If you want to keep in touch with family and friends, there’s Facebook. If you want to share your thoughts and experiences via video, there’s YouTube. If you’ve got ideas and opinions to share in 140 characters or less, there’s Twitter. And if you’re into instant visual inspiration via photos, videos and whatever comes to mind…there’s Tumblr. And even though I still am very much a traditional blogger who doesn’t see this format dying off anytime soon despite what the New York Times may say…I’m finding myself cheating on my blog with my microblogs. Forgive me, bellas.
I’m pretty much addicted to Twitter, and it always makes me a little sad when I hear people say stuff like they don’t “get Twitter.” I guess to an outsider it might seem narcissitic and very Generation Overshare and yes, there’s some of that. Quite a bit of that. Even as I’m trying to wean myself off complete immersion in Twitter all day every day (it’s a problem!), I can’t deny its power and the benefits I’ve gained from being part of it. I’ve made some real, amazing friends and lasting relationships through Twitter. I’ve gotten some incredible opportunities and gained valuable insight on any number of topics through Twitter.
And now Tumblr is making more of a name for itself. I’ve been on Tumblr for a while but at first the concept perplexed me. Hence the title of my Tumblr blog, Afrobella’s Random Musings – free and random as I wanna be. There I post the random songs and images that inspire me throughout the day, without any need for context or further verbage. It’s a very immediately gratifying medium in that regard. Here on Afrobella.com I take pains to add context and links and make a post worth reading. On Tumblr you can just post a photo and let it speak that 1,000 words all by itself.
I know many who are immersed in the overall community of Tumblr but like any form of social media, your Tumblr experience can really be catered to your specific interests. All you have to do is click around. If you LOVE natural hair, there’s hair inspiration GALORE. If you’re super into fashion and/or fatshion, there are some fly Tumblr blogs you should get into ASAP. If you’re into photography or animals or just random weirdness, there’s a lot of that too. If you’re into grown n sexy stuff, there’s quite a bit of that on Tumblr – so if you’ve got kids and they’re into Tumblr, you just might want to be aware of what’s out there. Not all of it is innocent.
For me, my Tumblr timeline tends to be filled with lots of fashion and beauty inspiration, and LOTS and LOTS of images of beautiful black women of all shapes and sizes. I was so delighted when For Harriet included me on their list of 45 Must Follow Tumblrs for Black Women. Compared to truly focused Tumblr blogs like Le Coil and Vintage Black Glamour, my little corner of Tumblr is random and unfocused. So I’m just honored to be on the list!
Are you on Tumblr? Leave your link in the comments below if you are! Tell me your favorite Tumblr blogs!

I’m on tumblr but I haven’t posted much. I’d love new friends so hit me up.
*Warning the first few post were pics of me with shingles.They are kinda gross. I keep meaning to update with what my (mostly) healed face looks and how well CoverFX works to hide the discoloration and scarring from the shingles, but I haven’t gotten around to it.
Anyway I’m Milaxx on tumblr as well.
Gonna follow you now! Happy to hear you’re mostly healed and found the right makeup for you!!
I love Tumblr and I actually follow you there as well! LOL!
I’m on Tumblr (same name as my regular blog) and I love it because it is so visual! I have to admit, I don’t post as much as I would like: I’m on tech overload, twitter, FB, blogspot (I’m thinking of moving blog to wordpress), Tumblr…it is a trip!
I’m just getting used to the Tumblr format, and indeed I have saved a lot of hairspirational pics. I’ll list the ones in my RSS feed, which are probably in the referenced For Harriet article:
le coil
F— Yeah Curls Curls Curls
http://meetmyhair.com/ is not a Tumblr site but was the source where I found the others.
I love the visuality of Tumblr but not sure i’m fully making the most of it yet…what with gmail, yahoo, blogspot, twitter and Facebook to contend with…phew!! But i’m following you on twitter and her and would love to feel i’m not dropping words into cyber soup..:)
Yes! I needed to read this post. I’m a huge tweeter but I haven’t really gotten the hang of the whole Tumblr thing. Like you, I post randomly and leave it up in the air for whatever I see fit.
I am http://siasscoops.tumblr.com/ & I’m @MsSiaNyorkor on Twitter. My page is locked because it’s personal. I have a professional page too: @TVNewsLady.
<3 you lots Afrobella!
Thank you for giving me a clue about how to better use my Tumblr. I’ve been struggling with trying to figure out how use it more effectively.
I now feel pressure to look as gorgeous as you do on camera!
“Mocha & Milk” is a perfect matc h like “black & white” people
——— B lac k Wh it e Fl i rts* C”0m ———-
The most s uccessful interra cial da t ing c lub. If you are still waiting for your sweet “milk” or “mocha”, don’t hesitate to check it !! Don’t let your babie s wait too lon g for you !!
As someone who is leveraging social media to promote a new business tumblr has been a way to find inspiration an d give inspiration in a more relaxed way. god tumblr is so easy to reblog and follow new users. I love how many great images there are of brown women of all shades. If only the rest of the Internet and more broadly the media was as colorful as tumblr . . .
i love how tumblr is gaining more popularity and coming to folks attention š
http://www.akwaeke.tumblr.com (my oil paintings and hair fascinators)
http://www.thefeeloffree.tumblr.com (my personal random but awesome tumblr)
http://www.portfolioofwords.tumblr.com (my pure writing tumblr)
I’m a new tumblr and a natural! quianahupton.tumblr.com
thank you for explaining Tumblr…i had no real idea of its purpose. I will start checking it out more now.
I’m on Tumblr, I have two blogs even, but since I was using it mostly for visual inspiration and to keep track of projects I now use Pinterest more.
http://callaloosoup.tumblr.com/ http://thingsyoucanmake.tumblr.com/
Love Tumblr, it’s a great platform. I agree with everything you said!
I’m happy for you on the list of 45 most followed!!
I myself love Tumblr, it’s so much fun! So I don’t think you need to apologize (Iām finding myself cheating on my blog with my microblogs. Forgive me, bellas. )