Quietly buzzing, impeccably efficient- and all the while beautiful and elegant. Being backstage at the Milk Studio, watching lead artist Luc Bouchard bring his creative vision to life, it hit me. This is what Fashion Week is meant to be. Fashion Week doesn’t have to be about big egos, anger, pushing and shoving and manic energy. When done right it can be all about artistic expression at its most immediate. The vibe that MAC created made me and the models very happy.
Luc Bouchard’s vision for this collection was warrior-like. Nude faces with black triangles accenting the eyes.
Very strong, very geometric – not the most wearable off the runway, but electrifying and visually stimulating nonetheless.
Marco Santini of Ion Studios led the hair team and as reported by my dear friend Karlasugar – Marco called the look “soft goth,” and it involved the hair being flat ironed, pulled back, and then woven with what looked like plastic thread. Intriguing, futuristic, unique. Classical music wafted in the background as the MAC team worked diligently on the models. Just being there to observe was inspiring.

maybe one day i can goto fashion week