If you’re looking to cop a piece of black history for your archives, keep an eye out for the final print issue of JET Magazine, which hit newsstands today, Monday June 9th.
This final issue is a tribute to the past 63 years of publication, a dedication to the years that JET was the publication of note for the African American community. Here’s what’s in it:
• A letter from President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama
• A tribute to the late Maya Angelou
• Recognition of some the biggest celebrities on the pages of JET, such as Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Bill Cosby, Whitney Houston, Spike Lee, Diana Ross, Halle Berry, Beyoncé, Tyler Perry and more
• A montage of the best JET beauties and the best of the “Week’s Best Photo”
• The top music albums from the 1950s to the present
• Fashion and style influences over the years
• Coverage of African-American history, from the civil rights movement to a special investigative report on missing Black children.
“This issue serves as the final bow to everything JET has done over the years,” stated Mitzi Miller, the former editor-in-chief of JET magazine, now editor-in-chief of EBONY. “From politics to entertainment, JET magazine has had a tremendous impact on society and shaping conversations within the African-American community,” she added. “I’m very proud of the work I’ve accomplished over the past three years, and excited to see JET now continue this tradition in a digital platform.”
I will admit, it makes me sad to see JET magazine shuffle off the newsstands for good, after having held us down since 1951. However, it’s a kind of wake-up call to publishers and to purchasers – being around for decade after decade isn’t a guarantee that you’ll be around forever. Not anymore. If we as readers want our print publications to stick around, we’ve got to support them by buying and subscribing to them. If publishers want their print publications to stick around, they need to stay fresh, stay focused, and recognize the evolving needs of the readership and give us something to truly look forward to, something worth buying regularly that we can’t get online.
I will miss JET in print, but I have really high hopes for Ebony with Mitzi Miller at the helm. She’s a genius and I’ve been an admirer of her work since the days of Jane Magazine and Honey. Mitzi rocks and Ebony is in great hands. And fret not for JET — they’re going 100% digital!
Via JPC: “JET is launching a new weekly digital magazine app to address the needs of its readers to get information quickly and easily. The new app, scheduled to launch June 30, will be available on all tablet devices and mobile platforms. The content will feature breaking news and strong entertainment content, along with politics, pop culture and social issues that impact African-Americans, as well as a new EBONY/JET digital store.”
JETMag.com is already producing some new and cool content, like the Beauty School page which features awesome posts from my friends like Dre Brown and Nicole Townsend! Check them out!
JET may no longer be the magazine at the barbershop or beauty salon, but maybe it’s time the barbershop or beauty salon started providing tablets and WiFi for their customers – this is the trend we’re heading in. If we want our publications of note, we’ve gotta help to keep them afloat.
What do you think, bellas and fellas? Will you be copping this issue of JET Mag, for old time’s sake?

Great post – I love that you didn’t just wallow in sadness and complain about print publishing being a lost industry, but focus on the fact that times are changing and consumers want something different, something MORE! I haven’t been a consistent JET reader over the years, but I will more than likely pick up this issue and check out JET Online. I have transitioned all/most of my subscriptions to digital. Just me + my iPad 🙂
I am living proof that the future of writing is online! I worked in print and I got so tired of that print-is-the-end-all-and-be-all mentality. Glad you enjoyed my post!
I grew up reading Jet but pretty much do all my reading online now so I will definitely check them out online. I will also be on the lookout for the final issue.
I TRY NOT TO HATE PEOPLE but I HATE Desirèe Rogers. She is the most vile, jerk azz on the planet. I was dead-set against her since she was busted chomping on a free meal at Obama’s first State Dinner while allowing people to crash his party. She was in charge of the event and had the audacity to sit her butt down in a chair she didn’t pay for and eat food that America bought while the first Black president was being compromised.
My feelings toward her deepened when I learned she was going to head up Ebony and JET Magazines. Over the years, I’ve been quite vocal about what SHOULD have happened at Johnson Publishing Company. Mr. Johnson was my mentor and allowed me to call him up to get tips on how to build a media company from nothing. Needless to say, I am more than a little invested in JPC. Desiree has always been – and continues to be – the worst thing that happened to JPC, ever.
So, why am I not surprised that this week we’ll see the LAST EVER issue of JET magazine. To put it kindly, that heifer gotta be put on blast.
How dare you, Miss Rogers, advise Mr. Johnson’s daughter to give 49% of Ebony to CHASE BANK! Just who do think you are to put Black history on the chopping block just to pad your resume for your return to White media. I’d like to say I hope you choke on a chicken bone, but that would be rude. The chicken bone hasn’t done anything to anybody.
May I live long enough to right your obituary – not write it. But make sure that everyone knows who you REALLY are. If not, this will have to do.
– DC Livers, Managing Editor
Historical Black Press Foundation
I have no words, I will miss it. Such a part of my history.
This is bittersweet, but it’s time to move on and move up!!
I am old school, the last 30 plus years i have jet mag in my home.I am very upset about this new direction jet has choose to take.now you tell me to buy a tablet. I am really trying not to cuss the one responsible for new move.This has greed wrote all over it.May God bless jet,but if this is a final decision I hope you go bankrupt.