In case you missed it — giveaway #4 is for Facebook fans only. Click to join!
Around this time of year it’s a beautiful thing to be given a gift — but it’s even more beautiful to be the gift giver. I reached out to some of my favorite brands to arrange special holiday giveaways for Afrobella readers, and I hope you love the products as much as I do! Fifth on the holiday giveaway list? The Beautiful Curls Holiday Gift Basket.
My hair is getting longer and the weather is cold and dry. Not a great combination for natural tresses that tend to get matted together if you wait more than a week for a thorough detangling. Sometime in mid-fall, I got a beautiful package in the mail that helped to solve my seasonal hair blues. Beautiful Curls by Alaffia is a nourishing, creamy, shea butter based hair care line that offers moisture to hair that’s curly to kinky, wavy to curly, or even for babies and up!
I’ve been using the curly to kinky variety and the Curl Activating Shea Butter Shampoo and Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment have been great for keeping my hair detangled and moist when I let my hair get to the point of no return. The shampoo, conditioner, and curl activating cream are my favorites thus far. I will admit that I don’t love the smell of the Shea and Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil but when my hair looks super parched, it helps to replenish my gloss.
For the holidays Beautiful Curls has been selling beautiful Alaffia handwoven African grass baskets filled with hair products especially chosen for your texture. And now the kind folks of Beautiful Curls are offering FOUR baskets to lucky Afrobella readers!!
How do you enter, how do you win?
Leave me a comment telling me what your hair texture is like (curly to kinky? Or wavy to curly?) and tell me which of the Beautiful Curls products you’re most looking forward to trying, and why.
This contest will be open until December 27 to contestants within the US, so you have lots of time over the holiday week to enter (and hopefully win!)
Thanks to the Alaffia Beautiful Curls for this opportunity — click here to follow Beautiful Curls on Twitter and Beautiful Curls on Facebook!
Good luck and MERRY CHRISTMAS, bellas!

I am looking forward to the shea butter deep conditioner because my hair is hard to detangle and I am looking for anything that will help. Happy Holidays!
My hair is curly to kinky and I am looking forward to trying the curl activating cream, the ingredients look yummy for my hair.
The curl activating cream appeals to me. My hair tends to waviness and a more curly bounce would be great. Have tried soooooo many products.
I look forward to using Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment and Shea and Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil for my moisture drinking hair. I LOVE my hair texture, small curls that twits beautifully and give me spirally beautiful twistouts!. I am still working to find the best combination of drink and protection.
My hair is curly to kinky. Leaning towards the kinky very thick. I would love to try the curl activating cream as that is my daily staple and I would love to try the Alaffia brand!
Hola! I am looking forward to using the Shea Butter Shampoo and the Deep Conditioner. Sounds like a yummy combination. I’d also like to sample the curl oil, the smell may be off, but I’m sure the combination of oils does something miraculous to natural hair.
If the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment by Beautiful Curls can help me get and keep my curly to kinky natural hair detangled, then it’s definitely on my list of products to try!
Hello Afrobella! My hair is wavy to curly. I would love to try the Curly Activating Cream and the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment. This combination may be perfect for my head of curls which tend to be frizzy in the winter. Thanks for sharing this product line!
My hair is curly to something. Lol. I am still trying to figure out what my hair is. I say it is what it is. My sometimes stylist says its curly and baby soft. I would love love love to try the Shea butter deep conditioning. I am sometimey and so is my hair. However, I am loyal and so are my curls. They love to be conditioned and I love to pamper them. Thanks.
I have a decent grade of hair, but I can not seem to keep it moisturized, a problem for most Women of Color, no matter the texture. I like the sounds of the shea and coconut hydrating curl oil, sounds like a miracle in a bottle.
My hair is curly to kinky and very coarse. I am looking forward to the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment in hope that it can make my hair more manageable and a bit softer.
I would love to try the Shea & Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil. My hair gets super dry in the winter & I am always looking for a product to ease the dryness.
My hair is curly to kinky. I would like to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment because shea butter works well in my hair. Thanks!
My hair is kinky.. no curly about it haha. I really want to try the curl activating cream. The description on their website sounds pretty awesome and I’ve been looking for something that will make my curls pop.
I have kinky to curly hair and I am looking forward to trying the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment for these winter months that are about to hit us here in Chicago.
My hair is wavy and I would love to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Cream, because it sems like it would help greatly detangling after washing. Tangling is one of the biggest problems I have w/my hair..
My hair is curly to kinky and I would like to try the Shea butter shampoo and conditioner.
Hello Afrobella,
I am so overjoyed to see these giveaways you’re offering. I am a college grad who has yet to find a job so my soon-to-be 1year of transitioning as been done with the same products used when I was relaxed. Other than Herbal Essence shampoo, I can’t afford to buy anything with no income.
My hair texture is curly to kinky (mostly kinky). I would love EVERY product in the curly to kinky category.
The Shea Butter Curl Activating Shampoo would definitely help me get through the process of washing my scalp and some product residue very well without stripping my hair of natural oils.
The Shea Butter Curl Activating Leave-In Conditioner, I would love to have something in my hair that will leave moisture and help enhance my curl pattern. I have a few curls so this will help with the other confused natural strands.
The Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment would help repair my strands with the stress of being half relaxed, half natural. My hair needs this to keep from breaking everyday, the damage of shrinkage and some amts of shedding.
Shea Butter Curl Activating Cream this would definitely help me get the twist-out results I stress over and never receive. I currently hate twist-outs and braid outs but hopefully this will help me get the results everyone else gets.
Shea Butter Curl Sculpting Wax
I have very curly hair and I think that the “Shea-Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment” would best suit my hair type & needs; curly hair has a tendency to be dry…
My hair is very wavy to curly and I would jump at the chance to use the Shea and Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil- I get pretty good braiding and twist results and I would like to see the results I would achieve with these fantastic products.
I have type 4b hair that is tightly coiled. I would like to try the Curl Oil and the Deep Conditioning Treatment. I have noticed my hair getting extremely dry lately so maybe these products would help. Merry Christmas!!
My hair is kinky and I am growing out a twa. I would love to win try the shea butter deep conditioning treatment . Between the dry air in northwest NJ plus the drying effect on central heating heating , my hair is parched!!!!!!!!
My hair is curly to kinky and I really want to try the shea butter deep conditioning treatment. My hair is really dry during these winter months and I have been in the hunt for a good deep conditioner.
I have 4b Kinky hair, and I would love to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioner for my hair. Being in Florida the weather is very off and on at times, one day we can have 80 degree weather and the next a cold front comes through and we are down to 46-52 degree weather.So a deep condition is definitely what my hair needs at this moment.
My hair is very kinky. Im looking forward to trying the shampoo, since ive only been doing co washes, I haven’t found a shampoo product that would like to reintroduce my hair to.
My hair is VERY kinky…. Beautiful, Kinky curls… I’m looking forward to trying the Curl Activating Cream. I’ve heard nothing but great things about it!
My hair is kinky and fine. It’s hard to find products that don’t weigh my hair down too much, so is like to see how the deep conditioner would work with my texture. I’ve also used another Alaffia black soap shampoo, so I’d really like to try the Beautiful Curls curl activating shea butter shampoo as well.
My hair is kinky and fine. It’s hard to find products that don’t weigh my hair down too much, so is like to see how the deep conditioner would work with my texture. I’ve also used another Alaffia black soap shampoo with good results, so I’d really like to try the Beautiful Curls curl activating shea butter shampoo as well.
I am newly natural and I would consider my hair texture is kinky to curly…I just big chopped earlier this month and I look forward to finding a product line that will help me achieve maximum curl definition! I hope this will be it! I look forward to trying the Curl Activating cream. I hope I win!
My hair is curly/kinky. I’d love to try the Curl Reviving Tonic. I wake up with dry, parched, smashed to my scalp hair and this sounds like a lovely way to wake it up.
My hair is kinky/curly and I’m looking forward to trying the Shea and Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil, as well as all the other products!
Hi Afrobella – Thank you for having a giveaway! I have curly to kinky hair and I am looking forward to trying the leave-in conditioner. Now that my hair is getting longer, I realize that leave-in step is pretty crucial for maintaining moisture and I have not found one yet that makes me happy.
My hair is a mix of kinky and curly and I would love to try the shea butter deep conditioner, sounds like just what I need!
My hair is a true combination of textures. Fine and wavy with no real definition in the front, kinky at the crown, and kinky curly in the back. Needless to say, I have a hard time finding products that work with so many textures going on. I look forward to trying the leave-in the most with the Curl activating cream coming in a close second. I’m still trying to find my go to leave in, and the curl activating leave in by Beautiful Curls may just be it.
My hair is curly to kinky, more to the kinky and thick end of the scale. I can’t wait to try the Curl Activating Leave in Conditioner.
Ollie Moss
I have kinky hair. I would love to try Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment.
I have wavy to curly and I would love to try the Curl Activating Shea Butter LEAVE-IN CONDITIONER because I am in search of a GREAT leave in conditioner and it’s a 2 in 1 (leave in and curl activator)
I have curly to kinky hair.. I would love to try the leave in conditioner. My hair has grown so much since my pregnancy that it’s to the point that no matter what I use detangling is awful!!! to the point where I’m thinking about cutting it
My hair is kinky. I would like to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment.
i wanna try the shampoo and conditioner.. i’ve wasted to much time and hair strands on any old shampoo and conditioner just cuz it was cheap. I need a quality duo that will really cleanse and moisturize my hair.
I’d love to try the Shea Butter & Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil for Curly to Kinky Hair because I’d love to try anything that can keep my curly bordering on kinky hair moisturized after the wash.
My hair is a mix of curly and kinky straight. I would love to try the Shea Butter deep conditioning treatment. Having two hair textures makes it a pain to detangle. I would love a conditioner that would make that process easier.
My hair is kinky-curly and tends to get SUPER dried out in the winter, so I’d love to try the deep conditioner. I’m always trying new DCs to see what works best to keep my hair moisturized.
my hair is curly to kinky, and I’d love to try the shea butter deep conditioning treatment – once i take out these braid extensions my hair is going to need a lot of love. also the hydrating curl oil, to protect my hair from the cold weather!
My texture is curly to kinky and I would love to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioner Treatment.
My texture is curly to kinky. The product I would really like to try is the shea and coconut hydrating oils.
I have about 4 different textures on my head, but overall it’s kinky-curly. I’m a wash and go girl, so I’d love to try the Shea Butter Curl Activating Cream.
My hair texture is curly to kinky. I would like to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment because I haven’t came across a DC that leaves my hair moisturized.
My hair is kinky and tightly coily and I am looking forward to trying the curl oil. I like to try different oil mixtures to see which works best for my hair!
My hair (and my two-year-old’s hair) is definitely kinky/4B and 4C. We are both wearing protective styles this winter. Still, our hair always looks so dull! I would love to try the Shea and Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil, so the Two Lil’ Divas (yes, we are practicaly the same height! LOL) look a bit more polished when we walk out the front door each day.
I have kinky curly hair and I would love to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment. I am following both of you guys on Twitter as Jesusismygrace and on FB as Monique Jones. thanks and happy holidays
i have curly to kinky and i am most looking forward to trying the curl activating cream. i newly natural and still learning my curl pattern and trying different products that will help it become more defined and moisturized.
My hair is kinky to curly and I’m looking forward to trying the Shea and Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil. I’ve been natural for many years, but new to actually taking care of it. Still experimenting and trying to find the right product.
Thank you. A very good article. It is very useful to read.
I have curly to Kinky hair and I’m most excited to use the Deep Conditioner. I have tried the leave-in before and really like the way it made my hair feel. I love your site!
Hi! I’m new to Afrobella but read about you in November’s Essence magazine. My hair is wavy to curly and so I have a difficult time finding the right products for my hair texture. I would love to try your Shea and Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil because my hair tends to dry out easily. Thanks for the opportunity to try your organic- based products!
My hair is kinky-curly and I would love to wear it curly more so the curl activating cream would be perfect.
I’d love to try the curl activating cream. I would consider my hair kinky-curly.
My hair is kinky so I’d love to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment
For myself, i have kinky hair, But that is not the end of the story. The back of my hair appears to have less kinks than the rest of my hair. The front of my hair looks strait but is kinky at the same time…:/(I don’t know either) The middle is thin and the middle back is where it is its most kinkyiest, but thats my favorite hair texture throughout my whole head. With all the crazyness in my head, I still love my hair.
I would LOVE to try the Curl Nurturing System for Babies and up, the entire line. This is because the ingredience are great. One of them are said to be an anti-cancer agent! And i figure, if it is good for a child, then its good for me too.
My hair falls into the kinky/ curly catergory. I’m looking forward to using the shea butter deep conditioning treatment because there’s nothing like a good DT to make your curls pop!
I happen to be blessed with kinky/curly hair, and I would love to try the Shea and Coconut Butter Hydrating curl oil. Might me just the thing to nourish and define my kinky-curls.
i have Nigerian kinky/curly hair and I love it. It’s had it’s up and downs and while i’ve put it through a lot with tight braids, expired perms, BCs, and what have you, it’s still stubbornly beautiful. I would be interested in trying the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment because I’ve read about the wonderful benefits of shea butter live in the Northeast and the weather has no love for my natural hair
I have curly to kinky hair and very dry. So that is why I am looking so forward to trying the Shea butter deep conditioning treatment. This is my first winter being natural and it is a lot harder than it looks to maintain luster and shine on my natural locks.
Hello bella!
Like so many other Afrobellas on this website, I’ve got a few different types of curls on this crazy head of mine but I guess it would fall under the curly-kinky side of things. I’ve been stuck in a rut with my hair and so I was really excited to learn about this giveaway. My hair just feels like it’s being a bit stubborn this winter season and it would be great to not only give it some lovin’ with the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment, but to revamp my hair care routine with the Beautiful Curls system.
Happy Holidays!
I would benefit from the Curl Nurturing Shea Butter leave in detangler…. My kinky tightly coiled hair is always a haggle to detangle so this would be great
My hair is curly but dry and frizzy. i would also love to try the shea butter detangler. Currently I use coconut oil which helps but I need a more professional product.
My hair is more kinky than curly. I would love to try the curl activating cream so that I can show off my textured Afro! 🙂
My daughters hair is more kinky than anything, her hair will put you in mind of Macy Grey, she loves having different things done to her hair. I’d love to try any kind of product that would tame her curls.
I’d love to try the curl activating cream. My hair is kinky-curly.
I’m already using and loving the Beautiful Curls Curl Reviving Tonic to wake my curls up in the AM. I would love to try the deep conditioner and the curl activator. My hair is kinky/curly/frizzy and dry!
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I would love to try Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment on my kinky frizzy hair
I have kinky and curly hair. I look forward to trying the deep conditioning treatment because my hair is dry from getting frequent blowouts.
I want to share my testimonial on how Beautiful Curls has truly made my hair get noticed.
I started using Beautiful Curls Shea Butter Curl Activating Cream this spring when I was down in Austin Texas for SXSW. I was doing last minute errands before the trip and the place where I get my hair styling product was completely out of stock. I headed over to Whole Foods and a staff person encouraged me to try it. They said they’d seen wonderful results. The jar was about $11 and I could return it if I didn’t like it (great return policy at Whole Foods!). Well I tried it and immediately loved the smell of it! It contains no water so after washing and conditioning my hair (I have tight curls), I put on the Curl Activating Cream and twisted my hair. It was around this time I also got a blow dryer with a diffuser and all I can say is wow!
I get compliments on a daily basis now about my hair. I’ve had people come up to me at restaurant, in the city, on planes and even at the post office complimenting me on my curls!
One thing I especially like is that this product doesn’t weigh my hair down or make it sticky. It smells great, is touchable and controls frizz. Now that I’m doing the “no poo” program which includes a low sudsing shampoo from Jessicurl and weekly washing, my hair style is low maintenance but high on the fabulous scale.
Afrobella made a great video on how to put up curly hair at night in pantyhose and this solved my problem of crushed curls!
I’d recommend everyone with curls try the Curl Activating Cream. I have the deep weekly conditioner and daily conditioner as well but my favorite is the cream.
Happy holidays!
I have locs but my 10 year old has Kinky Curly hair. I would love to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning on her hair.
My hair is kinky and I look forward to using the deep conditioning treatment.
I have combination hair, the front and crown area are kanky (kinky, lol) while the sides and back are curly. I would love to give the hydrating curl oil a whirl. My hair is healthy, however, I just can’t seem to get that sheen thing going and this oil just may do the trick. 🙂
Hi. I have wavy to curly hair. I just found out that I am expecting my first child, so I am looking for products that will are natural and good for me and my baby. I am especially looking to try the Shea and Coconut Hydrating Oil. Good work with the blog. Very informative.
I have a curly to kinky hair texture. I would love to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment.
I would love to try the curl nurturing system for my two year old, biracial granddaughter. She has the most beautiful head of wavy to curly hair. The issues I am having with her hair is it gets dry and frizzy so easily. Most products I have tried, even the ones for biracial hair, are too heavy for her fine hair. But the products for caucasian hair don’t provide enough moisture! I have spent hundreds of $ on hair care products for her with limited success. Hopefully these products will be the “ones”. Thanks!
My hair is kinky and I look forward to using the deep condition treatment. To soften and condition.
Hi Afrobella,
I would love to try the Shea and Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil to lock in the much need moisture for my curly to kinky hair. It is tough keeping my hair moisturized and hopefully this product can lock in the moisture and add a little bit of shine as well. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
I’m really interested in the curl activating shampoo. I have curly to kinky hair and I’m on the lookout for a staple shampoo.
I have kinky curly hair that I did a big chop in August due to health reasons. My hair is growing back and is very thick. I would love to try the shea and coconut hyrdrating cream because the cold weather has left my ends screaming for moisture!
My hair is kinky and I am most interested in the curling cream 🙂
My hair is afro curly. The strands curl, but the texture is kinky. I have seen these products in Whole Foods. I am interested in the Leave in Conditioner. One of my favorite natural celebs, Hayley Marie Norman, uses it.
Hi Afrobella! Here’s hoping you had a fab Christmas holiday and the New Year kicks off with more great things for you!
My hair is wavy to curly in the front and curly to kinky in the back…and dry all over, so I’m most looking forward to trying the Hydrating Curl Oil! Maybe that will keep my hair from turning to straw in the winter, lol.
My tightly coiled hair is thirsting for the Shea Butter Deep conditioning treatment. I usually wear a super TWA, about 1/4 inch long, but the cold Connecticut winter has persuaded me to let my hair grow to provide my head with some much needed warmth–I hate wearing hats. I’ve been growing it out since October, only slightly snipping it here or there to keep it symmetrical, and it’s about two inches now. Even at this length, I know I need a good conditioner that will allow me to wash, go and stay soft. I am hoping that the shea butter conditioner is it.
Our hair is curly kinky more kinky than curly! We need to try natural hair products instead of products like pantene. we are interested in all to help our hair
I have kinky 4b hair and I would love to try the Shea Butter Deep Conditioning Treatment
My hair type is curly to kinky and I would love to try the Shea Butter & Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil. Sometimes my curls tend to be a bit dry and I want to try the Hydrating Curl Oil hydrate my hair and add a nice glossy shine.
My mom and I (kinky kinky) both use the deep conditioner and the curl activator. I use the deep conditioner as a leave in during this dreadful winter months. We love the products! It is FAB that she can get it back home in NOLA and I here in the PAC NW, home of Alaffia. What an awesome local company! We would love to try the shampoo or oil or anything they make. We’ll share the loot. I use the body lotion and body wash. My husband uses the bar soap. It is a family affair!
My hair texture is kinky and would love love love to win this contest. I am interested in trying the Shea Butter & Coconut Hydrating Curl Oil. I’m one year into my natural hair journey and have been trying to find products and build season hair regimes that work for my hair.
My hair is pretty much curly to kinky. I’m most interested in trying out the Deep Conditioning Treatment! My thick hurr can always go for that! LOL
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