** the post below is an alcohol review, so if you’re under 21 years of age I’ve got a much better post for you to read today! Hey young world, the world is yours!
I’m not as big a drinker as I used to be. When I was in my early twenties (and arguably, not as smart as I am today), it was all about drinking whatever it took to achieve inebriation. Scotch, tequila shots and Jägermeister. That kind of thing. Highly potent liquids, known for not being delicious. Somewhere in my mid-twenties, it all turned around. Suddenly it became less about the drinks being devastating, and more about them being delicious. You’re much less likely to find me at a bar knocking back a shot glass (and then making the consequent I-just-drank-a-shot face). Now I’m happier to slowly sip something grown, sexy, and yummy. That way I can enjoy my evening without being completely blitzed and useless the next day.
Methinks my favorite hip hop superstars are feeling the same way as we all grow older. When I first heard that producer/rapper/designer/renaissance man Pharrell was collaborating with Diageo to create a unique beverage for da ladies, I was immediately intrigued. And then I had a bottle sent to me and I fell in love.
It’s called Qream (yes, with a Q) and it is decadent and absolutely delicious.
I got this package on an especially stressful day, and decided to immediately open it and have a taste of Qream. Then I tweeted the following:
Qream by @4real4rell is like strawberry Quik and Baileys had a love child. A delicious love child that makes your chest all warm inside. Yum
Let me break it down some more — Qream is an 12.5% ABV, 95% lactose-free cream liqueur that comes in both strawberry and peach flavors. From the official press release — “Qream was created for contemporary women who work hard and want to relax with friends at the end of the day,” says Williams. “I want them to reward themselves “deliciously.” Williams added, “Women make up half the population and Qream is about celebrating that power.”
Go ‘head, Skateboard P!
Since I was sent this bottle of yumminess for review, both my husband and I have been enjoying this intriguing new cream liqueur on the rocks and experimenting with cocktail recipes. Qream might be made for the ladies but fellas are going to enjoy it too. You can sip it on the rocks or mix it with other alcohol — coconut vodka, for example. You can enjoy it blended in a milkshake, baked into cupcakes, whipped into cream puffs…it is ALL good. Qream isn’t the kind of drink you want to guzzle all night — it’s creamy and rich, and more like an awesome new after-dinner drink. It’s the kind of thing I’d bring home to my family for Christmas. This could be the beginning of an excellent new holiday tradition – my mom is gonna love this stuff!
Thanks to Qream for the review submission.
You can find Qream at your local well-stocked liquor store (call ahead to make sure they have it!), and you can click here to follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
What do you think, bellas? I’m betting you’ll love this stuff! If you’ve tried Qream, let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Its so good
I’m disappointed that Afrobella is promoting alcoholic beverages for “da ladies”. SMH.
I’m really good at imagining how things taste based on descriptions and branding. I want to try this, I think it will be something I would love. I doubt it’s available in Canada but I’ll find a way to get my hands on it!
I’m sure there’s someone who owes me a gift lol. Anyways, thanks for sharing the review it was well written.
I am always looking for something yummy to try. The classiness of the bottle lets me know it is a special occasion drink for me. But I do want to try it. Thanks.
Okay, I’m not much of a drinker either but this sounds Yummy!!!
I was never really a huge fan of Strawberry Quik, so I hope it really tastes like strawberries rather than artificial strawberry powder mixed with sugar and chemicals. I would, however like to try the peach flavor to see if it would go into my peaches n’ cream pound cake recipe successfully.
I’m not much of a drinker at all, but this isn’t the first libations review on Afrobella. She promotes quality items, and although some of us don’t partake in alcohol, that doesn’t take away from the site IMO. It’s not like she said “go get drunk and go crazy”.
We have a drink on special occasions, and this sounds like it would be a delicious addition. This will definitely be on my Christmas list. Thanks for sharing Bella!
Be Your Best YOU!
– Seleema
Mom says “Bring it!”
thanks, B. I’ve featured alcohol reviews occasionally, and in moderation since 2006. Sorry to disappoint you, Michelle. I’m gonna be me no matter what.
I will!
This really does look delicious and I love the presentation. It will definitely make a great gift.
Certainly sounds delish the way you put it into words, I am going to look for it and see for myself. Thanks for keeping us on in the loop with the new and up and coming. I don’t drink often but it is nice to know of something good to drink when I do.
I just bought this yesterday and tried it today. It has a great girlie-strawberry taste with a punch of what seems to be vodka. When I first saw your review it seemed that Pharrell was trying to be funny- a creamy drink for women :-/ . The first thing that came to mind was one of his verses that he did for ‘Drop It Like It’s Hot’ with Snoop Dogg, “That’s whiter than what’s spilling down your throat”. But all his promotions have been classy with no jabs at the ladies- yeeeh for Pharrell 😀
I’ve tried both flavors and they are surprisingly but refreshingly delicious. I prefer the peach liquer. He definitely met his goal and captured te essence of what we were missing at the bar and put it in a bottle. Now I’m proud to reach for this bottle and pour it over ice instead of the cognac bottle at social gatherings. Good job PharREAL!!!
ok, this is my first time trying the Strawberry Crème flavor and I must say it’s smooth, lightly flavored and in all pretty darn good. I took a chance buying this while in the Atlanta and I am glad I did. I got my bottle for 14.99, and am hoping to find the Peach flavor. Lol, I know I’m late trying this but I love flavored, smooth drinks and couldn’t pass this up.