).
Pros – Two ways to pour water make it super convenient
Takes a big capacity, enough fresh water to last throughout the day
You can really measure the purity of your water, if you’d like to
Filters and pitchers available online as well as major retail locations like Target
Cons – Very functional, not as attractive for counter display. But it is what it is, and it’s all about hydration
Takes a long time to fill, probably because of the 5 levels of filtration. So that’s a feature of the product but if you just filled it and wanted water ASAP, it takes a little wait.
Click here to shop the ZeroWater pitcher.

Second up is the Grove Soma 6-cup pitcher, a beautiful pitcher that looks great on a dinner table and serves as a visual reminder to stay hydrated. It’s elegant, it’s unique, and the aesthetics make it an item that I use time and time again. I’m a big fan of Grove, online purveyor of green-minded cleaning and household products. They make unique, sustainable products for your home and life in general.
The Soma filter removes impurities such as chlorine, mercury, copper, zinc and cadmium. The whole top of the filter area opens, but there’s a smaller circle where you’re supposed to fill the water area for filtration. The spigot for pouring is on the top and there’s no handle. So this vessel is elegant and stylish, but kinda clunky and awkward to fill as well as to pour from all at the same time. It is flawless? No. But what is?
Pros – elegant, beautiful, unique, a conversation piece
Made with sustainability and environmental friendliness in mind by Grove and Soma
Works to purify water, focusing on chlorine, mercury, copper, zinc etc.
Cons – No handle
Can be awkward to hold, pour and fill
Only available at Grove.co.
Click here to shop the Grove Soma 6-cup pitcher.

Which would you choose? Or do you have another at-home water filtration device, like another kind of pitcher or maybe a sink faucet attachment? How are you staying hydrated lately?

Happy Easter to Afrobella and her fans!
We have the huge office type water dispensers – one is in kitchen and the other is upstairs by the bedrooms. We live in a house, so we can store the refills and cases of water.
We drink water regularly and daily.
I agree that potable water is essential and vital.
Your pitchers are functional and ornamental- would buy both if I lived in USA.
In addition to not having space in my tiny apartment, I’m also on the 4th floor of a walkup building so when covid19 hit we immediately made the switch to a Pur 10 glass pitcher. No more lugging cases up the stairs and no more plastic bottle waste so it’s a win-win. That Soma pitcher is cute- kinda reminds me of a vase but I feel like the lack of a handle would make it a no for me. Stay safe and hydrated
I have a Zero Pitcher. And though it does take time to filter through, like old school Britas, I do like the fact that it gets out stuff.
Since I know nothing about the Grove Soma Pitchers I’ll go directly to what I do know, the Zero. It provides clear, clean water. In the area of Southern California where I live we average 650-800 ppm. So filters do not have a long life. To extend the life and save $ i prefilter through a Britta system which generally takes it to just under 400 ppm and extends the much more costly Zero filters life. The problem come from the basic design of how the filter attaches. Very poorly designed., heavy filter with delicate,hard to match up threads. They warn you “Don’t cross thread”! I just installed the third filter, each time it has taken approximately 20 minutes, I’m very careful to NOT cross thread, but this time the filter is leaking right next to the seal on one side. The first day or so the water was Zero, then it started to leak, and it climbed to 29 ppm with the next pitcher. A much easier bayonet design like the old Nikon Len’s with a heavier gasket seal might be a better installation option. I wouldn’t recommend, based on filter installation design flaws.