I recently reviewed my favorite fall fragrances, and Paco Rabanne’s latest, Lady Million — available at Macys.com, was high on my list.
The bottle sits on my dresser as a chic symbol of luxury. I try to wear it to special occasions, or on days when I feel less than a million bucks. It lifts my spirits and makes me feel glamorous. And today I’m spreading the love!
It’s the Paco Rabanne Lady Million Fall Fragrance Giveaway!
5 lucky Afrobella readers will be receiving the 2.7oz bottle priced at $88!
How do you enter, how do you win?
— you have to live in the USA
— be a fan of Afrobella on Facebook or follow me on Twitter (let me know which!)
— let me know in a comment below. This perfume makes you feel like a million bucks. Where would you wear it, if you win?
This giveaway will be closed by Friday and winners will be chosen and contacted over the weekend.
Good luck, bellas!!
**giveaway is closed! Good luck, bellas!

I follow you on twitter
and on facebook.
My fave perfume is Stella by stella mccarthy. its my favorite evening perfume and i get so many complements on it
I follow you on twitter (@Yvette_Awo). I would wear this exploring the nightlife in my city.
Hi! I follow you on facebook!
I would definitely wear it on my special day! My wedding! That would be the ultimate day for me to feel like a million bucks! 🙂
I follow you on twiter and Facebook and I would wear this for an evening in with hubby!
Johanna Thomas on fb 🙂
I also follow you on facebook.
Following via Twitter
If I were to win this perfume I would definitely wear it on my wedding day. I got married at city hall but haven’t done the actual ceremony with family and friends so this would be perfect since I would be feeling like a million bucks on that day. 🙂
Thanks for the oppurtunity
I would wear this perfume on a date with my best friend, my husband. We don’t get to out often and when we do, I feel like the world is revolving around us. This would add to the euphoria of being with him. P.s. I follow you @carlotah80
I follow you on BOTH Facebook and Twitter :). If I were to win, I would wear it on a first date to give me that extra confidence
I would wear it to class, hopefully feeling like a million bucks would boost my confidence a bit & make me a little more willing to speak & boost my grades!! Oh & when I go out too
I follow you on FB. I would wear this to see a Broadway show or dinner with my girls 😉
I would wear it everyday because I want to feel like a million buck each and everyday!
I like you on Facebook.
Oh & I follow in both!!
I’m a fan of yours on Facebook.
If, by some miracle I were to be gifted this perfume, I would wear it to my job interviews. Definitely need to feel like a milly while under the microscope!
Be delicious,
I would wear it when I go on date night with my husband so he can smell what a millon bucks smell like and maybe he will buy me more.
I follow you on twitter @RobiKenyatta. If I were to win this perfume I would wear it to my first natural hair care event. Since I’d be wearing my locs in a fabolous style its only right that I smell fabolous too.
I follow you on twitter @robikenyatta. If I were to win this perfume I would wear it at an upcoming natural hair care event. Since I’d have my locs in a fabolous style its only right that I smell fabolous too :)!
I follow you on twitter – lov2read68 & on Facebook
Just found you from beautysocial updates from other blogs I follow!
If I happen to win – would wear this to work on days I need an extra boost or date night with my DH of 14 years!
I would wear it to my “friend’s” office holiday party along with my new purple dress. He’s worth it. Oh, I can’t forget to add my purple lipglass;-) I love seeing you everyday on Facebook.
I follow you on twitter (@beautybyzino) I would wear it on date night with the hubby
I follow you on twitter (shana931) and Facebook (Lashana Smith). If I win I would definitely wear this fragrance to the launch event for the mentoring program I’ve initiated for homeless women here in The City of Philadelphia. I would love to spread the amazing “lady million” energy to my ladies that I’m sure this fragrance exudes.
I follow you on Facebok. If I was to win this item I would wear it to celebrate my birthday that is next month. Because everyone should special on that day. I want to feel like a million bucks on my bday.
I follow you on twitter (@ladybugg_15). If I win, honestly I would share with my sister. We are both single mothers and recently made huge changes to our lives and are feeling like a million bucks because of the many blessings bestowed upon us. So it would be worn everywhere we go to remind us that we are making it everywhere!
I’m a facebook fan (Uche Adaku).
I would wear this scent whenever I network and/or interview. Or on those days when this transitionary unemployment phase seems like it will last a bit longer than anticipated.
Girlllll…If I won, I’d seriously wear this EVERYWHERE, all winter long! I need some more glam in my life on the daily! And if I don’t win I’ll continue to go to Sephora and spray myself down and get testers.
Thanks, Patrice for such a great giveaway. I’m keepin my good eye on you via Facebook. =P
I would wear it wherever and whenever, in other words everyday to any occasion! While doing laundry, grocery shopping, to church, to work. I’ve smelled this at a store and it’s a great scent!
I follow you on FACEBOOK (Dawn May) and on Twitter as@ iheartmarcusb
I would wear this all the time instead of saving it for special occasions. It lifts my spirits when I smell good so i wear fragrance everyday.
I follow you on Twitter. I would love this for the rare times I get to have date night with my long distance guy 🙂
I would wear this either out on the town with my girls, or with my hubby on date night. 🙂
I follow you on Twitter (@DST_Natural_Coya) and Facebook (Lacoya Seltzer)
Hello Afrobella
I follow you on Twitter and your tweets are very entertaining.
If I were to win this fragrance, I’d wear it to work. I usually feel less than a million bucks there and I need a pick-me-up 🙂
I follow you on twitter….I would wear this on a date with my guy….to a fabulous restaurant followed by dancing at a hott club!!
I follow you on twitter and..
This perfume makes me feel like a million bucks and I would wear it on me & Mr. Park’s next trip to Chicago in November!
A la twitter… I love new fragrances and can’t wait to bless some folk in the Caribbean with this one, should I win… (@divinelogistics)
I follow you on twitter (@FashionDivvah)
I just moved to Baltimore and I would definitely wear this perfume out when I finally go out exploring the Bmore night life.
I follow you on twitter (@DLee876) and facebook. I’d wear this lovely fragrance to a gala I’ll be attending in a couple weeks.
I follow you on FB.
I would wear this on any day I wanted to feel extra special but definitely when I’m with my hunny bunny! I’m in Vegas and he’s in New Orleans so I always try to be extra extra sexy and sassy whenever we get to see each other, which is only every few months. I think he and I both would love this perfume as the scents of neroli, patchouli and honey are things we like anyway… Thanks!
I follow you on twitter @Blackcoal08 and I would wear this fragrance on any and every day…I think EVERYDAY is a special occasion and I already FEEL like a million bucks, may as well leave the scent.
I follow you on facebook. I would wear it on a night out with my beau.
Sorry – facebook name is Jamila Jones.
I just recently rekindled a old relationship. So my first date with him I would wear this perfume. One the compliments he would give me was about how good I smelled. I am sure Lady Million By Paco Rabanne will not let him down.
I follow you on Facebook and name is Kimberly Johnson
l’ll wear it whenever I feel like I need a million $ or whenever I’m feeling like I have a million $. And I’ll where it to places I want people to think I have a million or on places (of the body) I want to smell like I have a million $.
Forgot to add I follow you on Twitter…..my comment is above.
I follow you on facebook (Rust Hawk) and I would wear it all the time!
I liked you of fb. I would wear this perfume to salsa dancing. I’ve never been but plan to soon, and this perfume would be perfect to help me get my sexy on!
I “Like” you on Facebook: Tina Renee Barker
I’d wear this on a night out on the town with my friends
and to my niece’s upcoming wedding!
If I were to win this perfume it would definately be my evening fragrance and I would wear it to go out on the town with my boyfriend or my friends.
I follow you on facebook. Name: Maryse Manuela
I follow you on twitter. I would wear it on a night out with the girls.
I’m a fan of Afrobella on Facebook, and if I won this perfume, I would wear it to the upcoming Ball my university is having for all four classes. It’s a tradition that existed in the ’40s, ’50s, and ’60s, but had been discontinued for the past 5 decades, and our student government is bringing it back! I would wear this perfume as we make history.
Woah, count me in! I have added you on twitter!
May the best win!
I would wear it everywhere!!!! Especially take it on my kid rock cruise..and wear it everyday!
I live in the US and am a fan on Facebook. If I win, I’ll wear it to the Probable “Claus” Ball our Black Law Students Association is putting on to raise funds for a local elementary. Get fancy for the chirrens!
I follow you on Facebook and Twitter. I’d wear this perfume on a first date
Hey there Afrobella!
I follow you on both FB and Twitter.
If I win, I will wear it to bed, my hubby always holds me close and nestles his face real close. He loves when I wear a spritz of perfume.
I follow you on Twitter and Facebook. I’d wear it to work and to my family’s huge Thanksgiving party to celebrate my grandfather’s hospital release.
I follow you on Facebook & Twitter -> @kenigrace
If I’m the recipient of this fragrance, I will wear it for my 33rd birthday celebration next month! **crosses fingers**
I would wear this on date night with the Mr. Thanks for the chance!
Hey Afrobella,
I follow you on Twitter. My twitter handle is UnikaHM. I’m also a fan on Facebook as well. If I were chosen as a winner of this fragrance, I would wear it everyday just because. Who wouldn’t want to feel like a million bucks everyday? I may not have a million bucks, but I would love to feel like it….LOL
I follow you on Twitter & Facebook.
If I won, I would wear it to my new job, to make a lasting impression.
I follow your newsletter via email 🙂 If I were to win, I would wear it whenever the occasion called for it! That might be everyday! lol
If I won I’d wear this on my very first Caribbean cruise (Going next year for my birthday with my baby sis – TOO excited)!!
I live in the USA. I follow your page on FB- Donna Marie
If I won I would wear this to church and out on special dates with my husband.
Hi AfroBella!! I live in Atlanta and I follow you on twitter(@queenofinbtween)!I’d wear the fragrance to my “Queen, Empress, Goddess Brunch” that me & my close girlfriends hold twice a month to have dialogue about relationships,fostering sisterhood amongst Black women, keeping old fashioned lady values in 2011, prayer, laughing, crying and of course WE COOK!! They’d love the scent!
On my honeymoon of course!!!
I would wear this out with my hubby of 15 years. Probably on a walk through NYC.
I am a follower on Facebook and Twitter (angela akinniyi on facebook and on twitter I’m @annstiptoes)
I would wear this on a sexy night out with my husband. (prob. to a fancy restaurant and dancing afterwards).
I follow you on Twitter(bajanflchick) and FB, I am a fragrance fiend, haven’t smelled this yet, but if it’s good enough for you AFROBELLA, it most certainly is good enough for me 🙂
I follow you on Facebook. Because I work so much, I would wear it as soon as I get some time off. Im so ready to feel pretty again 😉
I follow you on Facebook. I would wear when I am with my Million Dollar Man(my Hubby)!
I am following you on FB as Monique Jones and Twitter as Jesusismygrace.
I would wear this on the first day my daughter gets a job and get out of my account. It has been 26 years and to have my bank account back to myself will make me feel like a million bucks.
I follow you on a facebook. I would wear my Lady Million on a date night with my husband beacuse everyday with him is grand or should a say a million!
I am a fan on Facebook only I use my first name instead of my nickname on fb. I would definitely wear this to the opera or to a symphony performance with my boyfriend.
I follow you on facebook. I like wearing things that make me feel like this to special events; family get-togethers, holiday events, birthday or anniversary celebrations- anything that brings a big and familiar crowd.
I followed you on Twitter. If i was the winner of this prize i would wear everyday, to make myself feel special everyday.
I am Ursular Armstrong a follower on facebook, I always look and feel like a million when I treat myself to a weekend of fun and would definitely smell like a million.
I would wear this everywhere, so I can feel special everyday!
I like you on facebook! I’d wear it when I get dressed up to go out!
I follow you on facebook. If I won this fragrance I would wear it pretty much everyday. I wouldn’t limit to wearing on speacial occassions because everyday the creator wakes me up is a reason to celebrate, look good and smell like a million bucks. 🙂
I like you on FB and follow you on Twitter. When I saw “Paco Rabanne”, I first thought of Mama Cheeks who first introduced me to this designed. I’d definitely love to wear it at places where you wouldn’t necessarily feel like a million bucks… like at work! I’d feel like it, though. 😉
– I live in the USA
– I am a fan of Afrobella on Facebook (Cynthia M Richardson) and I follow you on Twitter @hofken
– I would you wear it everyday to bolster my confidence
Greetings AfroBella Queen!
I’m a NJ (USA) resident, a fan of your site on FB and this perfume makes you feel like a million bucks because it enhances my God-given beauty, which is priceless!!
If I win the cologne, I would layer the scent on my clothes, in my hair as I stroll the romantic streets of Paris and then on the intoxicating black sandy beaches of Greece:)
Follow you on FB(wanda renee)
I’d wear it to church.
Greetings! I am a Facebook fan and I follow you on Twitter. Good stuff. My friends and I are celebrating my thirty sixth birthday with a private tour of the 30 Americans exhibit at the Corcoran Gallery of Art (in DC) followed by ice cream and bubbly in the museum cafe. I think this would be the perfect occasion to Lady Million because that is what I already feel like!
I forgot to add that I’m a fan on Facebook. My facebook name is Allison Davina West. Thanks!
I follow you on Twitter. I acquired a sample of Lady Million by redeeming my Sephora VIB Points this past spring… The scent is amazing! It’s classy and fresh and wearing it puts a smile on your face. I work outside and would wear this to smell beautiful even if I am covered in dirt and leaves. LOL
Less than a million bucks? You? Never! I would wear it daily, no matter where I was going. I love engulfing myself in beautiful smells whether I’m running to the market or playing dress up!
And I follow you on both Twitter and FB!
I follow you both places. I would take a nice long hot bath and wear it with my birthday suit as I pranced around the house 🙂
Hi Afrobella,
Thanks so much for doing this giveaway.
1. I am following you on both sites.
2. I would wear it to church, when on vacations and going out to dinners at night!
All the best to everyone!
Hi Afrobella! I’m a Facebook fan and I would love to smell like a million bucks next month when the hub and I go to see Jay-Z and Kayne West live in concert! I mean, there’s a theme here, Lady Million, Jay-Z, Kayne, Watch the Throne???….yep, I gotta bring my A-game that night! Whoooop whoooop!!!!!
This perfume makes you feel like a million bucks and I would definitely wear it on my wedding day when I marry the man of my dreams! It’s romantic, whimsical and gives the aura that every princess deserves on her special day!
Hi Afrobella, I’m a huge fan! I’m a Facebook fan and twitter follower, (Kloves3). I would wear this fragrance during the holiday season with my family. I feel strong and proud during these times. My family gives me strength and I feel like a million bucks when I’m with them.
I also follow you on Facebook and reside in the USA
I follow you on twitter. I would wear it to New Jersey and New York when I mobilize there in December! I can’t wait to experience the East coast!!
Hi Afrobella, I follow you on twitter. If I won, I’d definitely wear this perfume in a date with my crush to add an extra sensory “POW!” in addition to the All of My Purple Life that I’ll be wearing.
I follow you on twitter (nickijayslife) and fb … I would wear it on a night out with hubs or the grocery store .. lol.
I follow you on twitter and I’d wear this fragrance “on” and “in” all the right places:)
Hey this is YellaKisses and I follow you on twitter (@YeLLaKiSSes)….and a good perfume makes my kness weak so just may wear it anytime and any place…even if its just to bed, yes its a must even at bedtime.
Hi Bella,
I follow you on both Facebook and Twitter, @butterflyrefuge.
I’d love to feel like a million bucks everyday just to share that feeling with the older people I work with. So if I won, I’d wear it daily.
Hey Afrobella! I follow you on both Facebook and Twitter ( @Co_CoPelli). If I were to win this I would wear it everyday. I don’t save perfumes for special occasions because they make me feel sexy and glamorous and I like feeling that way on a daily basis. Thanks!
I would love some ne perfume
I am a Facebook fan of yours. If I won, I would wear it to our Military Ball! I want to look and smell like a million bucks!
I would wear a squirt behind my ear..a squirt on my inner thigh…I follow u on twitter
Afrobella, I follow you on Twitter @sistamend. If I could wear this anywhere, it would be to dinner with my children to a nice restaurant.
We havent done that in a very long time, so for me that would be a special occasion. 🙂
Hey Afrob Ella, I follow you on twitter @zeraforyou
I would wear this enticing scent on a date with my hubby! Scratch that, I would wear it every time I could. I,ve heard so many good things about it!
Afrobella, I follow you on Twitter, @all_about_bri. If I could wear this anywhere, it would be on my way back home to visit my family. In my last year of law school in Boston, I haven’t had much time to visit my family. I am planning a surprise visit to see my sister and parents and would love to wear it out to dinner with my family. Looking and smelling like a million bucks helps. Doing so with those closest to you takes you to a billion!
Thanks Afrobella!
Where would I wear it? Well I would have to say that a special occasion is everyday I am married to my wonderful husband and that I get to spend with him …. I am following you on Twitter ..wouldn’t have it anyother way
If I were the winner of this lovely fragrance, I would wear it to my office where I am inspired to sell technology to schools and small government entities. I follow you on facebook. 😉
Oh my Twitter is @lifes4me lol
If I won this fragrance, I’d wear it just about everywhere, because that’s how I am with fragrances. They set the mood for the day. I’m really obsessed with perfumes now, more than ever 🙂 I follow you on Tsitter, beautiful!!!
I need to feel like a million bucks right about now. Big life changes have me down a little. 🙂 I would wear it each day to hopefully inspire me as I look for a job. I follow you on Facebook.
If I won, I would wear this perfume on all my dates with my husband and whenever I wanted to set the mood!
I love your site plus I follow you on twitter…you’ve given me ideas on how to manage my crazy hair lol….I’m hoping to win this scent, since I’ve have heard wonderful things about it
I’d wear Lady Million while grocery shopping. I want to smell luxurious while shopping for non-organic vegetables! LOL!
I would wear it (3) places. One to bed to drive my husband crazy- second I would wear it to church so I could tell all the church ladies about the product and lastly, I would wear it to special occassions walking in the place and feeling like a million bucks…; )
Follow on Twitter and just Liked on Facebook…
If I were to win this giveaway, believe it or not but I would be wearing it to bed (laying right next to hubby *wink*)so I could wake up feeling like a million bucks!! And also, I would wear it to work so everyone would do a double take as I step in!! Because when you feel like a million bucks everyone will see it and acknowledge it.
By the way, my facebook name is Funmi Adesina Idowu. Thank you.
If I were to win this, I’d pamper myself everyday cause I’m worth a million bucks.
I am a fan on facebook.
I would wear this on my neck of course 🙂