Bellas! I’m back with a YouTube hair review video for ya!
I’ve been wanting to try Wen hair products for ages, and I finally got my chance last week when my friends at QVC sent me a bottle of the Pomegranate Cleansing Conditioner to review. I fell in LOVE and now I’m dying to try the rest of the line.
I conditioned my hair with Wen, and styled it with Huile Supreme Moisturizing Creme by Cush Cosmetics.
Look out for a more detailed review of more of Cush Cosmetics hair products in the near future. I really liked it on first use, and both of these products are great for ingredient-conscious natural bellas!
Let me know if you like the video reviews and what you’d like to see more of. Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can see my videos as soon as they’re live.
Happy Friday!

I just received the cleansing conditioner (a minty smelling one) and revitalizing hair mask. It will be my 1st no poo experience. I’m glad to read you liked it. 🙂
I love your eyebrows in the video…do you know what products the makeup artist used. I really couldn’t stop looking at them and the overall makeup look was great. Thanks for reviewing Wen, I’ve also wanted to try it for a while! Maybe this will be the motivation that I need.
OMG thank you! I’ve been wondering about Wen products for a while and how well they work on natural hair. I’m glad to see a positive (independent) review. I didn’t realize they had a pomegranate conditioner; the only one I’ve seen advertised is the sweet almond conditioner. I may actually give this a go now. Thanks again!
BTW, your makeup & brows are flawless!
Wow! I love your video thanks for all the information about Cush Cosmetics Hair Products. I will visit that site today! Thanks again
Love Love Love your look in this video..on my way to cush right now…thanks
Afrobela, I too could not stop gazing at your brows. They look great. I have not tried wen yet but I have heard good things. Thanks for telling us about Cush, I always look to your site for info on natural hair products. Have a great weekend!
Hey Bella,
Sally’s Beauty Supply has a product similar to Wen’s called Hair One. I have been using it for a year and a half and love it!!! It’s runs from $10.99 to $11.99. Way cheaper than Wen! 🙂
This is great. loved the review. Awesome YouTube video. Plus, your makeup looks awesome.
I’ve been using Wen Fig Cleansing Conditioner for a year now —- I love it! It makes my hair so curly and my hair LOVES it! I just found your blog tonight so far I love it!
Thanks for sharing this. I’ve always wanted to try Wen hair products, but they’re too expensive. I didn’t know how to find a similar product, so this is great. I’m intrigued about Hair One. I think I’ll try it. Thanks!
please review the new jane carter curling cream and her wrap lotion!! our hair is alike, so if you like it i probably will as well 🙂
Your curls look absolutely gorgeous! I’ll have to give Cush a try.
Yeah, your brows are to die for! Your natural look is very fresh & youthful–nice moist skin! I was wondering about the WEN product–after finding their website and QVC video then seeing the price, I declined–didn’t want a possible over-priced dud but now I know and thanks to one of your subscribers for that Sally’s Beauty product twin, may have to try it.
I just got my pomegranate Wen cleanser conditioner and found the smell to be awful!! If I put in on my hair I would be sure to hurl all day long. I am returning it to QVC for a refund. I don’t know how the others smell, but I’m disappointed because I was looking forward to using it. I’ll have to find a way to test smell the other products before purchase.
This came just in time I have had the worst time trying to find a replacement conditioner because Pantene is not working anymore. I need a good conditioner that detangles!
I’ve used wen for over a year. I love it! I don’t have a bad thing to say about it.
Shout out to you Afrobella! I love your blog. Question tho, can you or anyone reading this attest to Wen and 4b hair type. My curls are super-tight and coily. Ive been curious about Wen for a while but would like to hear some testimony from us 4bs b4 I buy it. Thanks…
Wen ROCKS!!!! Better than sliced bread , from the first use I was sold for life.
thanks for the video…i was curious about WEN and for some strange reason i trust your reviews over others…anyway…can you do a review on Ojon and Uncle Funky’s Daughter?? thanks!
Oh yeah and your makeup is HOT!!!
i love the Wen cleansing conditioners. The fig is so moisturising! love love love!
a cheaper verison of wen is hair one
This will be my third year using WEN! I’ve been natural for 13 years now & so far this has been the best “shampoo” for my hair! Everyone should try it.
I swear by WEN. I”ve been using it for over a year now (the Lavender), and I just ordered the QVC TSV yesterday to test out the Fig. There’s nothing quite like it, that’s for sure!
I’ve been using the wen fig line for about two months. I have the cleaner, re-moist hydrating hair mask, styling creme. I have type 4a/4b hair and I think the cleanser works really well. Better than Jane Carter, Mizani cleansing creme or some of the other shampoos/cleansers I’ve tried. I don’t care for the hydrating mask. Even leaving it on overnight, my hair is not as moisturized and silky as I would like. I’ve only used the styling creme once or twice. It seemed okay.
I tried the Wen haircare system via QVC and I absolutely love it! It cleans your hair thouroughly but leaves it full of moisture and since I only get a relaxer twice a year, this system is great.
Hi! I have locs. Can a product like Wen hair care system work for my hair type? I just want something that’s easy to clean my scalp without stripping the oils from my hair.
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The chaise longue is one furniture that gained popularity
from this period.