Allow me to get personal for a moment. Today has been an emotional rollercoaster.
Between worrying about assignments I’m behind on, deadlines I’m drowning in, and finding an affordable, comfortable place to stay in New York for Fashion Week – it’s all been killing my joie de vivre.
But this morning I woke up to AMAZING news. Yours truly has been included on a most impressive list, calculated by the folks at Black Web 2.0. I’m #80 on the list of the 100 Most Powerful Black Women on Twitter!
I know! I can’t even believe it myself. There I am, right behind India Arie, Tichina Arnold, Soledad O’Brien, and Queen Latifah. Whaaaaaat???
Judging from some of the response I’ve seen on Twitter, not everyone is happy about this list. In fact, some people are mad. But the results were tabulated using Klout and Twittergrader, so it’s not like the results came from anyone with a bias or agenda. Which explains the celebrity-heavy top half of the list – like it or not, these are women who have a tremendous number of followers and online influence.
All jokes aside, I am honored and delighted to be included with so many amazing women, including my friends and inspirations @AngelOnFire, @FaraiChideya @danamo, @bevysmith @MissJia @kimcoles @jodywatley @necolebitchie and @sistertoldja – I’m in excellent company with you!
(the Brown Twitter Bird came via InnyVinny‘s amazing site and was discovered via @BabylonSista by @thatladyj!)

WOW! That’s incredible. That goes to show you that not only superstars have influence. We can find influental women of color everywhere.
Ok, that “haters gone hate” animated gave me life. I didn’t know it was animated til I clicked on it…I’mma have to use that with SOMEthing. And good for you, Bella!
Yeh!!!! 🙂 Congrats! I have to agree that you are influential at the very least your blog comes up 3x a month in random conversation among my friends or other women of color I talk to. Glad to see a Trini in the mix(not that it should matter)
What an incredible honor! In spite of the fact that I have never met you, I feel SO PROUD!
That’s awesome! Congratz!
Congrats, Bella!
Congrats!! 🙂
What a honor!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you!
Congratulations Bella!!!
Congratulations; I’m happy for you. Ignore the haters.
CONGRATS! Although, we’ve never met I feel a kinship through your writing. I love your vision to inspire women of color to celebrate our beauty. I am very proud of you and pray continued success in all your endeavors. This is just one of many awards coming your way. Stealing a line from Pastor TD Jakes, “Get ready! Get ready! Get Ready!”
Keep on! Your light shines brightly and all is well.
It’s well deserved!
Congrats, honeycake!
Go Bella !,Go Bella !!,Go Bella !!,Go Bella !!,Go Bella !!,Go Bella !!,Go Bella !!,Go Bella !!, its ya birthday…Go Bella !!,Go Bella !!,
Congrats Afrobella!!!
Congratulations, and thank you for writing such and inspiring piece in the midst of craziness! Thank you for still taking the time to share your journey with us!!!
Congrats! and so well deserved! I can’t wait for the Afrobella app for mobiles to be developed!
Congrats Bella!
Well deserved, Bella. =D
Lady you grind much too hard to not be on anyone’s top anything list. I am always in awe of your prowess! Stay hungry and congratulations!!!!
Bella, congrats to your pay off. Continue to strive.
Congrats, Bella!!!
You deserve it! Shine on Bella!
Real proud of you. Congrats
wow that’s actually super cool, congrats!
It is deserving for someone so talented, yet works so hard. Keep enjoying your work and life in general.
I was just about to tell you that you were on the list but I saw this post. hehe.
Congrats doll!
Wanted to give you your raise your voice with the pit in the sun’s rays, good information and facts. Very much prized.