So much has been written about Tyler Perry’s upcoming film adaptation of For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf, penned by Ntozake Shange and loved by so many. This photo of the cast has just emerged, to give fans something to anticipate.
From left to right: Anika Noni Rose (as Yasmine), Kerry Washington (as Kelly), Janet Jackson (as Joanna), Kimberly Elise (as Crystal), Phylicia Rashad (as Gilda), Loretta Devine (as Juanita), Tessa Thompson (Nyla) and Thandie Newton (Tangie).
That’s a pretty dope cast, with some of theater’s heavy hitters in the mix to strengthen the cast – LOVE me some Phylicia Rashad! And Loretta Devine puts her all into every role she plays.
The film will be released on November 5 – not over Martin Luther King weekend, as was originally scheduled. According to Variety, that would “position the film for year-end awards consideration.”
Hmmm. Of course, not everyone is feeling Tyler Perry as the director behind this production – Thembi Ford’s piece for The Root expressed some legitimate and well voiced concern.
But what I wanna know is – having seen the first official photo of the cast – how do you feel now? Will you go out and support Colored Girls at the box office on November 5? Why or why not?

Yes, I will go see it. People are always criticizing TP for his Madea movies, I wonder how many will support For Colored Girls for what it IS and not because it’s a TP film?
I will definitely be supporting this movie. I’m not usually one to go see a Tyler Perry production in the theatre, but this (& the Why Did I get Marrieds) is the exception. I stan for Janet like no other & also, C.R.E.A.M (Claire Huxtable Rules Everything Around Me).
I am definitely going to see it. And I have to say, I am consistently blown away by how gorgeous Janet it. My eyes went straight to her in this pic.
OMG I love this picture! It captures the many hues, styles, sizes, shapes and attitudes of women of color. Yes! This picture alone piques my interest and I will be at a theater near me on November 5th!
I’d go see it regardless of who’s producing it. This is a powerful book, and I can’t imagine the screenplay being anything but. Seeing this pic of the cast just puts the cherry on top.
I will absolutely go see it. It’s a powerful story worth every accolade it has ever received.
I’ll definitely go see it. I judge each film on it’s own merit–primarily based on the acting by who directed it. Loretta Devine, Kimberly Elise, and Phylicia Rashad are some of my faves, so that alone would make me go.
I’m disturbed that everyone is focusing on TP’s involvement…no one else is bringing life to these wonderful novels. Yes I’m going to see it.
Yes! I will be there the first weekend to see it. I think TP has come a long way in terms of his movies. The cast just brightened the deal! I need remember to revisit the book before seeing the movie.
I was a little concerned when I learned Perry was making this. But with such great actresses, I HAVE to see it.
After thinking long and hard about this, I’m not going to see it. I’ve never been a fan of TP’s films, even after seeing several to make sure I could judge the quality of his work for myself. And I’ve been disappointed several times. I really like and respect Ntozake Shange’s work. Based on a number of TP’s directorial and writing efforts, I honestly don’t think he will do this piece justice. As For Colored Girls is really a choreopoem meant to be seen live on stage, it would be challenging to adapt it to the big screen for a gifted filmmaker. Again, I’ll pass.
I will! I think its an important movie with a valid director/writer. Can’t knock the hustle!
I’ll pass on this one. Too many “names” in one spot for me to want to stomach. I love this play, but TP behind the scenes? I’ll pass. BTW, is it me, or is it Janet Jackson getting lighter as she gets older?
This is a great cast of African-American actresses. Whatever your opinions of Tyler Perry’s movies, he is probably the only African-American director who would even want to attempt this movie.
Hollywood is not knocking down the doors of these actresses or making movies that tell our story. So give Tyler Perry a chance to a least try to put our faces and our stories on screen.
Originally, I was not going to see this movie. The cast may change my mind but I’m still in a wait-and-see pattern about this movie. The Root article that is linked in the post states that TP has his hand in the screenplay and I’m very afraid that he is going to mess it up. I want to support this cast but will wait for a trailer or two to decide.
I was going to see it regardless. I was a huge fan of the play and regardless of the director or actresses, I had already made up my mind that I would definitely support this. I’m excited to see this coming to the screen and giving mainstreem the opportunity to see our stories. But with this line-up, this should be a huge box office hit.
I applaud TP for taking on this venture because I don’t think it would have made it to the big screen otherwise. This movie would be a complete 180 from his other films and would really give him credibility amongst his peers. I can’t wait until it hits the big screen.
i will support the movie, because if it wasn’t for Tyler Perry making movies displaying beautiful black women, when will we see movies that celebrate our blackness. Support these films because if we don’t who will.
Yes, I will support the movie.
Well, I did see the performance on Broadway. So, I won’t be seeing the TP production. I am rather sorry that TP was given the rights to this incredible piece of work. Would have been nice to have a Black woman direct the film. Oh, well.
I cannot stand Tyler Perry. Any time I attempt to watch one of his movies for more than two or so minutes on television, I feel like I might spontaneously combust if I don’t flip the channel immediately. Everything he does seems so tasteless…and the humor is so tacky. I never laugh. And I’m not even a movie snob! “Friday” was my first favorite movie, for example. Still is, honestly.
That said, I will see this movie. I want to support the fact that Perry is putting out something that won’t be complete trash, just because the original is so amazing. Plus, Phylicia Rashad is soooo freakishly talented. I remember seeing her on Broadway in A Raisin in the Sun and August: Osage County. In both she totally stole the show. She’s a real talent.
I’m a black woman, and this is just a movie you sort of have to see when you’re a black woman, you know?
This photo is simply glorious! it makes my insides smile how beautiful these women of color are looking on the big screen! I’m actually really excited to see this movie. Lol this girl at my job said this movie will be great as long as Madea doesn’t pop up! LOL! BUT SERIOUSLY, this is a major goal to tackle and I’m hoping he does it well. TP has made some amazing movies like “The Family That Preys” and “Why Did I Get Married”. He does have a serious side and its worth giving him a chance. And I mean with a powerhouse cast like this, I can’t be but excited to see what will come of this prodution!
Nope. It reminds of “Waiting to Exhale,” not the revolutionary and cutting edge spirit of the original play. Sorry.
I’ll be watching this for sure!
A resounding YES to will I support this movie! When do we get to see 8, count em, 8 beautiful black women on the big screen at one time! Come on people! This is so much more than Tyler Perry….
I have to see it. I just hope he does it justice.
While I think a more visual director (Julie Dash or even Julie Taymor!) would’ve been a better choice, I will watch to show my support for Ntozake Shange!!
I am also hoping the movie will result in a NYC revival of the stage show!
Regarding the casting, I actually would have appreciated seeing an unknown actress or two–I’m not sure if all of these women are right for these roles–rather than the same few actresses getting all the already limited good roles for black women.
@Miss Moon
JULIE DASH!!! That would have been lovely. Sigh. Missed chance for sure. Off to re-watch “Daughters of the Dust.”
I relish the chance of seeing African heritage women portrayed on the big screen. Tyler Perry’s work is only just arriving in London UK outside of festivals. The cast looks great especially Rashad, Devine & Rose. But I think Thandie Newton is a very weak performer let’s hope she’s not central. Anyway, maybe this will cause
more good Black stories to hit mainstream.
I’ll see it because I love the play and think it’s important to financially support positive black film efforts that don’t normally get made (which is why I’ll shell out the $10 dollars when I normally wouldn’t pay for anything with Perry’s name on it).
That said, I fully expect the directing to be shoddy and I will call out any errors/misguided artistic choices I see. Just because I support the making of black film doesn’t mean I’m not going to call it out if Perry does a bad job of it.
Co-signing Adrienne: Even though I was happy to see Rashad and Devine (and, to a slightly lesser extent, Elise and Newton), the overall effect screams Waiting to Exhale/Hollywood bulls*** covered in pretty lights and makeup.
And regarding the comments, as usual, the people in the “As long as it’s black people, I’ll see it” camp win. Sorry, but as a writer myself, for me skin color is not enough…and I’m really sick and tired of black people giving up their power and basically settling for inferiority. The vast majority of so-called “black entertainment” these days is for the dumbest of the dumbed-down and NO it’s not all white folks’ fault. Black folks are so used to getting crumbs that now some of y’all have been deluded into thinking that those crumbs are a three-course meal!
Now, having said all that: I have barely been able to stomach the little bit of TP’s work I’ve seen but in preparation for this movie I’ve just put all of his movies on my Netflix queue ALONG WITH the one performance of “For Colored Girls” that’s available on DVD. I encourage others to do the same. I’m going into this with as open a mind as possible in the hope that I will be pleasantly surprised when this movie opens (which in Iowa will probably NOT be November 5 but sometime after that).
The primary reason I’m going to see this movie is because Ntozake Shange is behind it; besides the fact that I’ve had the privilege of meeting her and I’m a great fan of her work, I’m guessing she needs the money. SHE’S the one I hope gets paid.
These women are limited as well in the roles they get. They are black women with limited opportunities for the few available roles.
I dislike TP and think he has limited (if any) creative talent, but I’ll be seeing this movie for the reasons echoed by everyone else. I am confused though — I could’ve sworn that Whoopi Goldberg was in this movie as well. Why isn’t she in the cast photo?
I will go to see the movie not only because of the outstanding cast but to if TP can do it justice. The original was the first play I ever saw and to this day it is the standard by which I judge all plays. Good Luck TP you will surely need it.
“Should we patronize questionable black films just because they’re intended for us or should we boycott what we suspect is garbage? This is a persistent quandary that those of us interested in thoughtful black entertainment continue to face. Just what is a black woman to do with such a mess? ”
Pretty much sums it up for me. Thanks to Thembi Ford for summing things up so brilliantly.
Oh and I am so sick of black folk throwing religion around as a reason to like Tyler Perry. Get some culture people!
Yes, I plan to see the movie version of “For Colored Girls.” As one of the other posters mentioned, TP has done some good films. I don’t understand these people who are so hard on him. He’s criticized for his Ma Dear character, but when he tries to do something that is of substance he’s ridiculed. He can’t win with some people.
I’ll give it a chance and go see it…but if beyonce is in it I’m not going
@ LBell – The version of “For Colored Girls…” available on Netflix is FANTASTIC!! Stellar performances from a very young Alfre Woodard and Lynn Whitfield!!
::rushing to add that to my queue::
@ Beth – I know, right!?!?!? God, two books I love to read back to back is Shange’s “Sassafrass, Cypress and Indigo” with Julie’s book of “Daughters of the Dust”.. the imagery runs into each other so beautifully.
I need to manifest Julie doing “Sassafrass, Cypress and Indigo” for the big screen, for real!!! lol
I read and performed a part of this play for a speech meet in highschool. It was a massive undertaking, and at 17 years old I didn’t even have the life experience to be able to relate. At 40 years of age now i think I get it.
I agree with some of the other ladies, I would have liked to see some other black actresses like Lyn Whitfield, even Debbie Allen would be a wonderful choice. So many wonderful black actresses to choose from, but we get the same ones crammed down our throats time and time again.
It’s a shame that so many classically trained actresses get pushed out because they may be less “marketable”,eg, not the right look,not enough notoriety,etc. Talent is not based on ability, but the draw of he box office.
Most definitely I am going to see this move, I am an extra in the opera scene so I will be looking for myself of course. Lol….had I not been in the movie, I would still go see it, i was too young when actual play came to Fla many yrs ago. Plus I love Tyler.
My friends were in a production of this earlier in the year and I have yet to read the book. That being said, I think it’s great that an awe inspiring cast will be portraying the story, however, I’m not sure if I’ll go see it. Personally, I get annoyed when books are turned into films. The beauty of reading a story is that each reader is allowed to create their own image of the character. A film on the other hand gives that image to you and I’m not ready for Mr.Perry’s.
Probably not. I am so over being disappointed nearly every time someone takes a book I love and turns it into a movie. Color Purple (sorry, the book was far superior), The Wedding, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Beloved….enough is enough. I just cannot imagine this play will be done justice. Janet Jackson’s involvment is enough to convince me of that. Sorry but she should’ve left acting behind when she wrapped “Good Times.”
The cast is absolutely fantastic! I will def see it if it comes out in the UK (hope it does)
Sept 08, I sent an email telling my girlfds to have a bag ready. Essence had reported that Whoopi had bought the rights to For Colored Girls and was taking it to Broadway! I had hoped Tony award winner, Sarah Jones of Bridges& Tunnel would be cast. Then last month, I had a panic attack–sent an email screaming that T.P. obtained the rights. I dont want to appear insane or overly dramatic. But, I am pleading with the theater gods-Plz dont let Tyler phuck up MY PLAY!
Sorry, but I first saw the play when I was 17yrs old in college. I went to the college production during its entire run. My friend did the monologue, “SORRY”. I felt liberated! I recall standing and holding hands as we proclaimed at the end, “I found God in myself and I loved her…I loved her fiercely!”
Please forgive me for being negative. I truly do want to celebrate that a new movie with a great black cast is coming to theaters. I want the movie to capture the heart of Ntozake’s message of empowerment and self love. For Colored girls made me think I could conquer the world. I am keeping my fingers cross-and may be asking to much, but I hope Tyler’s version of For Colored Girls will rekindle that fire and remind us of our worth without dumbing it up.
I am happy that it is finally coming to the big screen. I will be seeing it the opening weekend.
My hope is that those who do not know the book will hopefully pick it up after seeing the movie. I work with young girls and hey I’ll do anything I can to get them interested in discussing stories about women who are a reflections of themselves and their struggles, my hope is that TP aside discussions like this will be had after the movie is out about which was better the movie or the book and hopefully some discovery of how we see ourselves will happen too. Thanks for the thread.
I’m going to check it out. He has some awesome women casted. Hopefully, the acting will create a powerful movie. I’m not going to discredit Tyler – never know unless you go see it.
I have not been on this blog for a while, glad to see you are getting great comments .
I am the only person who has not seen any Tyler perry movie yet,I do not like seeing men playing females, we have seen that before.
It would be really nice if Forrest Whitaker could come back and direct the sequel.
To watch the artistic growth of the actors and his now seasoned experience as
director would make for a wonderful movie, IMO.
I’m personally waiting to see what TP does with color girls before my final verdict on him.
Ri-Ri made us a quality song in Only Girl! I can definitely tell that Rhi has got a hit era comingup and I will surely download that album.
I would never watch this film. TP has gotten wealthy and made a name for himself making sexist, crappy movies that feature tired stereotypes of black women. He lacks the social or political consciousness to grasp and interpret For Colored Girls. If TP advocated black women’s empowerment and truly respected Shange’s work, he would understand why it is important for black women to tell our own stories. He could have used his wealth and influence to bankroll the film, while giving a capable black woman filmmaker an opportunity to write and direct this adaptation. If he really valued the play, he would want to see it done justice — which requires a far more competent filmmaker than himself. However, I suppose it is unrealistic to expect TP to remove himself from the spotlight or even care about making a good film. He is not an artist, he is just a businessman.
I truly hope Tyler keeps it serious and not something “of the chittlin cuircut”. But I have hoped this in the past from him and he has lacked insight—or is just wanting the money from the low brow work he has put out. Comedy is good to have, but black filmmakers needs to get serious and tell Hollywood to take a hike…..enough with the Amos and Andy hour on the big screen.
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