It’s taken me a while to jump into the newsletter game. Here’s why. I get so many of them in my inbox — some I’ve signed up for, some I certainly didn’t. In deciding to create an Afrobella Newsletter, I decided a few things.
— I won’t be simply rehashing or just linking to articles on the blog. In addition to carefully curated links, there will be FRESH content in the Afrobella Newsletter, dedicated expressly to subscribers! Like you! (hopefully!)
— My hope is to offer special discounts for some of my favorite brands with this new newsletter. I’m working on it!
— Lord knows I don’t need more useless e mails cluttering my inbox and you don’t either. I want the Afrobella Newsletter to be something you look forward to getting and reading every month, not just something you delete immediately or unsubscribe to because it’s less than awesome.
Wanna sign up? Click here to do so! Please know that your privacy is important to me and I won’t be doing anything untoward with your information, bellas.
YAY for a fun new way for us to keep in touch!

I think having a Newsletter is a great idea. Hopefully you would have a weekly section highlighing Black Beauty Bloggers. We get very little exposure for the amount of money we spend on Beauty & Cosmetics.
I like the idea of a newsletter, I’ve signed up, maybe as time goes on you’ll have some special or even regular newsletter contributors. I’m excited