Apparently I’m gonna need a new way to judge the success of my giveaways. Now I’ll need to know – did I get lots of retweets? Lots of comments? And most importantly – was there a resulting MIXTAPE?? Or TWO?
For the Caress Girls Night Out Whipped Souffle Giveaway, I asked you to leave a comment with your favorite Girls Night Out song. Well 161 of you responded. And the answers were SO inspiring, that I reached out to the Mixtress of R&B – the one and only DJ Diva. We HAD to make an official Girls Night Out mixtape, with as many of your suggestions as possible!
So here it is, ladies – I dare you NOT to get down to some major chair dancing at work today if you listen to this in your office!
Click here to listen to the official DJ Diva/Afrobella Girls Night Out mixtape!
And if you want to download and add this to your iTunes, click here to buy DJ Diva’s mix now!
I had these plans in the works with DJ Diva, and then Sweet Allure contacted me through Twitter with a GNO mixtape of her own!! OMG it’s raining mixtapes!
Click here to get Sweet Allure’s mixtape!
Both mixes are HOT and different and great for setting the mood for a night on the town. So ENJOY!!
And so without any further ado, the winners of the Caress Giveaway –
– Leslie C
– KindredSmile
– LiaW
– Daree
– Crystal G
– and the GRAND prize winner, Mzmillion.
Thanks again to my friends at Caress for the AWESOME giveaway, thanks to all of YOU for the awesome comments, and thanks to DJ Diva for her sick mix! I can’t wait to go out this weekend and jam to this while I get ready!
Click that button to buy DJ Diva’s Girls Night Out mix for just 99 cents.
If you didn’t win this time – you KNOW there’s another giveaway around the corner, so please keep reading and commenting!

I WON!!!!! YES!!!! OMG, today is the best day…… I told ya’ll, you can’t go wrong with Cyndi Lauper!!!!!!
thank u soo much bella… ur blog is the best
OMGAHHH **jazz hands** I’m so excited! Thanks Bella and Caress! You rock my socks!
I won!! That’s so awesome, thank you! I’m thrilled and thoroughly delighted.
Me too, yay!
Thanks so much!!!!!!!! I don’t think I’ve won a contest ever!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to the other winners!
Congratz to all the winners…. and good look afrobella on the mixtapes.
oh yes it’s ladies night and the feeling right oh yes it’s ladies night oh what a night. me and ny girls can do this and really enjoy it and be thankful