I wish that there was a time machine. Or that the Time Phone that was invented in that one South Park episode was somehow real. I wish there was someway for me to tell my 15-year-old self about all the stuff that I was getting up to this week, because she absolutely would freak out and not believe it.
When I was a teenage girl I dreamed of being a model, and as I revealed during my TEDx Port-of-Spain talk, that was something that never happened in those formative years.
I had to make my own runway. As I grew older I put the idea out of my head. I was never going to be a model. But this week, this magical, beautiful, weird and unexpected week, yours truly will be on the runway, for real. Let me tell you the details!
This afternoon I am part of a truly unique, invitation-only fashion show put together by the team of Chicagonista.
At the Windy City soirée (#WCSoiree), local influencers have been selected to represent individual landmarks here in Chicago. Today I will be strutting my stuff in their one-of-a-kind fashion show! It’s going down at @WaterTowerPlace today – that’s Tuesday July 23rd at 4pm CST. A truly diverse group of influencers will be wearing iconic Chicago landmark-inspired-wear from Water Tower Place’s stores like Macy’s, Eileen Fisher, Free People, Akira, Vera Bradley, and Sephora.
The event is invite only, however if you can’t be there in person you can still watch online.
#ChicagonistaLIVE will be live streaming the stage and events. Here’s how you can watch the show:
via the Chicagonista Facebook page – Click WATCH tab
Or you can visit http://www.ChicagonistaLIVE.com/
Or you can use the Ustream App [iPhone] [Android] ChanneL: Chicagonista_Live
So honored, so excited, and just a little bit nervous! Tune in to check me out today. And stay tuned for my other big fashion show announcement later tonight!

I. Wish I could be there.
l ove always M om.
Wishing you a fun show and much excitement.