This holiday season I’m unveiling a new little series, dedicated to gift items that truly impress me as worth giving in terms of quality, general awesomeness, and also who they’re made by or who they benefit. Gifts Worth Giving will feature unique items made by entrepreneurs you should know about, and some items will benefit special charitable causes. All of them are great, trust me!
Anyone who reads this blog or follows me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram knows that I’m a traveler. Increasingly this blogger life takes me away from my workspace and into the friendly skies, off for appearances and engagements. It can feel like I live out of a suitcase. Consequently I’m always looking for the coolest space-saving luggage, the easiest to pack travel bags, and the best makeup travel cases to make the experience as effortless as possible.
I’m so over makeup bags that lead to broken eye shadow palettes or a jumble of brushes and pencils underneath everything. It’s not beneficial to your makeup or to you as a traveler – when you arrive at your destination, nobody wants to unpack a mess. I’ve tried many different makeup bags and I’m hard pressed to think of one that has fit my needs as well as Mocha Moon’s Perez Beauty Case.
Created by Lori Louis, a single mom and businesswoman based in Atlanta, GA, these are neat, extremely elegant, compartmentalized cosmetics bags that fit everything in a neat little area, and zips up low and flat, easy to fit into any kind of travel bag. Unzip the luxe exterior and inside you’ll find neat mesh pouches that velcro themselves into place, or detach when you need them to. There’s even a great two-sided brush holder for all of your eye shadow brushes, as well as larger brushes for powder, foundation and blush.
My Mocha Moon Perez Beauty Case came in “The Color Purple,” a seductive eggplant shade that borders on black (other colors include Mocha, Red Wine, Sunset (orange), Rose of Sharon (pink), Midnight Blue, and Turquoise.) My case is crocodile embossed so it looks and feels incredibly luxe, and when I unpacked the cosmetics case I’d been using (which had no compartments at all), I was astounded at how neatly and perfectly my makeup fit into the Mocha Moon Perez. It really helped me realize the redundancy of some of my packing – I had just been throwing additional black eyeliner pencils in there, because they’d all sink to the bottom and I’d continually think I needed another for my next trip. Now I have just a few pencils and they’re all neatly together in their mesh pencil case, velcro’ed to the ceiling of my zipped up makeup bag, ready for use whenever I need them.
I would have called the Mocha Moon Perez Beauty Case a gift worth giving anyway…but their charitable initiatives put it into even clearer view. One dollar from your purchase benefits homeless moms living in shelters.For the month of December one dollar of all sales will be donated to Nicholas House, a smaller, underfunded shelter in Atlanta that strives to keep families together instead of separating men from women and moms from sons, which frequently happens in the shelter system. I love that.
Visit to get a Perez case of your own, or splurge and also get the coordinating Lori L tote – the Perez case fits perfectly inside!.

This looks like something every woman who travels with a separate makeup case needs. It seems like it would fit my traveling needs completely. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for the heads up!
This is EXACTLY what I need.
Excited about forthcoming recommendations.
Keep ’em comin.
Oh nice! I need a more organized case. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Holidays! I’m the pr rep for Mocha Moon and I wanted to give you the heads up that this fab case is under $40 and hold everything from your makeup collection to travel-sized beauty products and because of the straps everything is nicely organized. I have the Sunburst Orange with my makeup and a Mocha Chocolate with all my nail colors, nail products, buffers, files etc.