Around the end of 2010, I decided to add some new magazine subscriptions to my life. Thanks to an amazing $5 for 12 months special I found online (shoutout to!) I signed up for Glamour Magazine. And it’s been nothing but pleasant surprises ever since. To wit:
I flipped the February issue open to find this stunning photo in an article called Man-Magnet Hair, and the words “Lots of Natural Texture” emblazoned on the side, as one of the features that attracts men the most.
Wait, what?
If you remember back in 2007 when a Glamour editor put her foot in a steaming hot hair controversy, this might seem like a surprising switch for the popular ladymag. And the February article apparently wasn’t a one-off, throw-the-curlies-a-bone article. In the March issue, Glamour continued the natural hair love with another article about embracing your individual texture.
It says, “Your #1 Trick for Gorgeous Hair – Leave it alone. No blow dryer. No flat iron. Just make whatever you were born with work.”
And then there’s even MORE natural hair love after that.
Well HEY now! I see you, Glamour! I’m thoroughly happy with my subscription. Now can we see some brown skin, curly girl love on the cover! Thanks in advance!
xoxo, Afrobella
What do you think, bellas?

Love the natural hair love! I’ve always felt Glamour attempts to show more women of color and a variety of hair textures than other mags.
This reminds me I need to renew my subscription!
Hi Bella,
I don’t know about their previous audiences but, it goes without saying that its about time Glamour showed some “natural hair” love. I appreciate its efforts. However, its focus should expand. Curly to tight nappy hair is what comprises a lot of the African diaspora (world). If Glamour wanted greater readership it should be reaching out to these audiences with gusto and not just during ‘African American History Month’ but monthly (emphasis). Engaging and thoughtful commentary about living, fashion and diversity is always interesting to all women. Discussion of it, pictures in ads of it – gives all people the right to their naturalness.
They should hire you on the spot and then you could hire me as well. Smile.
This is fantastic to see. Of course, nothing is wrong with permed or relaxed hair but the same applies to natural hair. It’s great to see acceptance of beautiful and gorgeous apply to both.
Thanks for mentioning Brad’s Deals. Money is tight for me but I can afford a 4.00 subscription for Self magazine! thanks again!!!
I saw this, I was going to talk about it in my next vid. I too just got a Glamour subscription and it has been happy reading for me…
For a predominately white publication to do this just goes to show how long we’ve come to celebrating all aspects of beauty. I will pick up this issue and check it out. And on my blog, I honor the FLOTUS for her efforts for Let’s Move!
Yea! For years (early 20s to mid 30s), I was a subscriber to Glamour because I always loved their beauty & fashion sections and of course, back then I was a big-time relaxed head but when I reached my 40s I felt that I had outgrown Glamour because the models seemed to be unrealistically thin and almost teenaged like in appearance. It was like where did all the more womanly looking models go (Beverly Johnson, Linda Evangelista, etc.)of yester-years.
I think that’s really nice that Glamour is trying to diversify their magazine to include our natural afro-textured hair beauty. I’m tired of seeing magazines that think they’re paying homage to black women by solely featuring bi-racial black women. It’s the old brown paper bag syndrome with a modern twist!
I agree with LotusDoll’s comment.
The only way I would entertain reading about natural hair in a magazine like Glamour is if it featured hair that was like mine. The so called homage to natural hair doesn’t apply to the majority of beautiful Black women who wear their hair natural.
Although I don’t subscribe to these fluff magazines…I would subscribe to Essence a million times before a fluff mag that doesn’t have people like me as regular authors and models.
I also don’t identify with the women featured in most magazines because they all look the same. I’d like to see the diversity i.e. not just race but all aspects that exists in the real world. I felt this way even in my 20’s.
I have the impression that glamour’s target market is predominantly white women. I’m not surprised that they rarely feature natural hair that’s highly textured. However, I think this feature is a little step in the right direction.
What I find ironic is how Essence tries to represent various shades and sizes of black women except for hair texture. They did the hot hair issue which I really liked but after that it’s back to the weaves. I don’t see why they shouldn’t include models and features with natural textured hair alongside the relaxers and weaves. It would still be representative of how the average woman styles their hair.
agreed! But I see this as a step in the right direction. Hopefully they’ll see your comment! LOL
Glad to see these magazines aiming for substance, let alone natural hair.
BTW: pinged Afrobella in my own little article on natural hair transitioning on 🙂
They did the hot hair issue which I really liked but after that it’s back to the weaves. I don’t see why they shouldn’t include models and features with natural textured hair alongside the relaxers and weaves.
i think another reason Glamour is doing a special on natural hair is because if you notice a lot of the fashion on the runways now, there’s been a return to looks from the 70’s in clothing, makeup and hairstyles. At the end of the day, America is transitioning into a different style period. for the past decade, it’s been all about flat irons and straight hair, now the pendelum is swinging yet again, with curls and volume being the hot trend.
This is the same thing that happened in the 90’s: people got tired of all the high glitz and glamour of the 80’s and found 90’s minimalism to be refreshing. Now people are getting bored again and are bringing back bright makeup colors, and fun voluminous hair.
It’s a step, LoL! They never get too far out of their comfort zone, but they’re seeing the revenue dollars that curlies and non-curly, natural Black women are generating and are paying attention. I agree with others, models like Chrishelle Stubbs are great but those 1mm-5mm curls and squiggles and loop and straight lines need love and representation too 🙂
I don’t see why they shouldn’t include models and features with natural textured hair alongside the relaxers and weaves.
this is cool! i’ll check glamour out more now…i typically just skip any hair advice in major magazines, because dreadlocks haven’t made it to the front page yet! lol.
Agree with you LotusDoll.
Only one type of natural hair is really celebrated in the mainstream. When most mags show natural hair it is curly or wavy – no Afro puffs in sight.
That texture of hair is beautiful, but where’s the rest?
Even a popular natural salon and product line for natural hair shows clients that use silkeners in their photo gallery and mentions turning “kinks to curls” more than once on their website. So when you show up in this natural hair salon, they are still telling you that your natural texture isn’t quite the look they were going for.
Thats great! I’m looking forward to seeing more of the dark skinned naturals as well. I’ve noticed that the mags usually uses a particular king of natural or maybe I am just “imagining” things?
*kind of natural
Jeanne, I couldn’t have said it better. I live in Atlanta and there is a popular “natural” salon in Buckhead. Every product is at least $25 and up first of all and they don’t give or even SELL samlpes. Second of all, I’ve been to product demos several times. They always pick audience participation. And she’s ALWAYS someone with “loose” “straighter” LONG hair than a sister with REAL kink. After the 3rd time that happened I realized that the product creators KNOW the product is not designed for people with extra kink so the purposely avoid us when picking “participants”. Thirdly silkener means RELAXER, period! It’s nothing but a texturizer to loosen your kink, so therefore it’s STILL NOT NATURAL. It’s a perm .