Hey Bellas! Consider this a new transition (ha! get it?) in the Natural Hair Diary. The weekly series is going continue showcasing your beautiful curls, favorite tips, best products, and hair inspiration over here at Afrobella.com, so please continue to submit yourselves and share your stories with me!
This week’s Natural Hair Diary comes from an attorney based in Memphis, Tennessee. So not only is she sharing her natural hair journey, she’s also Naturally Professional!
Natural Woman: Alycia Carter
Age: 31
City: Memphis, Tennessee
Occupation: Attorney and Natural Health & Beauty Blogger (www.alldaynatural.com)
Hair Journey: Alycia’s hair journey began under carefree and low-maintenance circumstances – she was all about braids and ponytails as a little one. But as she grew older and began coveting the sophisticated hairstyles of other girls she saw, the desire for chemically straightened hair began. “I wanted to experiment with more modern, “fly” styles, and I thought that a relaxer was the only way to achieve these. I begged my mother for months to allow me to get a relaxer, and she begrudgingly consented when I was fourteen. I remember my first time vividly. I can only describe having the relaxer applied to my tender head in the salon as an excruciating experience, but somehow six weeks later, the stylist managed to beckon me back into her chair to tame my “unruly” new growth.”
That began a long and costly habit, which Alycia kept up for a decade. “My hair was rebelling against me at the time, but I didn’t realize it. At the age of 24, tired of the thin edges, expensive touch-ups and all day waits at the salon, I decided to transition into wearing my hair naturally.” Law school provided the perfect opportunity for her to give transitioning a try, grow out her relaxer and figure out what her natural hair needed. “I had the chance to experiment, and I was low on money. I wore roller sets, straw sets…that carried me through law school. I even wore extensions for a brief period. I wasn’t ready to do a big chop because my hair was relatively long – and I had never worn it short. That took some time. And this might sound strange, but I felt that my hair would let me know when it was the right time.”
When the time was right for her, Alycia did her big chop. “I did it right before my law school graduation, it was the perfect time for me. And the response I got from my family and friends was truly remarkable.” She has since graduated, and now works as an attorney. Alycia is happy to say that her natural hair has never been a deterrent to her professional success.
“All of the response I’ve had towards my hair in the workplace has been positive. In the professional realm, your work will speak for itself…My hair has flourished, and I feel so empowered. I have never looked back!”
Favorite Products: Bee Mine Moisturizing Deep Conditioner; Qhemet Biologics Castor & Moringa Softening Serum; Sweet Almond Oil; Shea Butter
Hair Icons: Tomiko Fraser, Solange Knowles, all of the natural hair ladies in the blogosphere (they inspire me every day!)
Advice to Aspiring Naturals: Don’t ever be afraid to embrace what you were blessed with naturally. When you accept your natural beauty, you will be amazed at how your image is positively transformed, and your confidence will soar!

*yay* so glad to see Alycia featured!! love her blog and all the inspiration she provides;-)!!
This was a good read as people often think that natural hair isn’t professional, but it is. Kudos to Alycia for embracing the journey and inspiring others.
I love Alycia! I did a shoot with her (one of the pics is above) and she gave me the push I needed to go natural. I haven’t looked back since. I couldn’t dream of getting a perm now. Thanks Alycia! And I can’t wait to shoot the TN Natural Hair Care and Wellness Expo! Check it out here: http://tinyurl.com/3zyqjqy
I’m a fan of Alicia’s blog and follow it regularly! Glad to see her hairstory as well.
Thanks to all for the good words! I’m blushing. 🙂
A special appreciation to Patrice for the feature and for continuing this very inspiring series!
So nice to see beautiful natural being featured on the internet. Keep up the good work Afrobella!
Alycia is simply wonderful. I had a chance to finally meet her in person back in March. She introduced me to Ethiopian food. She is so full of grace. I’m honored to have shared a meal with such a phenomenal woman.
“Mocha & Milk” is a perfect mat-ch like “black & white” people
~~~~~~M ixed Sin gle. C óM ~~~~~~
The most successfu l interra cial da t ing c lub. If you are still waiting for your swee t “milk” or “mocha”, don’t hesitat e to chec k // it !! Don’t let your babie s wait too long for you !!
Great look! I love what she said about confidence. That’s something that can take years to develop. Good for her!
Great to see Alycia featured! Great person, love her blog. An inspiration to the professional women who want to go natural.
Work it out Queen!!!
booo spam!!!
Yay Alycia!!