Following the sad news about the death of Lena Horne and an additional sense of Monday malaise, I decided to shake the blues off with something bold, bright, and indisputably funky.
Then moments after this photo was taken, I managed to bend my fingernail all the way back and break the nail in the middle of my nail bed. YES that hurt as much as you think it would have. And that was just the beginning of a Murphy’s Law kind of day. So forgive me for posting my Monday mani on Tuesday.
China Glaze’s Sun Worshiper is an undeniable neon orange. In the past I may have shyed away from such a color, but I was inspired by my amiga Claire of The Fashion Bomb, who recently painted her nails in this color. Alas, I do not have that color, or a yellow that’s similarly deep and sunny. Instead I have uber bright neons, so I had to compromise my vision.
Sun Worshiper is part of China Glaze’s Poolside collection, and it is GUARANTEED to get you noticed.
All Lacquered Up is right — it is streaky, and you can still see your nail line after several coats. But if you love a nail color that’s visible from a block away, this is the way to go!
I also must say, different nail colors look SO different depending on skin tone. On brown skin, this color POPS. I’d love to see it on someone with even darker skin.
The color has some issues — it doesn’t last long unless you use a great top coat, and it isn’t completely opaque unless you use a coat of white creamy polish first. But if you’re looking for a shade that will make you smile every time you look at your fingertips, this could be the one. It’s $5.99 at Sally Beauty Supply.
It’s kitty approved!
What do you think bellas — too crazy? Or do you love it, and say the brighter the better? I think I’ll do something more demure next week. For now, this is FUN!

i love that color! but it kinda looks more mustardy to me in these pics so maybe thats why? i cant se emyself wearing tru neon orange….
and i do agree…it needs maybe a white base coat first. nail line is not cool….
Link to pictures of Lena:
Kitty loves this color. I can see it in Kitty’s eyes.
Take care
I’m really into bright nail colors. I usually wear pretty muted colors in clothing, and I go buck wild on my fingers and toes. This weekend, I bought two from OPI’s “Shrek” collection. No kiddin: SHREK!
I’m going to change my “Suzi sez Feng Shui” (med blue from the Hong Kong collection) tonight to “Who the Shrek Are You?” (bright acid green). I also bought Funkey Dunkey (med purple). Check out the “Try On this Color” page at the OPI site to see the colors…!
I looooooove this on you, Bella! I so need to snag these. The next color I want you to try is OPI’s Who The Shrek Are You. It’s awesome!
I am usually a french manicure, beige, whisper-pink, nude kinda girl. Going wild for me, in terms of nail polish, is wearing red! After having “eye jealousy” over loud neon colors on others (I would tell myself that at 33, I’m too old for THAT color), I finally threw caution to the wind and donned a hot pink that I adore. OPI’s “La Paz-itively Hot” is absolutely fun and fabulous and I am SOLD on BOLD! Next on deck: OPI’s “In My Back Pocket”!
kitty seems very impressed! Love the color and the cat ;-). Hopefully I can find this color @ ebay…it would be perfect for my next pedi…..
I heart your manicure!
but am sorry that you went through such pain.
Cute color! I’ve been doing a lot of bright colors recently, but I haven’t stepped into the oranges yet. Thanks!
I LOVE THIS COLOR!!!!! Oh Lawd OPI. Please do not do this to me. A sista is serious about her budget! 🙂
I like that color because its not really yellow. I need some new colors too so this is a must have for the summer!
For a min. I thought you painted kitty’s nails!
I’m treating myself to a long overdue mani/pedi tonight and think I’ll try something bold and fun.
OMG, that is SUPER cute. I’ve been lookin’ for an Asian-inspired yellowish gold and I think that may be the one. I am on a bright-colored nails kick right now (you’d never know just a little over a year ago, I refused to wear nail polish) and I’m salivating @ that color!
Love the color, and what a great suggestion to start with a coat of white! I’m also gonna try the Shrek collection – thanks, Kat!
Im currently rocking a orange shade on my feet . Bright shades + brown skin= Love . Im looking for a true yellow and a nice turquoise . Off to sally’s i go
I’m not a fan of the color, but I like your boldness. AND I laughed so hard about the nail breakage. NOT at the expense of your pain,but at how your words conjured up wonderful imagery.
I hope this monday is better than the last.
I go back and forth between subtle or conventional colors and brazen ones. It’s a mood thing. Women with dark skin can get away with bold colors or look elegant with more subtle colors. Honey, we got it all!
Also, I’ve notice that metallic colors often have more staying power than matte ones, even if they’re inexpensive.
Ever since I’ve found this site, I’ve been wearing bright colored polish!
Today’s color is neon green on my toes. Wish I had a photo to share 🙂
I tried this today and it was the hardest polish to apply, ever! Streaky, lumpy, with a black speck out of the bottle! Also some other unidentified chunks of stuff appeared, small bits of grit. But persistence paid off and I got three coats on. Seche Vite over the top to get rid of the chalky matte finish and it looks acceptable, but with a few bald-ish spots. It is nice on my dark olive skin tone, as are most orange colors (my fave).
This color does leave vnl with three coats, but non nail-obsessives won’t notice. They will just say WOW WTF with that color? Crazy bright and fun. You are never too old for this color! I mean to say, who is the final arbiter of taste and preference? Who can say what makes you feel GOOD? Love it on you, enjoy it!