Shape matters, and it always has to me.
Ever since I hit puberty I had to figure out early how to dress for my shape, to enhance what I was born with and celebrate my best attributes. Through the years I’ve gotten pretty good at figuring out what suits my shape the best. However, the whole concept of “shape matters” ended at clothing. I never considered taking the concept further and considering the rest of me, until I was sent the awesome Smashbox Full Exposure Palette for review. A palette that takes eye shape into consideration and offers guidelines on best tips for creating a unique look. It’s not a brand new concept, but Smashbox took things to a new level and just may have perfected it with this palette.
Smashbox’s Full Exposure palette is one of those rare collections that’s loved by consumers as well as makeup artists. It includes 14 essential neutral shades that includes a range of nudes to blacks, mattes to shimmers, all extremely blendable, crease resistant, long wearing, easy to travel with, and generally awesome in myriad ways. It also comes with a super handy double-ended brush, one side is fluffy for blending your mattes and the other side’s flat for laying down shimmers for maximum wearability. Check it out.
Shimmers on top, mattes on bottom. Sweet!
If you’re looking for a good beginner’s eyeshadow palette that can take you from the workplace to an evening out on the town, get into this palette. If you’re looking for easy to use, must have travel makeup to offer an effortless range of looks when you’re away, get into this palette. If you want to master an easy, gorgeous, polished eyeshadow look that’s custom designed for your eye shape, get all the way into this palette.
Apparently it took 9 years of research and development to create the Smashbox Full Exposure Palette. After looking at more than 5,000 eyes, the Smashbox team designed looks for the 6 basic eye shapes — almond, round, upturned, downturned, monolid and hooded. Even if you think you know your eye shape, the video is helpful and cool (and features Lori Taylor Davis, global pro lead artist for Smashbox and fellow bella with gorgeous blonde curls). Behold:
So it turns out that my eyes are almond, as I always thought they were. But for a little bit in the video, I wasn’t sure if my eyes were round or almond. Because none of the whites of my eyes are visible around my iris, I have almond eyes and according to the instructions included in the Smashbox palette, I should rock my makeup like this.
Each eye shape gets three suggested looks – one for day, one for night, and one for definition. Look one is something I already do on a regular basis, made simpler by the helpful diagram. Look two is more of the kind of look I wish I had the skills to truly pull off to perfection. Look three is not a look I’d try on usually – I think my eyes look kind of naked and unfinished when I only line the upper lashline, but I plan to give it a try. And when I do, I’ll post it on Instagram, using the hashtag #ShapeMatters. You can win prizes if you do, too!
Smashbox is giving away tons of awesome prizes, including 1,000 eye shadow primers, up to 500 Full Exposure Palettes and a trip to L.A. for 2! Here’s how it works:
– Submit a selfie showing off your eye shape and hashtag it with #shapematters. You can enter on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or you can upload your selfie directly to the contest site at
– There’s no limit to the amount of times you enter—so get selfie-obsessed and win serious Smashbox swag.
– Don’t forget to make your settings public so that your picture shows up on the contest page!
Look out for my new looks on Instagram using the hashtag #ShapeMatters. And you can follow Smashbox on Instagram @SmashboxCosmetics and check out their YouTube channel for even more helpful videos.
Smashbox lives for lipstick. Gets excited about primers. (No, seriously, they do.) But most of all, they love sharing their makeup secrets with you. That’s why they’ve created the Full Exposure Palette—a set of universally awesome neutrals that’s essential, effortless and enhanced for your eye shape! This palette was developed because their pros needed it on set at Smashbox Studios in L.A. Just like you dress for your body shape, it’s important to apply makeup based on your eye shape—so Smashbox artists are exposing all of their secrets to get the most out of your shape with this palette. It’s all about being your most kickass beautiful self at Smashbox.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Smashbox via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions Smashbox.

I would really love to learn how to apply eye make-up. I’ve palettes like this but I never use them. I need help. Haha!
This is awesome. I just got into wearing eye makeup and am pretty sure I have almond shaped. I’ll definitely check this out to find out for sure.
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