Last week’s special anniversary giveaway, offered by Shari Neal’s awesome new teeshirt line Bon Bon Vie…WOW, y’all! What a tremendous response!
We got 63 comments! SO many creative and fun and inspiring answers!
Shari stepped up and helped to choose three random winners. And without further ado those winners are:
Atiya, who says “I love both shirts but am in love with the reverse brown skin tee! It feels like it represents for all the light skin folks like myself. We’re all beautiful brown skin ladies, no matter what shade of brown we are in!”
Natalie, who wrote a POEM!
“Oh. My. Goodness. I was just looking at the Bon Vie website last night, and the “Brown Skin Lady” tee is the exact one I wanted. So excited to see this giveaway!
I want the brown skin lady tee. We brown skin ladies are truly beautiful — no matter our shade. So I penned this little poem to celebrate all that we are:
Brown skin ladies got heart
Got soul
With earth’s warm fire
Shut up in her bones
Sweet like HONEY
With a MOCHA twist
Working PEANUT BUTTER thighs
Pumping EBONY fists
Shaking CAPPUCCINO hips
Wiggling SEPIA toes
Wiping VANILLA brows
Crinkling CINNAMON noses
Lifting strong COFFEE arms
Waiving ESPRESSO hands
Crunching tight CHAI abs
Standing tall and TAN
Raising CARAMEL babies
Loving MAHOGANY men
Building a CHOCOLATE nation
Living life like it’s GOLDEN
Brown skin ladies got heart
Got soul
With earth’s warm fire
Shut up in her bones
© 2010”
WOW! And last but not least, Ky G who explains, “I’d love the “Rep Chi” tee because I’m originally from Chicago and recently moved to a mid-sized city in Missouri and I’m always repping Chi here missing the F-O-O-D!”
YES the food here is definitely amazing!!
Shari was kind enough to bless me with a reverse Brown Skin Lady tee of my own and I absolutely LOVE the color!! I will be rocking this well into the fall, trust and believe. Thank you Shari for making my blog anniversary week so very special!
Congratulations bellas!! Enjoy Bon Bon Vie! If you didn’t win and really really want a tee of your own, click here to buy. Bon Bon Vie tees are just $18!

Lovely teeshirts – colour and sentiment. Isn’t there a reggae song about “brown skin girl?”
Oh my goodness! I won!!!!! I really won?!!??! How cool! So glad you liked my poem! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never win but I’m no sore loser. Off to the website I go!!!!
Awwwww SWEET!!! *shedding a single tear of joy* Thank you Afrobella and Bon Bon Vie!
congrats everyone!! Im glad she has some plus sizes in stock!!!
How do we collect the t-shirt? Will someone email us? I’ve been waiting to hear about the next steps, but I haven’t yet.
How cool! I won. I am so excited to get this tee! Trust me I’m gonna rock it!!!
And thank you Afrobella and Bon Bon Vie! I guess you’ll be emailing me, perhaps? lol
Hey ladies!!! This week has been CRAZY! Your e mails are in the hands of Shari, creator of Bon Bon Vie. She will be in touch ASAP!!!
you are absolutely gorgeous in that photo!! *swoon*
I just bought this shirt. I love it! My only little complaint is that that they’re American Apparel, and even their 2x is super super small. I’m in the process of losing weight, so hopefully I’ll be able to rock it soon:)