Distinctively dark hair. Piercing blue-violet eyes. Diamonds and decadence. Over the top passion and romance. Loyal and lasting friendships, and outspoken activism in the fight against HIV and AIDS. However you may remember Elizabeth Taylor, it goes without saying that she was a truly remarkable and iconic woman.
The 79 year old legend passed away of congestive heart failure in the early hours of this morning. According to reports she was surrounded by family and love at the time of her passing.
She was one of the last stars of the legendary Hollywood studio system. With Liz Taylor gone it feels like the end of an era – one of the last true icons of the silver screen. Long after she left acting behind, she continued to reinvent herself and find fresh ways to make an impact. Liz Taylor was one of the pioneers of the beauty industry – many of today’s stars with their own celebrity fragrances can look back to Elizabeth Taylor’s Passion and White Diamonds as a benchmark of success.
She created the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation in 1991 to directly offer services to people living with AIDS, and to further education about the disease. It was a cause especially close to her heart, and Elizabeth Taylor spoke out at a time when it was decidedly unpopular to do so. In lieu of flowers her family asks that contributions be made to the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation to continue her work.
Even in her later years, Dame Elizabeth continued speaking to her fans and sharing wisdom via Twitter. Her Dame Elizabeth Twitter account gave wonderful insight to her personality. Fans grieved right along with her when her dear friend Michael Jackson passed away. She shared bits of wit and wisdom – from DameElizabeth we learned that she liked Kim Kardashian very much, and loved and admired Lena Horne. Among her final tweets are these words of wisdom:
“Never let yourself think beyond your means…mental, emotional or any otherwise. You are who you are. All you can do in this world is help others to be who they are and better themselves and those around them.
Give. Remember always to give. That is the thing that will make you grow. That is the thing that will give back to you all the rewards that there are.
Don’t do it for yourself, because then it becomes selfish. Because then it becomes about yourself…which is wrong. Giving is to give to God. Helping is to help others.
Every breath you take today should be with someone else in mind. I love you.”
Elizabeth Taylor, you made such an impact on the world. You will be missed. RIP.

I was shocked and saddened when I awoke this morning to learn Dame Elizabeth had passed on. I knew she had been sick on and off for years, and hope she is finally resting in peace with her one true love, Richard Burton, her first real love Michael Todd, and her friends Rock Hudson and Michael Jackson.
Her talent, beauty, and life will live on in her films.
Wonderful and touching tribute to a woman who reminds me of our Mamabella. RIP Liz.
She def lived an interesting life and she died the way I would want…surrounded by loved ones.
RIP, Dame Elizabeth. You will be missed. Your inner and outer beauty will always be with us. You are truly an icon. Tell Michael we miss him and hug him for us.
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Elizabeth Taylor’s Diamond is a 33.19-carat, and sold at Christie’s on 16 December 2011, for US $8,818,500