There comes a time where you have to admit….you can’t do EVERYTHING on your own. So I’m turning to you! Bellas, I’m looking for TWO interns with very specific skills.
#1 – I need a research intern. Someone who can transcribe celebrity interviews within a 72-hour turnaround. Someone who can send back information about any topic I’ve asked them to research within a week or so.
#2 – I need a video intern. Preferably a student or up and coming blogger who wants exposure and is talented with editing and creating YouTube clips from audio and photographs. Someone who can follow direction, offer artistic insight, and turn around a project quickly, who really wants to build their resume and is available to work on fun, distinctive projects.
I’ve got some very exciting projects in the pipeline and could use some immediate assistance.
My ideal candidate is a young, up and coming blogger with a genuine interest in writing or producing online video content. At present this is an unpaid position, but I will send you products and do my best to get your name out there. If this sounds like something you’re interested in – please e mail me with clips of a few things you’ve worked on.

I’m so glad that opportunities are coming your way bella! Woohoo!
I feel for you girl and I’m sure you’re swamped. I was asked to find interns for a magazine I used to work for so I’d like to share some advice my boss learned the hard way. To get good interns, you gotta have good bait. Everybody expects unpaid interns to be satisfied with “work experience” when they’re likely spending their days typing and filing. Not the case these days. Good people needis resume building and networking access in exchange for theira hard work and most importantly their creativity. You have to have something real to offer or all you’ll get is a free secretary (like we got). If I were you, I’d include perks like accompanying you to events, concert/movie tickets, opportunties to interview some celebs, being featured on one of the videos etc. I think putting stuff like that in the ad will help attract the kind of talent you want. Good luck with it. 🙂
Please read my email to you. I disagree with the comment above. I am a 47 year old woman and I am fully credentialed.I am also a product junkie!
Indeed, I’d be so honoured to work with you. I’m an ambitious, young, Kittitian writer, and design/ advertising student with a ‘little’ obsession for hair and beauty product indulgence and experimentation, as well as social topics, especially pertaining to Black women.
So I’ve also sent along an email including samples of some relevant projects I’ve worked on in the areas of writing/research, blogging, design, and finally of course, about hair and beauty! I’d love for you to take a look at my Caribbean-madras themed portfolio. Enjoy!
What’d I say that was so contentious, especially if you want the gig? Suggesting perks helps YOU. I didn’t mention anything that she would have to come out of pocket for. In addition to product samples, industry people like her get tickets to events/movies/concerts all the time. I’m sure she plans to share them. I just think it would be a good idea to let potential applicants know that. Anyway, sorry to offend. Good luck.
Is this only open to American readers?